On the basis of the criteria set out in paragraph, it may also be determined whether the nature
of a solution or mixture mentioned by name or containing a substance mentioned by name is such that
the solution or mixture is not subject to the provisions for this class.
Substances, solutions and mixtures, which are not classified as corrosive to skin or metal of category 1
according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/20083 may be considered as substances not belonging to
Class 8.
NOTE: UN No. 1910 calcium oxide and UN No. 2812 sodium aluminate, listed in the UN Model
Regulations, are not subject to the provisions of ADR.
Substances not accepted for carriage
Chemically unstable substances of Class 8 shall not be accepted for carriage unless the necessary
precautions have been taken to prevent the possibility of a dangerous decomposition or
polymerization under normal conditions of carriage. For the precautions necessary to prevent
polymerization, see special provision 386 of Chapter 3.3. To this end particular care shall be taken to
ensure that receptacles and tanks do not contain any substances liable to promote these reactions.
The following substances shall not be accepted for carriage:
- chemically unstable mixtures of spent sulphuric acid;
- chemically unstable mixtures of nitrating acid or mixtures of residual sulphuric and nitric
acids, not denitrated;
- perchloric acid aqueous solution with more than 72% pure acid, by mass, or mixtures of
perchloric acid with any liquid other than water.
3 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on
classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing Directive 67/548/EEC and
1999/45/EC; and amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, published in the Official Journal of the European Union,
L 353, 31 December 2008, p 1-1355.
List of collective entries
Corrosive substances without subsidiary risk and articles containing such substances

Corrosive substances with subsidiary risk(s) and articles containing such substances
a Mixtures of solids which are not subject to the provisions of ADR and of corrosive liquids may be carried under
UN No. 3244 without being subject to the classification criteria of Class 8, provided there is no free liquid visible at the
time the substance is loaded or at the time the packaging, container or transport unit is closed. Each packaging shall
correspond to a design type which has passed the leakproofness test for Packing group II level.
b Chlorosilanes which, in contact with water or moist air, emit flammable gases, are substances of Class 4.3.
c Chloroformates having predominantly toxic properties are substances of Class 6.1.
d Corrosive substances which are highly toxic by inhalation, as defined in to are substances
of Class 6.1.
substances of Class 6.1.
Class 9 Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles
The heading of Class 9 covers substances and articles which, during carriage, present a danger not
covered by the heading of other classes.
The substances and articles of Class 9 are subdivided as follows:
M1 Substances which, on inhalation as fine dust, may endanger health;
M2 Substances and articles which, in the event of fire, may form dioxins;
M3 Substances evolving flammable vapour;
M4 Lithium batteries;
M5 Life-saving appliances;
M6-M8 Environmentally hazardous substances:
M6 Pollutant to the aquatic environment, liquid;
M7 Pollutant to the aquatic environment, solid;
M8 Genetically modified microorganisms and organisms;
M9-M10 Elevated temperature substances:
M9 Liquid;
M10 Solid;
M11 Other substances and articles presenting a danger during carriage, but not meeting the
definitions of another class.
Definitions and classification
Substances and articles classified in Class 9 are listed in Table A of Chapter 3.2. The assignment of
substances and articles not mentioned by name in Table A of Chapter 3.2 to the relevant entry of that
Table or of sub-section shall be done in accordance with to below.
Substances which, on inhalation as fine dust, may endanger health
Substances which, on inhalation as fine dust, may endanger health include asbestos and mixtures
containing asbestos.
Substances and articles which, in the event of fire, may form dioxins
Substances and articles which, in the event of fire, may form dioxins include polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs) and terphenyls (PCTs) and polyhalogenated biphenyls and terphenyls and mixtures
containing these substances, as well as articles such as transformers, condensers and articles
containing those substances or mixtures.
NOTE: Mixtures with a PCB or PCT content of not more than 50 mg/kg are not subject to the
provisions of ADR.
Substances evolving flammable vapour
Substances evolving flammable vapour include polymers containing flammable liquids with a flashpoint
not exceeding 55 °C.
Lithium batteries
Lithium batteries shall meet the following requirements, except when otherwise provided for in ADR
(e.g. for prototype batteries and small production runs under special provision 310 or damaged
batteries under special provision 376).
Cells and batteries, cells and batteries contained in equipment, or cells and batteries packed with
equipment, containing lithium in any form shall be assigned to UN Nos. 3090, 3091, 3480 or 3481 as
appropriate. They may be carried under these entries if they meet the following provisions:
(a) Each cell or battery is of the type proved to meet the requirements of each test of the
Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, sub-section 38.3;
NOTE: Batteries shall be of a type proved to meet the testing requirements of the
Manual of Tests and Criteria, part III, sub-section 38.3, irrespective of whether the cells of
which they are composed are of a tested type.
(b) Each cell and battery incorporates a safety venting device or is designed to preclude a
violent rupture under normal conditions of carriage;
(c) Each cell and battery is equipped with an effective means of preventing external short
(d) Each battery containing cells or series of cells connected in parallel is equipped with
effective means as necessary to prevent dangerous reverse current flow (e.g., diodes, fuses,
(e) Cells and batteries shall be manufactured under a quality management programme that
(i) A description of the organizational structure and responsibilities of personnel with
regard to design and product quality;
(ii) The relevant inspection and test, quality control, quality assurance, and process
operation instructions that will be used;
(iii) Process controls that should include relevant activities to prevent and detect internal
short circuit failure during manufacture of cells;
(iv) Quality records, such as inspection reports, test data, calibration data and certificates.
Test data shall be kept and made available to the competent authority upon request;
(v) Management reviews to ensure the effective operation of the quality management
(vi) A process for control of documents and their revision;
(vii) A means for control of cells or batteries that are not conforming to the type tested as
mentioned in (a) above;
(viii) Training programmes and qualification procedures for relevant personnel; and
(ix) Procedures to ensure that there is no damage to the final product.
NOTE: In house quality management programmes may be accepted. Third party
certification is not required, but the procedures listed in (i) to (ix) above shall be properly
recorded and traceable. A copy of the quality management programme shall be made
available to the competent authority upon request.
Lithium batteries are not subject to the provisions of ADR if they meet the requirements of special
provision 188 of Chapter 3.3.
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