When Column (6) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 indicates that a special provision is relevant to a
substance or article, the meaning and requirements of that special provision are as set forth below.
Where a special provision includes a requirement for package marking, the provisions of (a)
and (b) shall be met. If the required mark is in the form of specific wording indicated in quotation
marks, such as "Damaged Lithium Batteries", the size of the mark shall be at least 12 mm, unless
otherwise indicated in the special provision or elsewhere in ADR.
16 Samples of new or existing explosive substances or articles may be carried as directed by the
competent authorities (see for purposes including: testing, classification, research
and development, quality control, or as a commercial sample. Explosive samples which are not
wetted or desensitized shall be limited to 10 kg in small packages as specified by the
competent authorities. Explosive samples which are wetted or desensitized shall be limited to
25 kg.
23 Even though this substance has a flammability hazard, it only exhibits such hazard under
extreme fire conditions in confined areas.
32 This substance is not subject to the requirements of ADR when in any other form.
37 This substance is not subject to the requirements of ADR when coated.
38 This substance is not subject to the requirements of ADR when it contains not more than 0.1%
calcium carbide.
39 This substance is not subject to the requirements of ADR when it contains less than 30% or not
less than 90% silicon.
43 When offered for carriage as pesticides, these substances shall be carried under the relevant
pesticide entry and in accordance with the relevant pesticide provisions (see to
45 Antimony sulphides and oxides which contain not more than 0.5% of arsenic calculated on the
total mass are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
47 Ferricyanides and ferrocyanides are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
48 The carriage of this substance, when it contains more than 20% hydrocyanic acid, is
59 These substances are not subject to the requirements of ADR when they contain not more
than 50% magnesium.
60 If the concentration is more than 72%, the carriage of this substance is prohibited.
61 The technical name which shall supplement the proper shipping name shall be the ISO
common name (see also ISO 1750:1981 "Pesticides and other agrochemicals - common
names", as amended), other name listed in the WHO "Recommended Classification of
Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification" or the name of the active substance
(see also and
62 This substance is not subject to the requirements of ADR when it contains not more than 4%
sodium hydroxide.
65 Hydrogen peroxide aqueous solutions with less than 8% hydrogen peroxide are not subject to
the requirements of ADR.
66 Cinnabar is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
103 The carriage of ammonium nitrites and mixtures of an inorganic nitrite with an ammonium salt
is prohibited.
105 Nitrocellulose meeting the descriptions of UN No. 2556 or UN No. 2557 may be classified in
Class 4.1.
113 The carriage of chemically unstable mixtures is prohibited.
119 Refrigerating machines include machines or other appliances which have been designed for the
specific purpose of keeping food or other items at a low temperature in an internal
compartment, and air conditioning units. Refrigerating machines and refrigerating machine
components are not subject to the provisions of ADR if they contain less than 12 kg of gas in
Class 2, group A or O according to, or if they contain less than 12 litres ammonia
solution (UN No. 2672).
122 The subsidiary risks, control and emergency temperatures if any, and the UN number (generic
entry) for each of the currently assigned organic peroxide formulations are given in, packing instruction IBC520 and portable tank instruction T23.
123 (Reserved)
127 Other inert material or inert material mixture may be used, provided this inert material has
identical phlegmatizing properties.
131 The phlegmatized substance shall be significantly less sensitive than dry PETN.
135 The dihydrated sodium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid does not meet the criteria for inclusion
in Class 5.1 and is not subject to ADR unless meeting the criteria for inclusion in another
138 p-Bromobenzyl cyanide is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
141 Products which have undergone sufficient heat treatment so that they present no hazard during
carriage are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
142 Solvent extracted soya bean meal containing not more than 1.5% oil and 11% moisture, which
is substantially free of flammable solvent, is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
144 An aqueous solution containing not more than 24% alcohol by volume is not subject to the
requirements of ADR.
145 Alcoholic beverages of packing group III, when carried in receptacles of 250 litres or less, are
not subject to the requirements of ADR.
152 The classification of this substance will vary with particle size and packaging, but borderlines
have not been experimentally determined. Appropriate classifications shall be made in
accordance with 2.2.1.
153 This entry applies only if it is demonstrated, on the basis of tests, that the substances when in
contact with water are not combustible nor show a tendency to auto-ignition and that the
mixture of gases evolved is not flammable.
162 (Deleted)
163 A substance mentioned by name in Table A of Chapter 3.2 shall not be carried under this entry.
Substances carried under this entry may contain 20% or less nitrocellulose provided the
nitrocellulose contains not more than 12.6% nitrogen (by dry mass).
168 Asbestos which is immersed or fixed in a natural or artificial binder (such as cement, plastics,
asphalt, resins or mineral ore) in such a way that no escape of hazardous quantities of
respirable asbestos fibres can occur during carriage is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
Manufactured articles containing asbestos and not meeting this provision are nevertheless not
subject to the requirements of ADR when packed so that no escape of hazardous quantities of
respirable asbestos fibres can occur during carriage.
169 Phthalic anhydride in the solid state and tetrahydrophthalic anhydrides, with not more
than 0.05% maleic anhydride, are not subject to the requirements of ADR. Phthalic anhydride
molten at a temperature above its flash-point, with not more than 0.05% maleic anhydride,
shall be classified under UN No. 3256.
172 Where a radioactive material has (a) subsidiary risk(s):
(a) The substance shall be allocated to packing group I, II or III, if appropriate, by
application of the packing group criteria provided in Part 2 corresponding to the nature
of the predominant subsidiary risk;
(b) Packages shall be labelled with subsidiary risk labels corresponding to each subsidiary
risk exhibited by the material; corresponding placards shall be affixed to cargo transport
units in accordance with the relevant provisions of 5.3.1;
(c) For the purposes of documentation and package marking, the proper shipping name
shall be supplemented with the name of the constituents which most predominantly
contribute to this (these) subsidiary risk(s) and which shall be enclosed in parenthesis;
(d) The dangerous goods transport document shall indicate the label model number(s)
corresponding to each subsidiary risk in parenthesis after the Class number "7" and,
where assigned the packing group as required by (d).
For packing, see also
177 Barium sulphate is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
178 This designation shall be used only when no other appropriate designation exists in Table A of
Chapter 3.2, and only with the approval of the competent authority of the country of origin (see
181 Packages containing this type of substance shall bear a label conforming to model No. 1 (see unless the competent authority of the country of origin has permitted this label to be
dispensed with for the specific packaging employed because test data have proved that the
substance in this packaging does not exhibit explosive behaviour (see
182 The group of alkali metals includes lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium.
183 The group of alkaline earth metals includes magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium.
186 In determining the ammonium nitrate content, all nitrate ions for which a molecular equivalent
of ammonium ions is present in the mixture shall be calculated as ammonium nitrate.
188 Cells and batteries offered for carriage are not subject to other provisions of ADR if they meet
the following:
(a) For a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell, the lithium content is not more than 1 g, and
for a lithium ion cell, the Watt-hour rating is not more than 20 Wh;
(b) For a lithium metal or lithium alloy battery the aggregate lithium content is not more
than 2 g, and for a lithium ion battery, the Watt-hour rating is not more than 100 Wh.
Lithium ion batteries subject to this provision shall be marked with the Watt-hour rating
on the outside case, except those manufactured before 1 January 2009;
(c) Each cell or battery meets the provisions of (a) and (e);
(d) Cells and batteries, except when installed in equipment, shall be packed in inner
packagings that completely enclose the cell or battery. Cells and batteries shall be
protected so as to prevent short circuits. This includes protection against contact with
conductive materials within the same packaging that could lead to a short circuit. The
inner packagings shall be packed in strong outer packagings which conform to the
provisions of, and;
(e) Cells and batteries when installed in equipment shall be protected from damage and
short circuit, and the equipment shall be equipped with an effective means of preventing
accidental activation. This requirement does not apply to devices which are
intentionally active in carriage (radio frequency identification (RFID) transmitters,
watches, sensors, etc.) and which are not capable of generating a dangerous evolution of
heat. When batteries are installed in equipment, the equipment shall be packed in strong
outer packagings constructed of suitable material of adequate strength and design in
relation to the packaging’s capacity and its intended use unless the battery is afforded
equivalent protection by the equipment in which it is contained;
(f) Each package shall be marked with the appropriate lithium battery mark, as illustrated
This requirement does not apply to:
(i) Packages containing only button cell batteries installed in equipment (including
circuit boards); and
(ii) Packages containing no more than four cells or two batteries installed in
equipment, where there are not more than two packages in the consignment;
(g) Except when batteries are installed in equipment, each package shall be capable of
withstanding a 1.2 m drop test in any orientation without damage to cells or batteries
contained therein, without shifting of the contents so as to allow battery to battery (or
cell to cell) contact and without release of contents; and
(h) Except when batteries are installed in or packed with equipment, packages shall not
exceed 30 kg gross mass.
As used above and elsewhere in ADR, "lithium content" means the mass of lithium in the
anode of a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell.
Separate entries exist for lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries to facilitate the
carriage of these batteries for specific modes of carriage and to enable the application of
different emergency response actions.
A single cell battery as defined in Part III, sub-section of the Manual of Tests and
Criteria is considered a "cell" and shall be carried according to the requirements for "cells" for
the purpose of this special provision.
190 Aerosol dispensers shall be provided with protection against inadvertent discharge. Aerosols
with a capacity not exceeding 50 ml containing only non-toxic constituents are not subject to
the requirements of ADR.
191 Receptacles, small, with a capacity not exceeding 50 ml, containing only non-toxic
constituents are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
194 The control and emergency temperatures, if any, and the UN number (generic entry) for each
of the currently assigned self-reactive substances are given in
196 Formulations which in laboratory testing neither detonate in the cavitated state nor deflagrate,
which show no effect when heated under confinement and which exhibit no explosive power
may be carried under this entry. The formulation must also be thermally stable (i.e. the SADT
is 60 °C or higher for a 50 kg package). Formulations not meeting these criteria shall be carried
under the provisions of Class 5.2, (see
198 Nitrocellulose solutions containing not more than 20% nitrocellulose may be carried as paint,
perfumery products or printing ink, as applicable (see UN Nos. 1210, 1263, 1266, 3066, 3469
and 3470).
199 Lead compounds which, when mixed in a ratio of 1:1000 with 0.07M hydrochloric acid and
stirred for one hour at a temperature of 23 °C ± 2 °C, exhibit a solubility of 5% or less (see
ISO 3711:1990 "Lead chromate pigments and lead chromate -molybdate pigments –
Specifications and methods of test") are considered insoluble and are not subject to the
requirements of ADR unless they meet the criteria for inclusion in another class.
201 Lighters and lighter refills shall comply with the provisions of the country in which they were
filled. They shall be provided with protection against inadvertent discharge. The liquid
portion of the gas shall not exceed 85% of the capacity of the receptacle at 15 °C. The
receptacles, including the closures, shall be capable of withstanding an internal pressure of
twice the pressure of the liquefied petroleum gas at 55 °C. The valve mechanisms and ignition
devices shall be securely sealed, taped or otherwise fastened or designed to prevent operation
or leakage of the contents during carriage. Lighters shall not contain more than 10 g of
liquefied petroleum gas. Lighter refills shall not contain more than 65 g of liquefied petroleum
NOTE: For waste lighters collected separately see Chapter 3.3, special provision 654.
203 This entry shall not be used for polychlorinated biphenyls, liquid, UN No. 2315 and
polychlorinated biphenyls, solid, UN No.3432.
204 (Deleted)
205 This entry shall not be used for UN No. 3155 PENTACHLOROPHENOL.
207 Plastics moulding compounds may be made from polystyrene, poly(methyl methacrylate) or
other polymeric material.
208 The commercial grade of calcium nitrate fertilizer, when consisting mainly of a double salt
(calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate) containing not more than 10% ammonium nitrate and
at least 12% water of crystallization, is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
210 Toxins from plant, animal or bacterial sources which contain infectious substances, or toxins
that are contained in infectious substances, shall be classified in Class 6.2.
215 This entry only applies to the technically pure substance or to formulations derived from it
having an SADT higher than 75 °C and therefore does not apply to formulations which are
self-reactive substances (for self-reactive substances, see Homogeneous mixtures
containing not more than 35% by mass of azodicarbonamide and at least 65% of inert
substance are not subject to the requirements of ADR unless criteria of other classes are met.
216 Mixtures of solids which are not subject to the requirements of ADR and flammable liquids
may be carried under this entry without first applying the classification criteria of Class 4.1,
provided there is no free liquid visible at the time the substance is loaded or at the time the
packaging or cargo transport unit is closed. Sealed packets and articles containing less than
10 ml of a packing group II or III flammable liquid absorbed into a solid material are not
subject to ADR provided there is no free liquid in the packet or article.
217 Mixtures of solids which are not subject to the requirements of ADR and toxic liquids may be
carried under this entry without first applying the classification criteria of Class 6.1, provided
there is no free liquid visible at the time the substance is loaded or at the time the packaging or
cargo transport unit is closed. This entry shall not be used for solids containing a packing
group I liquid.
218 Mixtures of solids which are not subject to the requirements of ADR and corrosive liquids may
be carried under this entry without first applying the classification criteria of Class 8, provided
there is no free liquid visible at the time the substance is loaded or at the time the packaging or
cargo transport unit is closed.
219 Genetically modified microorganisms (GMMOs) and genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
packed and marked in accordance with packing instruction P904 of are not subject to
any other requirements of ADR.
If GMMOs or GMOs meet the criteria for inclusion in Class 6.1 or 6.2 (see and the requirements in ADR for the carriage of toxic substances or infectious substances
220 Only the technical name of the flammable liquid component of this solution or mixture shall be
shown in parentheses immediately following the proper shipping name.
221 Substances included under this entry shall not be of packing group I.
224 Unless it can be demonstrated by testing that the sensitivity of the substance in its frozen state
is no greater than in its liquid state, the substance shall remain liquid during normal transport
conditions. It shall not freeze at temperatures above -15 °C.
225 Fire extinguishers under this entry may include installed actuating cartridges (cartridges, power
device of classification code 1.4C or 1.4S), without changing the classification of Class 2,
group A or O according to provided the total quantity of deflagrating (propellant)
explosives does not exceed 3.2 g per extinguishing unit. Fire extinguishers shall be
manufactured, tested, approved and labelled according to the provisions applied in the country
of manufacture.
NOTE: "Provisions applied in the country of manufacture" means the provisions applicable
in the country of manufacture or those applicable in the country of use.
Fire extinguishers under this entry include:
(a) portable fire extinguishers for manual handling and operation;
(b) fire extinguishers for installation in aircraft;
(c) fire extinguishers mounted on wheels for manual handling;
(d) fire extinguishing equipment or machinery mounted on wheels or wheeled platforms or
units carried similar to (small) trailers, and
(e) fire extinguishers composed of a non-rollable pressure drum and equipment, and
handled e.g. by fork lift or crane when loaded or unloaded.
NOTE: Pressure receptacles which contain gases for use in the above-mentioned fire
extinguishers or for use in stationary fire-fighting installations shall meet the requirements of
Chapter 6.2 and all requirements applicable to the relevant dangerous goods when these
pressure receptacles are carried separately.
226 Formulations of this substance containing not less than 30% non-volatile, non-flammable
phlegmatizer are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
227 When phlegmatized with water and inorganic inert material the content of urea nitrate may not
exceed 75% by mass and the mixture shall not be capable of being detonated by the Series 1,
type (a), test in the Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part 1.
228 Mixtures not meeting the criteria for flammable gases (see shall be carried under
UN No. 3163.
230 Lithium cells and batteries may be carried under this entry if they meet the provisions of
235 This entry applies to articles which contain Class 1 explosive substances and which may also
contain dangerous goods of other classes. These articles are used to enhance safety in vehicles,
vessels or aircraft – e.g. air bag inflators, air bag modules, seat-belt pretensioners, and
pyromechanical devices.
236 Polyester resin kits consist of two components: a base material (either Class 3 or Class 4.1,
packing group II or III) and an activator (organic peroxide). The organic peroxide shall be type
D, E, or F, not requiring temperature control. The packing group shall be II or III, according to
the criteria of either Class 3 or Class 4.1, as appropriate, applied to the base material. The
quantity limit shown in column (7a) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 applies to the base material.
237 The membrane filters, including paper separators, coating or backing materials, etc., that are
present in carriage, shall not be liable to propagate a detonation as tested by one of the tests
described in the Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I, Test series 1 (a).
In addition the competent authority may determine, on the basis of the results of suitable
burning rate tests taking account of the standard tests in the Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part
III, sub-section 33.2.1, that nitrocellulose membrane filters in the form in which they are to be
carried are not subject to the requirements applicable to flammable solids in Class 4.1.
238 (a) Batteries can be considered as non-spillable provided that they are capable of
withstanding the vibration and pressure differential tests given below, without leakage
of battery fluid.
Vibration test: The battery is rigidly clamped to the platform of a vibration machine
and a simple harmonic motion having an amplitude of 0.8 mm (1.6 mm maximum total
excursion) is applied. The frequency is varied at the rate of 1 Hz/min between the limits
of 10 Hz and 55 Hz. The entire range of frequencies and return is traversed in 95 ± 5
minutes for each mounting position (direction of vibration) of the battery. The battery is
tested in three mutually perpendicular positions (to include testing with fill openings
and vents, if any, in an inverted position) for equal time periods.
Pressure differential test: Following the vibration test, the battery is stored for six
hours at 24 °C ± 4 °C while subjected to a pressure differential of at least 88 kPa. The
battery is tested in three mutually perpendicular positions (to include testing with fill
openings and vents, if any, in an inverted position) for at least six hours in each
(b) Non-spillable batteries are not subject to the requirements of ADR if, at a temperature
of 55 °C, the electrolyte will not flow from a ruptured or cracked case and there is no
free liquid to flow and if, as packaged for carriage, the terminals are protected from
short circuit.
239 Batteries or cells shall not contain dangerous substances other than sodium, sulphur or sodium
compounds (e.g. sodium polysulphides and sodium tetrachloroaluminate). Batteries or cells
shall not be offered for carriage at a temperature such that liquid elemental sodium is present in
the battery or cell unless approved and under the conditions established by the competent
authority of the country of origin. If the country of origin is not a Contracting Party to ADR,
the approval and conditions of carriage shall be recognized by the competent authority of the
first country Contracting Party to ADR reached by the consignment.
Cells shall consist of hermetically sealed metal casings which fully enclose the dangerous
substances and which are so constructed and closed as to prevent the release of the dangerous
substances under normal conditions of carriage.
Batteries shall consist of cells secured within and fully enclosed by a metal casing so
constructed and closed as to prevent the release of the dangerous substances under normal
conditions of carriage.
240 This entry only applies to vehicles powered by wet batteries, sodium batteries, lithium metal
batteries or lithium ion batteries and equipment powered by wet batteries or sodium batteries
carried with these batteries installed. Lithium batteries shall meet the requirements of,
except as otherwise provided for in special provision 667.
For the purpose of this special provision, vehicles are self-propelled apparatus designed to
carry one or more persons or goods. Examples of such vehicles are electrically-powered cars,
motorcycles, scooters, three- and four-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles, trucks, locomotives,
bicycles (pedal cycles with an electric motor) and other vehicles of this type (e.g. selfbalancing
vehicles or vehicles not equipped with at least one seating position), wheel chairs,
lawn tractors, self-propelled farming and construction equipment, boats and aircraft. This
includes vehicles carried in a packaging. In this case some parts of the vehicle may be detached
from its frame to fit into the packaging.
Examples of equipment are lawnmowers, cleaning machines or model boats and model
aircraft. Equipment powered by lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries shall be
assigned to the entries UN 3091 LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES CONTAINED IN
vehicles powered by both an internal combustion engine and wet batteries, sodium batteries,
lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries, carried with the battery(ies) installed shall be
assigned to the entries UN 3166 VEHICLE, FLAMMABLE GAS POWERED or UN 3166
VEHICLE, FLAMMABLE LIQUID POWERED, as appropriate. Vehicles which contain a
fuel cell shall be assigned to the entries UN 3166 VEHICLE, FUEL CELL, FLAMMABLE
as appropriate.
Vehicles may contain other dangerous goods than batteries (e.g. fire extinguishers, compressed
gas accumulators or safety devices) required for their functioning or safe operation without
being subject to any additional requirements for these other dangerous goods, unless otherwise
specified in ADR.
241 The formulation shall be prepared so that it remains homogeneous and does not separate during
carriage. Formulations with low nitrocellulose contents and not showing dangerous properties
when tested for their liability to detonate, deflagrate or explode when heated under defined
confinement by tests of Test series 1 (a), 2 (b) and 2 (c) respectively in the Manual of Tests and
Criteria, Part I and not being a flammable solid when tested in accordance with test No. 1 in
the Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, sub-section (chips, if necessary, crushed
and sieved to a particle size of less than 1.25 mm) are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
242 Sulphur is not subject to the requirements of ADR when it has been formed to a specific shape
(e.g. prills, granules, pellets, pastilles or flakes).
243 Gasoline, motor spirit and petrol for use in spark-ignition engines (e.g. in automobiles,
stationary engines and other engines) shall be assigned to this entry regardless of variations in
244 This entry includes e.g. aluminium dross, aluminium skimmings, spent cathodes, spent
potliner, and aluminium salt slags.
247 Alcoholic beverages containing more than 24% alcohol but not more than 70% by volume,
when carried as part of the manufacturing process, may be carried in wooden barrels with a
capacity of more than 250 litres and not more than 500 litres meeting the general requirements
of 4.1.1, as appropriate, on the following conditions:
(a) The wooden barrels shall be checked and tightened before filling;
(b) Sufficient ullage (not less than 3%) shall be left to allow for the expansion of the liquid;
(c) The wooden barrels shall be carried with the bungholes pointing upwards;
(d) The wooden barrels shall be carried in containers meeting the requirements of the CSC.
Each wooden barrel shall be secured in custom-made cradles and be wedged by
appropriate means to prevent it from being displaced in any way during carriage.
249 Ferrocerium, stabilized against corrosion, with a minimum iron content of 10% is not subject
to the requirements of ADR.
250 This entry may only be used for samples of chemicals taken for analysis in connection with the
implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production,
Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction. The carriage of
substances under this entry shall be in accordance with the chain of custody and security
procedures specified by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.
The chemical sample may only be carried providing prior approval has been granted by the
competent authority or the Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons and providing the sample complies with the following provisions:
(a) It shall be packed according to packing instruction 623 in the ICAO Technical
Instructions (see S-3-8 of the Supplement); and
(b) During carriage, a copy of the document of approval for transport, showing the quantity
limitations and the packing provisions shall be attached to the transport document.
251 The entry CHEMICAL KIT or FIRST AID KIT is intended to apply to boxes, cases etc.
containing small quantities of various dangerous goods which are used for example for
medical, analytical or testing or repair purposes. Such kits may not contain dangerous goods
for which the quantity "0"has been indicated in Column (7a) of Table A of Chapter 3.2.
Components shall not react dangerously (see "dangerous reaction" in 1.2.1). The total quantity
of dangerous goods in any one kit shall not exceed either 1 l or 1 kg. The packing group
assigned to the kit as a whole shall be the most stringent packing group assigned to any
individual substance in the kit.
Where the kit contains only dangerous goods to which no packing group is assigned, no
packing group need be indicated on the dangerous goods transport document.
Kits which are carried on board vehicles for first-aid or operating purposes are not subject to
the requirements of ADR.
Chemical kits and first aid kits containing dangerous goods in inner packagings which do not
exceed the quantity limits for limited quantities applicable to individual substances as specified
in Column (7a) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 may be carried in accordance with Chapter 3.4.
252 Provided the ammonium nitrate remains in solution under all conditions of carriage, aqueous
solutions of ammonium nitrate, with not more than 0.2% combustible material, in a
concentration not exceeding 80%, are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
266 This substance, when containing less alcohol, water or phlegmatizer than specified, shall not be
carried unless specifically authorized by the competent authority (see
267 Any explosives, blasting, type C containing chlorates shall be segregated from explosives
containing ammonium nitrate or other ammonium salts.
270 Aqueous solutions of Class 5.1 inorganic solid nitrate substances are considered as not meeting
the criteria of Class 5.1 if the concentration of the substances in solution at the minimum
temperature encountered during carriage is not greater than 80% of the saturation limit.
271 Lactose or glucose or similar materials, may be used as a phlegmatizer provided that the
substance contains not less than 90%, by mass, of phlegmatizer. The competent authority may
authorize these mixtures to be classified in Class 4.1 on the basis of a test Series 6(c) of
Section 16 of Part I of the Manual of Tests and Criteria on at least three packages as prepared
for carriage. Mixtures containing at least 98%, by mass, of phlegmatizer are not subject to the
requirements of ADR. Packages containing mixtures with not less than 90%, by mass, of
phlegmatizer need not bear a label conforming to model No. 6.1.
272 This substance shall not be carried under the provisions of Class 4.1 unless specifically
authorized by the competent authority (see UN No. 0143 or UN No. 0150 as appropriate).
273 Maneb and maneb preparations stabilized against self-heating need not be classified in Class
4.2 when it can be demonstrated by testing that a cubic volume of 1 m3 of substance does not
self-ignite and that the temperature at the centre of the sample does not exceed 200 °C, when
the sample is maintained at a temperature of not less than 75 °C ± 2 °C for a period of 24
274 The provisions of apply.
278 These substances shall not be classified and carried unless authorized by the competent
authority on the basis of results from Series 2 tests and a Series 6(c) test of Part I of the Manual
of Tests and Criteria on packages as prepared for carriage (see The competent
authority shall assign the packing group on the basis of 2.2.3 criteria and the package type used
for the Series 6(c) test.
279 The substance is assigned to this classification or packing group based on human experience
rather than the strict application of classification criteria set out in ADR.
280 This entry applies to safety devices for vehicles, vessels or aircraft, e.g. air bag inflators, air
bag modules, seat-belt pretensioners, and pyromechanical devices, which contain dangerous
goods of Class 1 or of other classes, when carried as component parts and if these articles as
presented for carriage have been tested in accordance with Test Series 6(c) of Part 1 of the
Manual of Tests and Criteria, with no explosion of the device, no fragmentation of device
casing or pressure receptacle, and no projection hazard nor thermal effect which would
significantly hinder fire-fighting or emergency response efforts in the immediate vicinity. This
entry does not apply to life saving appliances described in special provision 296 (UN Nos.
2990 and 3072).
282 (Deleted)
283 Articles, containing gas, intended to function as shock absorbers, including impact energyabsorbing
devices, or pneumatic springs are not subject to the requirements of ADR provided:
(a) Each article has a gas space capacity not exceeding 1.6 litres and a charge pressure not
exceeding 280 bar where the product of the capacity (litres) and charge pressure (bars)
does not exceed 80 (i.e. 0.5 litres gas space and 160 bar charge pressure, 1 litre gas
space and 80 bar charge pressure, 1.6 litres gas space and 50 bar charge pressure,
0.28 litres gas space and 280 bar charge pressure);
(b) Each article has a minimum burst pressure of 4 times the charge pressure at 20 °C for
products not exceeding 0.5 litres gas space capacity and 5 times charge pressure for
products greater than 0.5 litres gas space capacity;
(c) Each article is manufactured from material which will not fragment upon rupture;
(d) Each article is manufactured in accordance with a quality assurance standard acceptable
to the competent authority; and
(e) The design type has been subjected to a fire test demonstrating that the article relieves
its pressure by means of a fire degradable seal or other pressure relief device, such that
the article will not fragment and that the article does not rocket.
See also (d) for equipment used for the operation of the vehicle.
284 An oxygen generator, chemical, containing oxidizing substances shall meet the following
(a) The generator when containing an explosive actuating device shall only be carried
under this entry when excluded from Class 1 in accordance with the NOTE under
paragraph (b);
(b) The generator, without its packaging, shall be capable of withstanding a 1.8 m drop test
onto a rigid, non-resilient, flat and horizontal surface, in the position most likely to
cause damage, without loss of its contents and without actuation;
(c) When a generator is equipped with an actuating device, it shall have at least two
positive means of preventing unintentional actuation.
286 Nitrocellulose membrane filters covered by this entry, each with a mass not exceeding 0.5 g,
are not subject to the requirements of ADR when contained individually in an article or a
sealed packet.
288 These substances shall not be classified and carried unless authorized by the competent
authority on the basis of results from Series 2 tests and a Series 6(c) test of Part I of the Manual
of tests and Criteria on packages as prepared for carriage (see
289 Safety devices, electrically initiated and safety devices, pyrotechnic installed in vehicles,
wagons, vessels or aircraft or in completed components such as steering columns, door panels,
seats, etc. are not subject to ADR.
290 When this radioactive material meets the definitions and criteria of other classes as defined in
Part 2, it shall be classified in accordance with the following:
(a) Where the substance meets the criteria for dangerous goods in excepted quantities as set
out in Chapter 3.5, the packagings shall be in accordance with 3.5.2 and meet the testing
requirements of 3.5.3. All other requirements applicable to radioactive material,
excepted packages as set out in shall apply without reference to the other class;
(b) Where the quantity exceeds the limits specified in the substance shall be
classified in accordance with the predominant subsidiary risk. The transport document
shall describe the substance with the UN number and proper shipping name applicable
to the other class supplemented with the name applicable to the radioactive excepted
package according to Column (2) of Table A of Chapter 3.2, and the substance shall be
carried in accordance with the provisions applicable to that UN number. An example of
the information shown on the transport document is:
"UN 1993, Flammable liquid, n.o.s. (ethanol and toluene mixture), Radioactive material,
excepted package – limited quantity of material, 3, PG II".
In addition, the requirements of shall apply;
(c) The provisions of Chapter 3.4 for the carriage of dangerous goods packed in limited
quantities shall not apply to substances classified in accordance with sub-paragraph (b);
(d) When the substance meets a special provision that exempts this substance from all
dangerous goods provisions of the other classes it shall be classified in accordance with
the applicable UN number of Class 7 and all requirements specified in shall
291 Flammable liquefied gases shall be contained within refrigerating machine components. These
components shall be designed and tested to at least three times the working pressure of the
machinery. The refrigerating machines shall be designed and constructed to contain the
liquefied gas and preclude the risk of bursting or cracking of the pressure retaining components
during normal conditions of carriage. Refrigerating machines and refrigerating-machine
components are not subject to the requirements of ADR if they contain less than 12 kg of gas.
292 (Deleted)
293 The following definitions apply to matches:
(a) Fusee matches are matches the heads of which are prepared with a friction-sensitive
igniter composition and a pyrotechnic composition which burns with little or no flame,
but with intense heat;
(b) Safety matches are matches which are combined with or attached to the box, book or
card that can be ignited by friction only on a prepared surface;
(c) Strike anywhere matches are matches that can be ignited by friction on a solid surface;
(d) Wax Vesta matches are matches that can be ignited by friction either on a prepared
surface or on a solid surface.
295 Batteries need not be individually marked and labelled if the pallet bears the appropriate mark
and label.
296 These entries apply to life-saving appliances such as life rafts, personal flotation devices and
self-inflating slides. UN No. 2990 applies to self-inflating appliances and UN No. 3072 applies
to life-saving appliances that are not self-inflating. Life-saving appliances may contain:
(a) Signal devices (Class 1) which may include smoke and illumination signal flares packed
in packagings that prevent them from being inadvertently activated;
(b) For UN No. 2990 only, cartridges, power device of Division 1.4, compatibility group S,
may be contained for purposes of the self-inflating mechanism and provided that the
quantity of explosives per appliance does not exceed 3.2 g;
(c) Class 2 compressed or liquefied gases, group A or O, according to;
(d) Electric storage batteries (Class 8) and lithium batteries (Class 9);
(e) First aid kits or repair kits containing small quantities of dangerous goods
(e.g.: substances of Class 3, 4.1, 5.2, 8 or 9); or
(f) "Strike anywhere" matches packed in packagings that prevent them from being
inadvertently activated.
Life-saving appliances packed in strong rigid outer packagings with a total maximum gross
mass of 40 kg, containing no dangerous goods other than compressed or liquefied gases of
Class 2, group A or group O, in receptacles with a capacity not exceeding 120 ml, installed
solely for the purpose of the activation of the appliance, are not subject to the requirements of
298 (Deleted)
300 Fish meal, fish scrap and krill meal shall not be loaded if the temperature at the time of loading
exceeds 35 °C or 5 °C above the ambient temperature whichever is higher.
302 Fumigated cargo transport units containing no other dangerous goods are only subject to the
provisions of 5.5.2.
303 Receptacles shall be assigned to the classification code of the gas or mixture of gases contained
therein determined in accordance with the provisions of section 2.2.2.
304 This entry may only be used for the transport of non-activated batteries which contain dry
potassium hydroxide and which are intended to be activated prior to use by addition of an
appropriate amount of water to the individual cells.
305 These substances are not subject to the requirements of ADR when in concentrations of not
more than 50 mg/kg.
306 This entry may only be used for substances that are too insensitive for acceptance into Class 1
when tested in accordance with Test Series 2 (see Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I).
307 This entry may only be used for uniform mixtures containing ammonium nitrate as the main
ingredient within the following composition limits:
(a) Not less than 90% ammonium nitrate with not more than 0.2% total
combustible/organic material calculated as carbon and with added matter, if any, which
is inorganic and inert towards ammonium nitrate; or
(b) Less than 90% but more than 70% ammonium nitrate with other inorganic materials or
more than 80% but less than 90% ammonium nitrate mixed with calcium carbonate
and/or dolomite and/or mineral calcium sulphate and not more than 0.4% total
combustible/organic material calculated as carbon; or
(c) Nitrogen type ammonium nitrate based fertilizers containing mixtures of ammonium
nitrate and ammonium sulphate with more than 45% but less than 70% ammonium
nitrate and not more than 0.4% total combustible/organic material calculated as carbon
such that the sum of the percentage compositions of ammonium nitrate and ammonium
sulphate exceeds 70%.
309 This entry applies to non sensitized emulsions, suspensions and gels consisting primarily of a
mixture of ammonium nitrate and fuel, intended to produce a Type E blasting explosive only
after further processing prior to use.
The mixture for emulsions typically has the following composition: 60-85% ammonium
nitrate, 5-30% water, 2-8% fuel, 0.5-4% emulsifier agent, 0-10% soluble flame suppressants,
and trace additives. Other inorganic nitrate salts may replace part of the ammonium nitrate.
The mixture for suspensions and gels typically has the following composition: 60-85%
ammonium nitrate, 0-5% sodium or potassium perchlorate, 0-17% hexamine nitrate or
monomethylamine nitrate, 5-30% water, 2-15% fuel, 0.5-4% thickening agent, 0-10% soluble
flame suppressants, and trace additives. Other inorganic nitrate salts may replace part of the
ammonium nitrate.
Substances shall satisfactorily pass Tests 8 (a), (b) and (c) of Test Series 8 of the Manual of
Tests and Criteria, Part I, Section 18 and be approved by the competent authority.
310 The testing requirements in the Manual of Tests and Criteria, part III sub-section 38.3 do not
apply to production runs, consisting of not more than 100 cells and batteries, or to preproduction
prototypes of cells and batteries when these prototypes are carried for testing when
packaged in accordance with packing instruction P910 of
The transport document shall include the following statement: "Carriage in accordance with
special provision 310".
Damaged or defective cells, batteries, or cells and batteries contained in equipment shall be
carried in accordance with special provision 376 and packaged in accordance with packing
instructions P908 of or LP904 of, as applicable.
Cells, batteries or cells and batteries contained in equipment carried for disposal or recycling
may be packaged in accordance with special provision 377 and packing instruction P909 of
311 Substances shall not be carried under this entry unless approved by the competent authority on
the basis of the results of appropriate tests according to Part I of the Manual of Tests and
Criteria. Packaging shall ensure that the percentage of diluent does not fall below that stated in
the competent authority approval, at any time during carriage.
312 Vehicles powered by a fuel cell engine shall be assigned to UN No. 3166 VEHICLE, FUEL
FLAMMABLE LIQUID POWERED, as appropriate. These entries include hybrid electric
vehicles powered by both a fuel cell and an internal combustion engine with wet batteries,
sodium batteries, lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries, carried with the battery(ies)
Other vehicles which contain an internal combustion engine shall be assigned to the entries UN
LIQUID POWERED, as appropriate. These entries include hybrid electric vehicles powered by
both an internal combustion engine and wet batteries, sodium batteries, lithium metal batteries
or lithium ion batteries, carried with the battery(ies) installed.
Lithium batteries shall meet the requirements of, except as otherwise provided for in
special provision 667.
313 (Deleted)
314 (a) These substances are liable to exothermic decomposition at elevated temperatures.
Decomposition can be initiated by heat or by impurities (e.g. powdered metals (iron,
manganese, cobalt, magnesium) and their compounds);
(b) During the course of carriage, these substances shall be shaded from direct sunlight and
all sources of heat and be placed in adequately ventilated areas.
315 This entry shall not be used for Class 6.1 substances which meet the inhalation toxicity criteria
for packing group I described in
316 This entry applies only to calcium hypochlorite, dry, when carried in non friable tablet form.
317 "Fissile-excepted" applies only to those fissile material and packages containing fissile material
which are excepted in accordance with
318 For the purposes of documentation, the proper shipping name shall be supplemented with the
technical name (see When the infectious substances to be carried are unknown, but
suspected of meeting the criteria for inclusion in Category A and assignment to UN No. 2814
or 2900, the words "suspected Category A infectious substance" shall be shown, in
parentheses, following the proper shipping name on the transport document.
319 Substances packed and packages which are marked in accordance with packing instruction
P650 are not subject to any other requirements of ADR.
320 (Deleted)
321 These storage systems shall always be considered as containing hydrogen.
322 When carried in non-friable tablet form, these goods are assigned to packing group III.
323 (Reserved)
324 This substance needs to be stabilized when in concentrations of not more than 99%.
325 In the case of non-fissile or fissile excepted uranium hexafluoride, the material shall be
classified under UN No. 2978.
326 In the case of fissile uranium hexafluoride, the material shall be classified under UN No. 2977.
327 Waste aerosols consigned in accordance with may be carried under this entry for the
purposes of reprocessing or disposal. They need not be protected against movement and
inadvertent discharge provided that measures to prevent dangerous build up of pressure and
dangerous atmospheres are addressed. Waste aerosols, other than those leaking or severely
deformed, shall be packed in accordance with packing instruction P207 and special provision
PP87, or packing instruction LP200 and special packing provision L2. Leaking or severely
deformed aerosols shall be carried in salvage packagings provided appropriate measures are
taken to ensure there is no dangerous build up of pressure.
NOTE: For maritime carriage, waste aerosols shall not be carried in closed containers.
328 This entry applies to fuel cell cartridges including when contained in equipment or packed with
equipment. Fuel cell cartridges installed in or integral to a fuel cell system are regarded as
contained in equipment. Fuel cell cartridge means an article that stores fuel for discharge into
the fuel cell through (a) valve(s) that control(s) the discharge of fuel into the fuel cell. Fuel cell
cartridges, including when contained in equipment, shall be designed and constructed to
prevent fuel leakage under normal conditions of carriage.
Fuel cell cartridge design types using liquids as fuels shall pass an internal pressure test at a
pressure of 100 kPa (gauge) without leakage.
Except for fuel cell cartridges containing hydrogen in metal hydride which shall be in
compliance with special provision 339, each fuel cell cartridge design type shall be shown to
pass a 1.2 meter drop test onto an unyielding surface in the orientation most likely to result in
failure of the containment system with no loss of contents.
When lithium metal or lithium ion batteries are contained in the fuel cell system, the
consignment shall be consigned under this entry and under the appropriate entries for UN 3091
329 (Reserved)
330 (Deleted)
331 (Reserved)
332 Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
333 Ethanol and gasoline, motor spirit or petrol mixtures for use in spark-ignition engines (e.g. in
automobiles, stationary engines and other engines) shall be assigned to this entry regardless of
variations in volatility.
334 A fuel cell cartridge may contain an activator provided it is fitted with two independent means
of preventing unintended mixing with the fuel during carriage.
335 Mixtures of solids which are not subject to the requirements of ADR and environmentally
hazardous liquids or solids shall be classified as UN 3077 and may be carried under this entry
provided there is no free liquid visible at the time the substance is loaded or at the time the
packaging or cargo transport unit is closed. Each cargo transport unit shall be leakproof when
used for carriage in bulk. If free liquid is visible at the time the mixture is loaded or at the time
the packaging or cargo transport unit is closed, the mixture shall be classified as UN 3082.
Sealed packets and articles containing less than 10 ml of an environmentally hazardous liquid,
absorbed into a solid material but with no free liquid in the packet or article, or containing less
than 10 g of an environmentally hazardous solid, are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
336 A single package of non-combustible solid LSA-II or LSA-III material, if carried by air, shall
not contain an activity greater than 3 000 A2.
337 Type B(U) and Type B(M) packages, if carried by air, shall not contain activities greater than
the following:
(a) For low dispersible radioactive material: as authorized for the package design as
specified in the certificate of approval;
(b) For special form radioactive material: 3 000 A1 or 100 000 A2, whichever is the lower;
(c) For all other radioactive material: 3 000 A2.
338 Each fuel cell cartridge carried under this entry and designed to contain a liquefied flammable
gas shall:
(a) Be capable of withstanding, without leakage or bursting, a pressure of at least two times
the equilibrium pressure of the contents at 55 ºC;
(b) Not contain more than 200 ml liquefied flammable gas, the vapour pressure of which
shall not exceed 1 000 kPa at 55 °C; and
(c) Pass the hot water bath test prescribed in
339 Fuel cell cartridges containing hydrogen in a metal hydride carried under this entry shall have a
water capacity less than or equal to 120 ml.
The pressure in the fuel cell cartridge shall not exceed 5 MPa at 55 °C. The design type shall
withstand, without leaking or bursting, a pressure of twice the design pressure of the cartridge
at 55 °C or 200 kPa more than the design pressure of the cartridge at 55 °C, whichever is
greater. The pressure at which this test is conducted is referred to in the drop test and the
hydrogen cycling test as the "minimum shell burst pressure".
Fuel cell cartridges shall be filled in accordance with procedures provided by the manufacturer.
The manufacturer shall provide the following information with each fuel cell cartridge:
(a) Inspection procedures to be carried out before initial filling and before refilling of the
fuel cell cartridge;
(b) Safety precautions and potential hazards to be aware of;
(c) Method for determining when the rated capacity has been achieved;
(d) Minimum and maximum pressure range;
(e) Minimum and maximum temperature range; and
(f) Any other requirements to be met for initial filling and refilling including the type of
equipment to be used for initial filling and refilling.
The fuel cell cartridges shall be designed and constructed to prevent fuel leakage under normal
conditions of carriage. Each cartridge design type, including cartridges integral to a fuel cell,
shall be subjected to and shall pass the following tests:
Drop test
A 1.8 metre drop test onto an unyielding surface in four different orientations:
(a) Vertically, on the end containing the shut-off valve assembly;
(b) Vertically, on the end opposite to the shut-off valve assembly;
(c) Horizontally, onto a steel apex with a diameter of 38 mm, with the steel apex in the
upward position; and
(d) At a 45° angle on the end containing the shut-off valve assembly.
There shall be no leakage, determined by using a soap bubble solution or other equivalent
means on all possible leak locations, when the cartridge is charged to its rated charging
pressure. The fuel cell cartridge shall then be hydrostatically pressurized to destruction. The
recorded burst pressure shall exceed 85% of the minimum shell burst pressure.
Fire test
A fuel cell cartridge filled to rated capacity with hydrogen shall be subjected to a fire
engulfment test. The cartridge design, which may include a vent feature integral to it, is
deemed to have passed the fire test if:
(a) The internal pressure vents to zero gauge pressure without rupture of the cartridge; or
(b) The cartridge withstands the fire for a minimum of 20 minutes without rupture.
Hydrogen cycling test
This test is intended to ensure that a fuel cell cartridge design stress limits are not exceeded
during use.
The fuel cell cartridge shall be cycled from not more than 5% rated hydrogen capacity to not
less than 95% rated hydrogen capacity and back to not more than 5% rated hydrogen capacity.
The rated charging pressure shall be used for charging and temperatures shall be held within
the operating temperature range. The cycling shall be continued for at least 100 cycles.
Following the cycling test, the fuel cell cartridge shall be charged and the water volume
displaced by the cartridge shall be measured. The cartridge design is deemed to have passed
the hydrogen cycling test if the water volume displaced by the cycled cartridge does not exceed
the water volume displaced by an uncycled cartridge charged to 95% rated capacity and
pressurized to 75% of its minimum shell burst pressure.
Production leak test
Each fuel cell cartridge shall be tested for leaks at 15 °C ± 5 °C, while pressurized to its rated
charging pressure. There shall be no leakage, determined by using a soap bubble solution or
other equivalent means on all possible leak locations.
Each fuel cell cartridge shall be permanently marked with the following information:
(a) The rated charging pressure in MPa;
(b) The manufacturer's serial number of the fuel cell cartridges or unique identification
number; and
(c) The date of expiry based on the maximum service life (year in four digits; month in two
340 Chemical kits, first aid kits and polyester resin kits containing dangerous substances in inner
packagings which do not exceed the quantity limits for excepted quantities applicable to
individual substances as specified in column (7b) of Table A of Chapter 3.2, may be carried in
accordance with Chapter 3.5. Class 5.2 substances, although not individually authorized as
excepted quantities in column (7b) of Table A of Chapter 3.2, are authorized in such kits and
are assigned Code E2 (see
341 (Reserved)
342 Glass inner receptacles (such as ampoules or capsules) intended only for use in sterilization
devices, when containing less than 30 ml of ethylene oxide per inner packaging with not more
than 300 ml per outer packaging, may be carried in accordance with the provisions in
Chapter 3.5, irrespective of the indication of "E0" in column (7b) of Table A of Chapter 3.2
provided that:
(a) After filling, each glass inner receptacle has been determined to be leak-tight by placing
the glass inner receptacle in a hot water bath at a temperature, and for a period of time,
sufficient to ensure that an internal pressure equal to the vapour pressure of ethylene
oxide at 55 °C is achieved. Any glass inner receptacle showing evidence of leakage,
distortion or other defect under this test shall not be carried under the terms of this
special provision;
(b) In addition to the packaging required by 3.5.2, each glass inner receptacle is placed in a
sealed plastics bag compatible with ethylene oxide and capable of containing the
contents in the event of breakage or leakage of the glass inner receptacle; and
(c) Each glass inner receptacle is protected by a means of preventing puncture of the
plastics bag (e.g. sleeves or cushioning) in the event of damage to the packaging (e.g.
by crushing).
343 This entry applies to crude oil containing hydrogen sulphide in sufficient concentration that
vapours evolved from the crude oil can present an inhalation hazard. The packing group
assigned shall be determined by the flammability hazard and inhalation hazard, in accordance
with the degree of danger presented.
344 The provisions of 6.2.6 shall be met.
345 This gas contained in open cryogenic receptacles with a maximum capacity of 1 litre
constructed with glass double walls having the space between the inner and outer wall
evacuated (vacuum insulated) is not subject to ADR provided each receptacle is carried in an
outer packaging with suitable cushioning or absorbent materials to protect it from impact
346 Open cryogenic receptacles conforming to the requirements of packing instruction P203 of and containing no dangerous goods except for UN No. 1977 nitrogen, refrigerated
liquid, which is fully absorbed in a porous material are not subject to any other requirements of
347 This entry shall only be used if the results of Test series 6 (d) of Part I of the Manual of Tests
and Criteria have demonstrated that any hazardous effects arising from functioning are
confined within the package.
348 Batteries manufactured after 31 December 2011 shall be marked with the Watt-hour rating on
the outside case.
349 Mixtures of a hypochlorite with an ammonium salt are not to be accepted for carriage.
UN No. 1791 hypochlorite solution is a substance of Class 8.
350 Ammonium bromate and its aqueous solutions and mixtures of a bromate with an ammonium
salt are not to be accepted for carriage.
351 Ammonium chlorate and its aqueous solutions and mixtures of a chlorate with an ammonium
salt are not to be accepted for carriage.
352 Ammonium chlorite and its aqueous solutions and mixtures of a chlorite with an ammonium
salt are not to be accepted for carriage.
353 Ammonium permanganate and its aqueous solutions and mixtures of a permanganate with an
ammonium salt are not to be accepted for carriage.
354 This substance is toxic by inhalation.
355 Oxygen cylinders for emergency use carried under this entry may include installed actuating
cartridges (cartridges, power device of Division 1.4, Compatibility Group C or S), without
changing the classification in Class 2 provided the total quantity of deflagrating (propellant)
explosives does not exceed 3.2 g per oxygen cylinder. The cylinders with the installed
actuating cartridges as prepared for carriage shall have an effective means of preventing
inadvertent activation.
356 Metal hydride storage systems intended to be installed in vehicles, wagons, vessels or aircraft
shall be approved by the competent authority of the country of manufacture1 before acceptance
for carriage. The transport document shall include an indication that the package was approved
by the competent authority of the country of manufacture1 or a copy of the competent authority
of the country of manufacture1 approval shall accompany each consignment.
357 Petroleum crude oil containing hydrogen sulphide in sufficient concentration that vapours
evolved from the crude oil can present an inhalation hazard shall be consigned under the entry
358 Nitroglycerin solution in alcohol with more than 1% but not more than 5% nitroglycerin may
be classified in Class 3 and assigned to UN No. 3064 provided all the requirements of packing
instruction P300 of are complied with.
359 Nitroglycerin solution in alcohol with more than 1% but not more than 5% nitroglycerin shall
be classified in Class 1 and assigned to UN No. 0144 if not all the requirements of packing
instruction P300 of are complied with.
360 Vehicles only powered by lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries shall be classified
under the entry UN 3171 battery-powered vehicle.
361 This entry applies to electric double layer capacitors with an energy storage capacity greater
than 0.3 Wh. Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to
ADR. Energy storage capacity means the energy held by a capacitor, as calculated using the
nominal voltage and capacitance. All capacitors to which this entry applies, including
capacitors containing an electrolyte that does not meet the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods, shall meet the following conditions:
(a) Capacitors not installed in equipment shall be carried in an uncharged state. Capacitors
installed in equipment shall be carried either in an uncharged state or protected against
short circuit;
(b) Each capacitor shall be protected against a potential short circuit hazard in carriage as
(i) When a capacitor’s energy storage capacity is less than or equal to 10Wh or
when the energy storage capacity of each capacitor in a module is less than or
equal to 10 Wh , the capacitor or module shall be protected against short circuit
or be fitted with a metal strap connecting the terminals; and
(ii) When the energy storage capacity of a capacitor or a capacitor in a module is
more than 10 Wh, the capacitor or module shall be fitted with a metal strap
connecting the terminals;
(c) Capacitors containing dangerous goods shall be designed to withstand a 95 kPa pressure
(d) Capacitors shall be designed and constructed to safely relieve pressure that may build
up in use, through a vent or a weak point in the capacitor casing. Any liquid which is
released upon venting shall be contained by the packaging or by the equipment in which
a capacitor is installed; and
(e) Capacitors shall be marked with the energy storage capacity in Wh.
Capacitors containing an electrolyte not meeting the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods, including when installed in equipment, are not subject to other provisions of
1 If the country of manufacture is not a Contracting Party to ADR, the approval shall be recognized by the
competent authority of a Contracting Party to ADR.
Capacitors containing an electrolyte meeting the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods, with an energy storage capacity of 10 Wh or less are not subject to other
provisions of ADR when they are capable of withstanding a 1.2 metre drop test unpackaged on
an unyielding surface without loss of contents.
Capacitors containing an electrolyte meeting the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods that are not installed in equipment and with an energy storage capacity of
more than 10 Wh are subject to ADR.
Capacitors installed in equipment and containing an electrolyte meeting the classification
criteria of any class of dangerous goods, are not subject to other provisions of ADR provided
the equipment is packaged in a strong outer packaging constructed of suitable material, and of
adequate strength and design in relation to the packaging’s intended use and in such a manner
as to prevent accidental functioning of capacitors during carriage. Large robust equipment
containing capacitors may be offered for carriage unpackaged or on pallets when capacitors are
afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which they are contained.
NOTE: Capacitors which by design maintain a terminal voltage (e.g. asymmetrical
capacitors) do not belong to this entry.
362 (Reserved)
363 (a) This entry applies to engines or machinery, powered by fuels classified as dangerous
goods via internal combustion systems or fuel cells (e.g. combustion engines, generators,
compressors, turbines, heating units, etc.), in quantities above those specified in column
(7a) of Table A of Chapter 3.2, except vehicle equipment assigned to UN No. 3166
referred to in special provision 666.
NOTE: This entry does not apply to equipment referred to in (a), (d) and (e), and
(b) Engines or machinery which are empty of liquid or gaseous fuels and which do not
contain other dangerous goods, are not subject to ADR.
NOTE 1: An engine or machinery is considered to be empty of liquid fuel when the liquid
fuel tank has been drained and the engine or machinery cannot be operated due to a lack
of fuel. Engine or machinery components such as fuel lines, fuel filters and injectors do
not need to be cleaned, drained or purged to be considered empty of liquid fuels. In
addition, the liquid fuel tank does not need to be cleaned or purged.
NOTE 2: An engine or machinery is considered to be empty of gaseous fuels when the
gaseous fuel tanks are empty of liquid (for liquefied gases), the pressure in the tanks does
not exceed 2 bar and the fuel shut-off or isolation valve is closed and secured.
(c) Engines and machinery containing fuels meeting the classification criteria of Class 3,
shall be assigned to the entries UN No. 3528 ENGINE, INTERNAL COMBUSTION,
(d) Engines and machinery containing fuels meeting the classification criteria of flammable
gases of Class 2, shall be assigned to the entries UN No. 3529 ENGINE, INTERNAL
Engines and machinery powered by both a flammable gas and a flammable liquid shall be
assigned to the appropriate UN No. 3529 entry.
(e) Engines and machinery containing liquid fuels meeting the classification criteria of for environmentally hazardous substances and not meeting the classification
criteria of any other class shall be assigned to the entries UN No. 3530 ENGINE,
COMBUSTION, as appropriate.
(f) Engines or machinery may contain other dangerous goods than fuels (e.g. batteries, fire
extinguishers, compressed gas accumulators or safety devices) required for their
functioning or safe operation without being subject to any additional requirements for
these other dangerous goods, unless otherwise specified in ADR. However, lithium
batteries shall meet the requirements of, except as provided for in special
provision 667.
(g) The engines or machinery are not subject to any other requirements of ADR if the
following requirements are met:
(i) The engine or machinery, including the means of containment containing
dangerous goods, shall be in compliance with the construction requirements
specified by the competent authority of the country of manufacture2;
(ii) Any valves or openings (e.g. venting devices) shall be closed during carriage;
(iii) The engines or machinery shall be oriented to prevent inadvertent leakage of
dangerous goods and secured by means capable of restraining the engines or
machinery to prevent any movement during carriage which would change the
orientation or cause them to be damaged;
(iv) For UN No. 3528 and UN No. 3530:
Where the engine or machinery contains more than 60 l of liquid fuel and has a
capacity of more than 450 l but not more than 3 000 l, it shall be labelled on two
opposite sides in accordance with 5.2.2.
Where the engine or machinery contains more than 60 l of liquid fuel and has a
capacity of more than 3 000 l, it shall be placarded on two opposite sides.
Placards shall correspond to the labels required in Column (5) of Table A of
Chapter 3.2 and shall conform to the specifications given in Placards
shall be displayed on a background of contrasting colour, or shall have either a
dotted or solid outer boundary line.
(v) For UN No. 3529:
Where the fuel tank of the engine or machinery has a water capacity of more
than 450 l but not more than 1 000 l, it shall be labelled on two opposite sides in
accordance with 5.2.2.
Where the fuel tank of the engine or machinery has a water capacity of more
than 1 000 l, it shall be placarded on two opposite sides. Placards shall
correspond to the labels required in Column (5) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 and
shall conform to the specifications given in Placards shall be displayed
on a background of contrasting colour, or shall have either a dotted or solid outer
boundary line.
(vi) A transport document in accordance with 5.4.1 is required only when the engine
or machinery contains more than 1 000 l of liquid fuels, for UN 3528 and
UN 3530, or the fuel tank has a water capacity of more than 1 000 l, for
UN 3529.
This transport document shall contain the following additional statement
"Transport in accordance with special provision 363".
364 This article may only be carried under the provisions of Chapter 3.4 if, as presented for
carriage, the package is capable of passing the test in accordance with Test Series 6(d) of Part I
of the Manual of Tests and Criteria as determined by the competent authority.
2 For example, compliance with the relevant provisions of Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (Official Journal of the European
Union No. L 157 of 9 June 2006, pp. 0024-0086).
365 For manufactured instruments and articles containing mercury, see UN No. 3506.
366 Manufactured instruments and articles containing not more than 1 kg of mercury are not
subject to ADR.
367 For the purposes of documentation:
The proper shipping name "Paint related material" may be used for consignments of packages
containing "Paint" and "Paint related material" in the same package;
The proper shipping name "Paint related material, corrosive, flammable" may be used for
consignments of packages containing "Paint, corrosive, flammable" and "Paint related
material, corrosive, flammable" in the same package;
The proper shipping name "Paint related material, flammable, corrosive" may be used for
consignments of packages containing "Paint, flammable, corrosive" and "Paint related
material, flammable, corrosive" in the same package; and
The proper shipping name "Printing ink related material" may be used for consignments of
packages containing "Printing ink" and "Printing ink related material" in the same package.
368 In the case of non-fissile or fissile-excepted uranium hexafluoride, the material shall be
classified under UN No. 3507 or UN No. 2978.
369 In accordance with (a), this radioactive material in an excepted package possessing
toxic and corrosive properties is classified in Class 6.1 with radioactivity and corrosivity
subsidiary risks.
Uranium hexafluoride may be classified under this entry only if the conditions of,, and, for fissile-excepted material, of are met.
In addition to the provisions applicable to the carriage of Class 6.1 substances with a
corrosivity subsidiary risk, the provisions of,, (b), 7.5.11 CV33 (3.1),
(5.1) to (5.4) and (6) shall apply.
No Class 7 label is required to be displayed.
370 This entry applies to:
- ammonium nitrate with more than 0.2% combustible substances, including any organic
substance calculated as carbon, to the exclusion of any added substance; and
- ammonium nitrate with not more than 0.2% combustible substances, including any
organic substance calculated as carbon, to the exclusion of any added substance, that
gives a positive result when tested in accordance with Test Series 2 (see Manual of
Tests and Criteria, Part I). See also UN No. 1942.
371 (1) This entry also applies to articles, containing a small pressure receptacle with a release
device. Such articles shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) The water capacity of the pressure receptacle shall not exceed 0.5 litres and the working
pressure shall not exceed 25 bar at 15 °C;
(b) The minimum burst pressure of the pressure receptacle shall be at least four times the
pressure of the gas at 15 °C;
(c) Each article shall be manufactured in such a way that unintentional firing or release is
avoided under normal conditions of handling, packing, carriage and use. This may be
fulfilled by an additional locking device linked to the activator;
(d) Each article shall be manufactured in such a way as to prevent hazardous projections of
the pressure receptacle or parts of the pressure receptacle;
(e) Each pressure receptacle shall be manufactured from material which will not fragment
upon rupture;
(f) The design type of the article shall be subjected to a fire test. For this test, the
provisions of paragraphs except letter g, to, (b)
and of the Manual of Tests and Criteria shall be applied. It shall be
demonstrated that the article relieves its pressure by means of a fire degradable seal or
other pressure relief device, in such a way that the pressure receptacle will not fragment
and that the article or fragments of the article do not rocket more than 10 metres;
(g) The design type of the article shall be subjected to the following test. A stimulating
mechanism shall be used to initiate one article in the middle of the packaging. There
shall be no hazardous effects outside the package such as disruption of the package,
metal fragments or a receptacle which passes through the packaging.
(2) The manufacturer shall produce technical documentation of the design type, manufacture as
well as the tests and their results. The manufacturer shall apply procedures to ensure that
articles produced in series are made of good quality, conform to the design type and are able to
meet the requirements in (1). The manufacturer shall provide such information to the
competent authority on request.
372 This entry applies to asymmetric capacitors with an energy storage capacity greater than 0.3
Wh. Capacitors with an energy storage capacity of 0.3 Wh or less are not subject to ADR.
Energy storage capacity means the energy stored in a capacitor, as calculated according to the
following equation,
Wh = 1/2CN(UR
2) × (1/3600),
using the nominal capacitance (CN), rated voltage (UR) and rated lower limit voltage
All asymmetric capacitors to which this entry applies shall meet the following conditions:
(a) Capacitors or modules shall be protected against short circuit;
(b) Capacitors shall be designed and constructed to safely relieve pressure that may build
up in use, through a vent or a weak point in the capacitor casing. Any liquid which is
released upon venting shall be contained by packaging or by equipment in which a
capacitor is installed;
(c) Capacitors shall be marked with the energy storage capacity in Wh; and
(d) Capacitors containing an electrolyte meeting the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods shall be designed to withstand a 95 kPa pressure differential;
Capacitors containing an electrolyte not meeting the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods, including when configured in a module or when installed in equipment are
not subject to other provisions of ADR.
Capacitors containing an electrolyte meeting the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods, with an energy storage capacity of 20 Wh or less, including when configured
in a module, are not subject to other provisions of ADR when the capacitors are capable of
withstanding a 1.2 metre drop test unpackaged on an unyielding surface without loss of
Capacitors containing an electrolyte meeting the classification criteria of any class of
dangerous goods that are not installed in equipment and with an energy storage capacity of
more than 20 Wh are subject to ADR.
Capacitors installed in equipment and containing an electrolyte meeting the classification
criteria of any class of dangerous goods, are not subject to other provisions of ADR provided
that the equipment is packaged in a strong outer packaging constructed of suitable material,
and of adequate strength and design, in relation to the packaging’s intended use and in such a
manner as to prevent accidental functioning of capacitors during carriage. Large robust
equipment containing capacitors may be offered for carriage unpackaged or on pallets when
capacitors are afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in which they are contained.
NOTE: Notwithstanding the provisions of this special provision, nickel-carbon asymmetric
capacitors containing Class 8 alkaline electrolytes shall be carried as UN 2795 BATTERIES,
WET, FILLED WITH ALKALI, electric storage.
373 Neutron radiation detectors containing non-pressurized boron trifluoride gas may be carried
under this entry provided that the following conditions are met:
(a) Each radiation detector shall meet the following conditions.
(i) The pressure in each detector shall not exceed 105 kPa absolute at 20 °C;
(ii) The amount of gas shall not exceed 13 g per detector;
(iii) Each detector shall be manufactured under a registered quality assurance
NOTE: ISO 9001 may be used for this purpose.
(iv) Each neutron radiation detector shall be of welded metal construction with
brazed metal to ceramic feed through assemblies. These detectors shall have a
minimum burst pressure of 1800 kPa as demonstrated by design type
qualification testing; and
(v) Each detector shall be tested to a 1 x 10-10 cm3/s leaktightness standard before
(b) Radiation detectors carried as individual components shall be carried as follows:
(i) Detectors shall be packed in a sealed intermediate plastics liner with sufficient
absorbent or adsorbent material to absorb or adsorb the entire gas contents;
(ii) They shall be packed in strong outer packaging. The completed package shall be
capable of withstanding a 1.8 m drop test without leakage of gas contents from
(iii) The total amount of gas from all detectors per outer packaging shall not exceed
52 g.
(c) Completed neutron radiation detection systems containing detectors meeting the
conditions of paragraph (a) shall be carried as follows:
(i) The detectors shall be contained in a strong sealed outer casing;
(ii) The casing shall contain sufficient absorbent or adsorbent material to absorb or
adsorb the entire gas contents;
(iii) The completed systems shall be packed in strong outer packagings capable of
withstanding a 1.8 m drop test without leakage unless a system’s outer casing
affords equivalent protection.
Packing instruction P200 of is not applicable.
The transport document shall include the following statement "Transport in accordance with
special provision 373".
Neutron radiation detectors containing not more than 1 g of boron trifluoride, including those
with solder glass joints, are not subject to ADR provided they meet the requirements in
paragraph (a) and are packed in accordance with paragraph (b). Radiation detection systems
containing such detectors are not subject to ADR provided they are packed in accordance with
paragraph (c).
374 (Reserved)
375 These substances when carried in single or combination packagings containing a net quantity
per single or inner packaging of 5 l or less for liquids or having a net mass per single or inner
packaging of 5 kg or less for solids, are not subject to any other provisions of ADR provided
the packagings meet the general provisions of, and to
376 Lithium ion cells or batteries and lithium metal cells or batteries identified as being damaged
or defective such that they do not conform to the type tested according to the applicable
provisions of the Manual of Tests and Criteria shall comply with the requirements of this
special provision.
For the purposes of this special provision, these may include, but are not limited to:
- Cells or batteries identified as being defective for safety reasons;
- Cells or batteries that have leaked or vented;
- Cells or batteries that cannot be diagnosed prior to carriage; or
- Cells or batteries that have sustained physical or mechanical damage.
NOTE: In assessing a battery as damaged or defective, the type of battery and its previous use
and misuse shall be taken into account.
Cells and batteries shall be carried according to the provisions applicable to UN No. 3090, UN
No. 3091, UN No. 3480 and No. UN 3481, except special provision 230 and as otherwise
stated in this special provision.
Cells and batteries shall be packed in accordance with packing instructions P908 of or
LP904 of, as applicable.
Cells and batteries liable to rapidly disassemble, dangerously react, produce a flame or a
dangerous evolution of heat or a dangerous emission of toxic, corrosive or flammable gases or
vapours under normal conditions of carriage shall not be carried except under conditions
approved by the competent authority of any ADR Contracting Party who may also recognize
an approval granted by the competent authority of a country which is not an ADR Contracting
Party provided that this approval has been granted in accordance with the procedures
applicable according to RID, ADR, ADN, the IMDG Code or the ICAO Technical
Instructions. In this case the cells and batteries are assigned to transport category 0.
377 Lithium ion and lithium metal cells and batteries and equipment containing such cells and
batteries carried for disposal or recycling, either packed together with or packed without nonlithium
batteries, may be packaged in accordance with packing instruction P909 of
These cells and batteries are not subject to the requirements of (a) to (e).
Identified damaged or defective batteries shall be carried in accordance with special provision
376 and packaged in accordance with packing instruction P908 of or packing
instruction LP904 of, as applicable.
378 Radiation detectors containing this gas in non-refillable pressure receptacles not meeting the
requirements of Chapter 6.2 and packing instruction P200 of may be carried under this
entry provided:
(a) The working pressure in each receptacle does not exceed 50 bar;
(b) The receptacle capacity does not exceed 12 litres;
(c) Each receptacle has a minimum burst pressure of at least 3 times the working pressure
when a relief device is fitted and at least 4 times the working pressure when no relief
device is fitted;
(d) Each receptacle is manufactured from material which will not fragment upon rupture;
(e) Each detector is manufactured under a registered quality assurance programme;
NOTE: ISO 9001 may be used for this purpose.
(f) Detectors are carried in strong outer packagings. The complete package shall be capable
of withstanding a 1.2 metre drop test without breakage of the detector or rupture of
the outer packaging. Equipment that includes a detector shall be packed in strong outer
packaging unless the detector is afforded equivalent protection by the equipment in
which it is contained; and
(g) The transport document includes the following statement "Transport in accordance with
special provision 378".
Radiation detectors, including detectors in radiation detection systems, are not subject to any
other requirements of ADR if the detectors meet the requirements in (a) to (f) above and the
capacity of detector receptacles does not exceed 50 ml.
379 Anhydrous ammonia adsorbed or absorbed on a solid contained in ammonia dispensing
systems or receptacles intended to form part of such systems are not subject to the other
provisions of ADR if the following conditions are observed:
(a) The adsorption or absorption presents the following properties:
(i) The pressure at a temperature of 20 °C in the receptacle is less than 0.6 bar;
(ii) The pressure at a temperature of 35 °C in the receptacle is less than 1 bar;
(iii) The pressure at a temperature of 85 °C in the receptacle is less than 12 bar.
(b) The adsorbent or absorbent material shall not have dangerous properties listed in
classes 1 to 8;
(c) The maximum contents of a receptacle shall be 10 kg of ammonia; and
(d) Receptacles containing adsorbed or absorbed ammonia shall meet the following
(i) Receptacles shall be made of a material compatible with ammonia as specified in
ISO 11114-1:2012;
(ii) Receptacles and their means of closure shall be hermetically sealed and able to
contain the generated ammonia;
(iii) Each receptacle shall be able to withstand the pressure generated at 85 °C with a
volumetric expansion no greater than 0.1%;
(iv) Each receptacle shall be fitted with a device that allows for gas evacuation once
pressure exceeds 15 bar without violent rupture, explosion or projection; and
(v) Each receptacle shall be able to withstand a pressure of 20 bar without leakage
when the pressure relief device is deactivated.
When carried in an ammonia dispenser, the receptacles shall be connected to the dispenser in
such a way that the assembly is guaranteed to have the same strength as a single receptacle.
The properties of mechanical strength mentioned in this special provision shall be tested using
a prototype of a receptacle and/or dispenser filled to nominal capacity, by increasing the
temperature until the specified pressures are reached.
The test results shall be documented, shall be traceable and shall be communicated to the
relevant authorities upon request.
380 and 381 (Reserved)
382 Polymeric beads may be made from polystyrene, poly (methyl methacrylate) or other
polymeric material. When it can be demonstrated that no flammable vapour, resulting in a
flammable atmosphere, is evolved according to test U1 (Test method for substances liable to
evolve flammable vapours) of Part III, sub-section 38.4.4 of the Manual of Tests and Criteria,
polymeric beads, expandable need not be classified under this UN number. This test should
only be performed when de-classification of a substance is considered.
383 Table tennis balls manufactured from celluloid are not subject to ADR where the net mass of
each table tennis ball does not exceed 3.0 g and the total net mass of table tennis balls does not
exceed 500 g per package.
384 (Reserved)
385 This entry applies to vehicles powered by flammable liquid or gas internal combustion engines
or fuel cells.
Hybrid electric vehicles powered by both, an internal combustion engine and wet batteries,
sodium batteries, lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries, carried with the batteries
installed shall be assigned to this entry. Vehicles powered by wet batteries, sodium batteries,
lithium metal batteries or lithium ion batteries, carried with the batteries installed, shall be
assigned to the entry UN No. 3171 BATTERYPOWERED VEHICLE (see special
provision 240).
For the purpose of this special provision, vehicles are self-propelled apparatus designed to
carry one or more persons or goods. Examples of such vehicles are cars, motorcycles, trucks,
locomotives, scooters, three- and four-wheeled vehicles or motorcycles, lawn tractors, selfpropelled
farming and construction equipment, boats and aircraft.
Dangerous goods such as batteries, air bags, fire extinguishers, compressed gas accumulators,
safety devices and other integral components of the vehicle that are necessary for the operation
of the vehicle or for the safety of its operator or passengers, shall be securely installed in the
vehicle and are not otherwise subject to ADR. However, lithium batteries shall meet the
requirements of, except as otherwise provided for in special provision 667.
386 When substances are stabilized by temperature control, the provisions of, special
provision V8 of Chapter 7.2, special provision S4 of Chapter 8.5 and the requirements of
Chapter 9.6 apply. When chemical stabilization is employed, the person offering the
packaging, IBC or tank for carriage shall ensure that the level of stabilization is sufficient to
prevent the substance in the packaging, IBC or tank from dangerous polymerization at a bulk
mean temperature of 50 °C, or, in the case of a portable tank, 45 °C. Where chemical
stabilization becomes ineffective at lower temperatures within the anticipated duration of
carriage, temperature control is required. In making this determination factors to be taken into
consideration include, but are not limited to, the capacity and geometry of the packaging, IBC
or tank and the effect of any insulation present, the temperature of the substance when offered
for carriage, the duration of the journey and the ambient temperature conditions typically
encountered in the journey (considering also the season of year), the effectiveness and other
properties of the stabilizer employed, applicable operational controls imposed by regulation
(e.g. requirements to protect from sources of heat, including other cargo carried at a
temperature above ambient) and any other relevant factors.
387-499 (Reserved)
500 (Deleted)
501 For naphthalene, molten, see UN No. 2304.
502 UN No. 2006 plastics, nitrocellulose-based, self-heating, n.o.s., and 2002 celluloid scrap are
substances of Class 4.2.
503 For phosphorus, white, molten, see UN No. 2447.
504 UN No. 1847 potassium sulphide, hydrated with not less than 30% water of crystallization, UN
No. 1849 sodium sulphide, hydrated with not less than 30% water of crystallization and UN
No. 2949 sodium hydrosulphide hydrated with not less than 25% water of crystallization are
substances of Class 8.
505 UN No. 2004 magnesium diamide is a substance of Class 4.2.
506 Alkaline earth metals and alkaline earth metal alloys in pyrophoric form are substances of
Class 4.2.
UN No. 1869 magnesium or magnesium alloys containing more than 50% magnesium as
pellets, turnings or ribbons, are substances of Class 4.1.
507 UN No. 3048 aluminium phosphide pesticides, with additives inhibiting the emission of toxic
flammable gases are substances of Class 6.1.
508 UN No. 1871 titanium hydride and UN No. 1437 zirconium hydride are substances of
Class 4.1. UN No. 2870 aluminium borohydride is a substance of Class 4.2.
509 UN No. 1908 chlorite solution is a substance of Class 8.
510 UN No. 1755 chromic acid solution is a substance of Class 8.
511 UN No. 1625 mercuric nitrate, UN No. 1627 mercurous nitrate and UN No. 2727 thallium
nitrate are substances of Class 6.1. Thorium nitrate, solid, uranyl nitrate hexahydrate solution
and uranyl nitrate, solid are substances of Class 7.
512 UN No. 1730 antimony pentachloride, liquid, UN No. 1731 antimony pentachloride solution,
UN No. 1732 antimony pentafluoride and UN No. 1733 antimony trichloride are substances of
Class 8.
513 UN No. 0224 barium azide, dry or wetted with less than 50% water, by mass, is a substance of
Class 1. UN No. 1571 barium azide, wetted with not less than 50% water, by mass, is a
substance of Class 4.1. UN No. 1854 barium alloys, pyrophoric, are substances of Class 4.2.
UN No. 1445 barium chlorate, solid, UN No. 1446 barium nitrate, UN No. 1447 barium
perchlorate, solid, UN No. 1448 barium permanganate, UN No. 1449 barium peroxide, UN No.
2719 barium bromate, UN No. 2741 barium hypochlorite with more than 22% available
chlorine, UN No. 3405 barium chlorate, solution and UN No. 3406 barium perchlorate,
solution, are substances of Class 5.1. UN No. 1565 barium cyanide and UN No. 1884 barium
oxide are substances of Class 6.1.
514 UN No. 2464 beryllium nitrate is a substance of Class 5.1.
515 UN No. 1581 chloropicrin and methyl bromide mixture and UN No. 1582 chloropicrin and
methyl chloride mixture are substances of Class 2.
516 UN No. 1912 methyl chloride and methylene chloride mixture is a substance of Class 2.
517 UN No. 1690 sodium fluoride, solid, UN No. 1812 potassium fluoride, solid, UN No. 2505
ammonium fluoride, UN No. 2674 sodium fluorosilicate, UN No. 2856 fluorosilicates, n.o.s.,
UN No. 3415 sodium fluoride, solution and UN No. 3422 potassium fluoride, solution, are
substances of Class 6.1.
518 UN No. 1463 chromium trioxide, anhydrous (chromic acid, solid) is a substance of Class 5.1.
519 UN No. 1048 hydrogen bromide, anhydrous, is a substance of Class 2.
520 UN No. 1050 hydrogen chloride, anhydrous, is a substance of Class 2.
521 Solid chlorites and hypochlorites are substances of Class 5.1.
522 UN No. 1873 perchloric acid aqueous solution with more than 50% but not more than 72%
pure acid, by mass are substances of Class 5.1. Perchloric acid solutions containing more than
72% pure acid, by mass, or mixtures of perchloric acid with any liquid other than water, are not
to be accepted for carriage.
523 UN No. 1382 anhydrous potassium sulphide and UN No. 1385 anhydrous sodium sulphide and
their hydrates with less than 30% water of crystallization, and UN No. 2318 sodium
hydrosulphide with less than 25% water of crystallization are substances of Class 4.2.
524 UN No. 2858 finished zirconium products of a thickness of 18 μm or more are substances
of Class 4.1.
525 Solutions of inorganic cyanides with a total cyanide ion content of more than 30% shall be
classified in packing group I, solutions with a total cyanide ion content of more than 3% and
not more than 30% in packing group II and solutions with a cyanide ion content of more than
0.3% and not more than 3% in packing group III.
526 UN No. 2000 celluloid is assigned to Class 4.1.
528 UN No. 1353 fibres or fabrics impregnated with weakly nitrated cellulose, non-self heating are
substances of Class 4.1.
529 UN No. 0135 mercury fulminate, wetted with not less than 20% water, or mixture of alcohol
and water, by mass, is a substance of Class 1. Mercurous chloride (calomel) is a substance of
Class 6.1 (UN No. 2025).
530 UN No. 3293 hydrazine, aqueous solution with not more than 37% hydrazine, by mass, is a
substance of Class 6.1.
531 Mixtures having a flash-point below 23 °C and containing more than 55% nitrocellulose,
whatever its nitrogen content or containing not more than 55% nitrocellulose with a nitrogen
content above 12.6% (by dry mass), are substances of Class 1 (see UN Nos. 0340 or 0342) or
of Class 4.1 (UN Nos. 2555, 2556 or 2557).
532 UN No. 2672 ammonia solution containing not less than 10% but not more than 35% ammonia
is a substance of Class 8.
533 UN No. 1198 formaldehyde solutions, flammable are substances of Class 3. Formaldehyde
solutions, non-flammable, with less than 25% formaldehyde are not subject to the requirements
of ADR.
534 While in some climatic conditions, petrol (gasoline) may have a vapour pressure at 50 °C of
more than 110 kPa (1.10 bar) but not more than 150 kPa (1.50 bar) it is to continue to be
considered as a substance having a vapour pressure at 50 °C of not more than 110 kPa (1.10
535 UN No. 1469 lead nitrate, UN No. 1470 lead perchlorate, solid and UN No. 3408 lead
perchlorate, solution, are substances of Class 5.1.
536 For naphthalene, solid, see UN No. 1334.
537 UN No. 2869 titanium trichloride mixture, not pyrophoric, is a substance of Class 8.
538 For sulphur (in the solid state), see UN No. 1350.
539 Solutions of isocyanates having a flash-point of not less than 23 °C are substances of Class 6.1.
540 UN No. 1326 hafnium powder, wetted, UN No. 1352 titanium powder, wetted or UN No. 1358
zirconium powder, wetted, with not less than 25% water, are substances of Class 4.1.
541 Nitrocellulose mixtures with a water content, alcohol content or plasticizer content lower than
the stated limits are substances of Class 1.
542 Talc containing tremolite and/or actinolite is covered by this entry.
543 UN No. 1005 ammonia, anhydrous, UN No. 3318 ammonia solution with more than 50%
ammonia and UN No. 2073 ammonia solution, with more than 35% but not more than 50%
ammonia, are substances of Class 2. Ammonia solutions with not more than 10% ammonia are
not subject to the requirements of ADR.
544 UN No. 1032 dimethylamine, anhydrous, UN No. 1036 ethylamine, UN No. 1061
methylamine, anhydrous and UN No. 1083 trimethylamine, anhydrous, are substances of
Class 2.
545 UN No. 0401 dipicryl sulphide, wetted with less than 10% water by mass is a substance of
Class 1.
546 UN No. 2009 zirconium, dry, finished sheets, strip or coiled wire, in thicknesses of less than 18
μm, is a substance of Class 4.2. Zirconium, dry, finished sheets, strip or coiled wire, in
thicknesses of 254 μm or more, is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
547 UN No. 2210 maneb or UN No. 2210 maneb preparations in self-heating form are substances
of Class 4.2.
548 Chlorosilanes which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, are substances of Class 4.3.
549 Chlorosilanes having a flash-point of less than 23 °C and which, in contact with water, do not
emit flammable gases are substances of Class 3. Chlorosilanes having a flash-point equal to or
greater than 23 °C and which, in contact with water, do not emit flammable gases are
substances of Class 8.
550 UN No. 1333 cerium in slabs, rods or ingots is a substance of Class 4.1.
551 Solutions of these isocyanates having a flash-point below 23 °C are substances of Class 3.
552 Metals and metal alloys in powdered or other flammable form, liable to spontaneous
combustion, are substances of Class 4.2. Metals and metal alloys in powdered or other
flammable form which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases are substances
of Class 4.3.
553 This mixture of hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid shall, in laboratory testing (see
Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part II, section 20), neither detonate in the cavitated state nor
deflagrate at all and shall show no effect when heated under confinement nor any explosive
power. The formulation shall be thermally stable (self-accelerating decomposition temperature
60 °C or higher for a 50 kg package), and a liquid compatible with peroxyacetic acid shall be
used for desensitization. Formulations not meeting these criteria are to be regarded as
substances of Class 5.2 (see Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part II, paragraph 20.4.3(g)).
554 Metal hydrides which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases are substances of Class 4.3.
UN No. 2870 aluminium borohydride or UN No. 2870 aluminium borohydride in devices is a
substance of Class 4.2.
555 Dust and powder of metals in non-spontaneously combustible form, non-toxic which
nevertheless, in contact with water, emit flammable gases, are substances of Class 4.3.
556 Organometallic compounds and their solutions which ignite spontaneously are substances of
Class 4.2. Flammable solutions with organometallic compounds in concentrations which, in
contact with water, neither emit flammable gases in dangerous quantities nor ignite
spontaneously are substances of Class 3.
557 Dust and powder of metals in pyrophoric form are substances of Class 4.2.
558 Metals and metal alloys in pyrophoric form are substances of Class 4.2. Metals and metal
alloys which, in contact with water, do not emit flammable gases and are not pyrophoric or
self-heating, but which are easily ignited, are substances of Class 4.1.
559 (Deleted)
560 An elevated temperature liquid, n.o.s. at or above 100 °C (including molten metals and molten
salts) and, for a substance having a flashpoint, at a temperature below its flashpoint, is a
substance of Class 9 (UN No. 3257).
561 Chloroformates having predominantly corrosive properties are substances of Class 8.
562 Spontaneously combustible organometallic compounds are substances of Class 4.2. Waterreactive
organometallic compounds, flammable, are substances of Class 4.3.
563 UN No. 1905 selenic acid is a substance of Class 8.
564 UN No. 2443 vanadium oxytrichloride, UN No. 2444 vanadium tetrachloride and
UN No. 2475 vanadium trichloride are substances of Class 8.
565 Unspecified wastes resulting from medical/veterinary treatment of humans/animals or from
biological research, and which are unlikely to contain substances of Class 6.2 shall be assigned
to this entry. Decontaminated clinical wastes or wastes resulting from biological research
which previously contained infectious substances are not subject to the requirements of Class
566 UN No. 2030 hydrazine aqueous solution, with more than 37% hydrazine, by mass, is a
substance of Class 8.
567 (Deleted)
568 Barium azide with a water content lower than the stated limit is a substance of Class 1, UN No.
569-579 (Reserved)
580 (Deleted)
581 This entry covers mixtures of propadiene with 1 to 4% methylacetylene as well as the
following mixtures:


Content, % by volume


Permitted technical name for purposes of


Propane and propylene, not more than

С4-saturated hydrocarbons, not less than

propadiene, not more than






"Mixture P1"





"Mixture P2"

582 This entry covers, inter alia, mixtures of gases indicated by the letter R ..., with the following


Maximum vapour pressure at 70 °C (MPa)

Minimum density at 50 °C (kg/l)

Permitted technical name for purposes of




"Mixture F1"




"Mixture F2"




"Mixture F3"

NOTE 1: Trichlorofluoromethane (refrigerant R 11), 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
(refrigerant R 113), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane (refrigerant R 113a), 1-chloro-1,2,2-
trifluoroethane (refrigerant R 133) and 1-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane (refrigerant R 133b) are
not substances of Class 2. They may, however, enter into the composition of mixtures F1 to F3.
NOTE 2: The reference densities correspond to the densities of dichlorofluoromethane (1.30
kg/l), dichlorodifluoromethane (1.21 kg/l) and chlorodifluoromethane (1.09 kg/l).
583 This entry covers, inter alia, mixtures of gases with the following properties:


Maximun vapour pressure at 70 °C (MPa)

Minimun density at 50

°C (kg/l)

Permitted technical namea for purposes of




"Mixture A" or "Butane"




"Mixture A01" or "Butane"




"Mixture A02" or "Butane"




"Mixture A0" or "Butane"




"Mixture A1"




"Mixture B1"




"Mixture B2"




"Mixture B"




"Mixture C" or "Propane"

a For carriage in tanks, the trade names "Butane" or "Propane" may be used only as a complement
584 This gas is not subject to the requirements of ADR when:
- It contains not more than 0.5% air in the gaseous state;
- It is contained in metal capsules (sodors, sparklets) free from defects which may impair
their strength;
- The leakproofness of the closure of the capsule is ensured;
- A capsule contains not more than 25 g of this gas;
- A capsule contains not more than 0.75 g of this gas per cm3 of capacity.
585 (Deleted)
586 Hafnium, titanium and zirconium powders shall contain a visible excess of water. Hafnium,
titanium and zirconium powders, wetted, mechanically produced, of a particle size of 53 μm
and over, or chemically produced, of a particle size of 840 μm and over, are not subject to the
requirements of ADR.
587 Barium stearate and barium titanate are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
588 Solid hydrated forms of aluminium bromide and aluminium chloride are not subject to the
requirements of ADR.
589 (Deleted)
590 Ferric chloride hexahydrate is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
591 Lead sulphate with not more than 3% free acid is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
592 Uncleaned empty packagings (including empty IBCs and large packagings), empty tankvehicles,
empty demountable tanks, empty portable tanks, empty tank-containers and empty
small containers which have contained this substance are not subject to the requirements of
593 This gas, intended for the cooling of e.g. medical or biological specimens, if contained in
double wall receptacles which comply with the provisions of packing instruction P203,
paragraph (6) for open cryogenic receptacles of is not subject to the requirements of
ADR except as specified in 5.5.3.
594 The following articles, manufactured and filled according to the provisions applied in the
country of manufacture, are not subject to the requirements of ADR:
(a) UN No. 1044 fire extinguishers provided with protection against inadvertent discharge,
– they are packaged in a strong outer packaging; or
– they are large fire extinguishers which meet the requirements of special
packing provision PP91 of packing instruction P003 in;
(b) UN No. 3164 articles, pressurized pneumatic or hydraulic, designed to withstand
stresses greater than the internal gas pressure by virtue of transmission of force, intrinsic
strength or construction, when they are packaged in a strong outer packaging.
NOTE: "Provisions applied in the country of manufacture" means the provisions applicable
in the country of manufacture or those applicable in the country of use.
596 Cadmium pigments, such as cadmium sulphides, cadmium sulphoselenides and cadmium salts
of higher fatty acids (e.g. cadmium stearate), are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
597 Acetic acid solutions with not more than 10% pure acid by mass, are not subject to the
requirements of ADR.
598 The following are not subject to the requirements of ADR:
(a) New storage batteries when:
- they are secured in such a way that they cannot slip, fall or be damaged;
- they are provided with carrying devices, unless they are suitably stacked, e.g. on
- there are no dangerous traces of alkalis or acids on the outside;
- they are protected against short circuits;
(b) Used storage batteries when:
- their cases are undamaged;
- they are secured in such a way that they cannot leak, slip, fall or be damaged,
e.g. by stacking on pallets;
- there are no dangerous traces of alkalis or acids on the outside of the articles;
- they are protected against short circuits.
"Used storage batteries" means storage batteries carried for recycling at the end of their normal
service life.
599 (Deleted)
600 Vanadium pentoxide, fused and solidified, is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
601 Pharmaceutical products (medicines) ready for use, which are substances manufactured and
packaged for retail sale or distribution for personal or household consumption are not subject
to the requirements of ADR.
602 Phosphorus sulphides which are not free from yellow and white phosphorus are not to be
accepted for carriage.
603 Anhydrous hydrogen cyanide not meeting the description for UN No. 1051 or UN No. 1614 is
not to be accepted for carriage. Hydrogen cyanide (hydrocyanic acid) containing less than 3%
water is stable, if the pH-value is 2.5 ± 0.5 and the liquid is clear and colourless.
604-606 (Deleted)
607 Mixtures of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite with an ammonium salt are not to be accepted
for carriage.
608 (Deleted)
609 Tetranitromethane not free from combustible impurities is not to be accepted for carriage.
610 The carriage of this substance, when it contains more than 45% hydrogen cyanide is
611 Ammonium nitrate containing more than 0.2% combustible substances (including any organic
substance calculated as carbon) is not to be accepted for carriage unless it is a constituent of a
substance or article of Class 1.
612 (Reserved)
613 Chloric acid solution containing more than 10% chloric acid and mixtures of chloric acid with
any liquid other than water is not to be accepted for carriage.
614 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in concentrations considered highly toxic
according to the criteria in is not to be accepted for carriage.
615 (Reserved)
616 Substances containing more than 40% liquid nitric esters shall satisfy the exudation test
specified in 2.3.1.
617 In addition to the type of explosive, the commercial name of the particular explosive shall be
marked on the package.
618 In receptacles containing 1,2-butadiene, the oxygen concentration in the gaseous phase shall
not exceed 50 ml/m3.
619-622 (Reserved)
623 UN No. 1829 sulphur trioxide shall be inhibited. Sulphur trioxide, 99.95% pure or above, may
be carried without inhibitor in tanks provided that its temperature is maintained at or above
32.5 °C. For the carriage of this substance without inhibitor in tanks at a minimum temperature
of 32.5 °C, the specification "Transport under minimum temperature of the product of
32.5 °C" shall appear in the transport document.
625 Packages containing these articles shall be clearly marked as follows: "UN 1950
626-627 (Reserved)
632 Considered to be spontaneously flammable (pyrophoric).
633 Packages and small containers containing this substance shall bear the following mark: "Keep
away from any source of ignition". This mark shall be in an official language of the
forwarding country, and also, if that language is not English, French or German, in English,
French or German, unless any agreements concluded between the countries concerned in the
transport operation provide otherwise.
634 (Deleted)
635 Packages containing these articles need not bear a label conforming to model No. 9 unless the
article is fully enclosed by packaging, crates or other means that prevent the ready
identification of the article.
636 (a) Cells contained in equipment shall not be capable of being discharged during carriage to
the extent that the open circuit voltage falls below 2 volts or two thirds of the voltage of
the undischarged cell, whichever is the lower.
(b) Up to the intermediate processing facility:
– lithium cells and batteries with a gross mass of not more than 500 g each or
lithium ion cells with a Watt-hour rating of not more than 20 Wh, lithium ion
batteries with a Watt-hour rating of not more than 100 Wh, lithium metal cells
with a lithium content of not more than 1 g and lithium metal batteries with an
aggregate lithium content of not more than 2 g, not contained in equipment,
collected and handed over for carriage for sorting, disposal or recycling; as well
– lithium cells and batteries contained in equipment from private households
collected and handed over for carriage for depollution, dismantling, recycling or
NOTE: "Equipment from private households" means equipment which comes
from private households and equipment which comes from commercial,
industrial, institutional and other sources which, because of its nature and
quantity, is similar to that from private households. Equipment likely to be used
by both private households and users other than private households shall in any
event be considered to be equipment from private households.
are not subject to the other provisions of ADR including special provision 376 and
paragraph, if they meet the following conditions:
(i) The provisions of packing instruction P909 of apply except for the
additional requirements 1 and 2;
(ii) A quality assurance system is in place to ensure that the total amount of lithium
cells or batteries per transport unit does not exceed 333 kg;
NOTE: The total quantity of lithium cells and batteries in the mix may be
assessed by means of a statistical method included in the quality assurance
system. A copy of the quality assurance records shall be made available to the
competent authority upon request.
(iii) Packages are marked "LITHIUM BATTERIES FOR DISPOSAL" or "LITHIUM
If equipment containing lithium cells or batteries is carried unpackaged or on
pallets in accordance with packing instruction P 909 (3) of, this mark
may alternatively be affixed to the external surface of the vehicles or containers.
637 Genetically modified microorganisms and genetically modified organisms are those which are
not dangerous for humans and animals, but which could alter animals, plants, microbiological
substances and ecosystems in such a way as cannot occur naturally. Genetically modified
microorganisms and genetically modified organisms are not subject to the requirements of
ADR when authorized for use by the competent authorities of the countries of origin, transit
and destination3.
Live vertebrate or invertebrate animals shall not be used to carry these substances classified
under this UN number unless the substance can be carried in no other way.
For the carriage of easily perishable substances under this UN number appropriate information
shall be given, e.g.: "Cool at +2 °/+4 °C" or "Carry in frozen state" or "Do not freeze".
638 Substances related to self-reactive substances (see
639 See, classification code 2F, UN No. 1965, Note 2.
640 The physical and technical characteristics mentioned in column (2) of Table A of Chapter 3.2
determine different tank codes for the carriage of substances of the same packing group in
ADR tanks.
3 See in particular Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the
deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC
(Official Journal of the European Communities, No. L 106, of 17 April 2001, pp. 8-14), which sets out the authorization
procedures for the European Community.
In order to identify these physical and technical characteristics of the product carried in the
tank, the following shall be added, to the particulars required in the transport document, only in
case of carriage in ADR tanks:
"Special provision 640X" where "X" is the applicable capital letter appearing after the
reference to special provision 640 in column (6) of Table A of Chapter 3.2.
These particulars may, however, be dispensed with in the case of carriage in the type of tank
which, for substances of a specific packing group of a specific UN number, meets at least the
most stringent requirements.
642 Except as authorized under, this entry of the UN Model Regulations shall not be used
for the carriage of fertilizer ammoniating solutions with free ammonia.
643 Stone or aggregate asphalt mixture is not subject to the requirements for Class 9.
644 This substance is admitted for carriage provided that:
- The pH is between 5 and 7 measured in an aqueous solution of 10% of the substance
- The solution does not contain more than 0.2% combustible material or chlorine
compounds in quantities such that the chlorine level exceeds 0.02%.
645 The classification code as mentioned in Column (3b) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 shall be used
only with the approval of the competent authority of a Contracting Party to ADR prior to
carriage. The approval shall be given in writing as a classification approval certificate (see (g)) and shall be provided with a unique reference. When assignment to a division is
made in accordance with the procedure in, the competent authority may require the
default classification to be verified on the basis of test data derived from Test Series 6 of the
Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part I, Section 16.
646 Carbon made by steam activation process is not subject to the requirements of ADR.
647 The carriage of vinegar and acetic acid food grade with not more than 25% pure acid by mass
is subject only to the following requirements:
(a) Packagings, including IBCs and large packagings, and tanks shall be manufactured
from stainless steel or plastic material which is permanently resistant to corrosion of
vinegar/acetic acid food grade;
(b) Packagings, including IBCs and large packagings, and tanks shall be subjected to a
visual inspection by the owner at least once a year. The results of the inspections shall
be recorded and the records kept for at least one year. Damaged packagings, including
IBCs and large packagings, and tanks shall not be filled;
(c) Packagings, including IBCs and large packagings, and tanks shall be filled in a way that
no product is spilled or adheres to the outer surface;
(d) Seals and closures shall be resistant to vinegar/acetic acid food grade. Packagings,
including IBCs and large packagings, and tanks shall be hermetically sealed by the
packer or the filler so that under normal conditions of carriage there will be no leakage;
(e) Combination packagings with inner packaging made of glass or plastic (see packing
instruction P001 in which fulfil the general packing requirements of,,,,, and may be used;
The other provisions of ADR do not apply.
648 Articles impregnated with this pesticide, such as fibreboard plates, paper strips, cotton-wool
balls, sheets of plastics material, in hermetically closed wrappings, are not subject to the
provisions of ADR.
649 (Deleted)
650 Waste consisting of packaging residues, solidified residues and liquid residues of paint may be
carried under the conditions of packing group II. In addition to the provisions of UN No. 1263
packing group II, the waste may also be packed and carried as follows:
(a) The waste may be packed in accordance with packing instruction P002 of or to
packing instruction IBC06 of;
(b) The waste may be packed in flexible IBCs of types 13H3, 13H4 and 13H5 in overpacks
with complete walls;
(c) Testing of packagings and IBCs indicated under (a) or (b) may be carried out in
accordance with the requirements of Chapters 6.1 or 6.5, as appropriate, in relation to
solids, at the packing group II performance level.
The tests shall be carried out on packagings and IBCs, filled with a representative
sample of the waste, as prepared for carriage;
(d) Carriage in bulk in sheeted vehicles, closed containers or sheeted large containers, all
with complete walls is allowed. The body of vehicles or containers shall be leakproof or
rendered leakproof, for example by means of a suitable and sufficiently stout inner
(e) If the waste is carried under the conditions of this special provision, the goods shall be
declared in accordance with in the transport document, as follows:
"UN 1263 WASTE PAINT, 3, II, (D/E)", or
"UN 1263 WASTE PAINT, 3, PG II, (D/E)".
651 Special provision V2 (1) does not apply if the net explosive mass per transport unit does not
exceed 4 000 kg, provided that the net explosive mass per vehicle does not exceed 3 000 kg.
652 Austenitic stainless steel, ferritic and austenitic steel (Duplex steel) and welded titanium
receptacles which do not meet the requirements of Chapter 6.2 but have been constructed and
approved in accordance with national aviation provisions for use as hot air balloon or hot air
airship fuel receptacles, brought into service (date of initial inspection) before 1 July 2004,
may be carried by road provided they meet the following conditions:
(a) The general provisions of 6.2.1 shall be complied with;
(b) The design and construction of the receptacles shall have been approved for aviation
use by a national air transport authority;
(c) As an exemption from, the calculation pressure shall be derived from a
reduced maximum ambient temperature of +40 °C; in this case:
(i) as an exemption from, cylinders may be manufactured from rolled and
annealed commercially pure titanium with the minimum requirements of
Rm > 450 MPa, εA > 20% (εA = elongation after fracture);
(ii) austenitic stainless steel and ferritic and austenitic steel (Duplex steel) cylinders
may be used with a stress level up to 85% of the minimum guaranteed yield
strength (Re) at a calculation pressure derived from a reduced maximum ambient
temperature of +40 °C;
(iii) the receptacles shall be equipped with a pressure relief device having a nominal
set pressure of 26 bar; the test pressure of these receptacles shall be not less than
30 bar;
(d) When the exemptions from (c) are not applied, the receptacles shall be designed for a
reference temperature of 65 °C and shall be equipped with pressure relief devices with a
nominal set pressure specified by the competent authority of the country of use;
(e) The main body of the receptacles shall be covered by an outer, water-resistant
protective layer at least 25 mm thick made from structural cellular foam or similar
(f) During carriage, the receptacle shall be firmly secured in a crate or an additional safety
(g) The receptacles shall be marked with a clear, visible label stating that the receptacles
are for use only in hot air balloons and hot air airships;
(h) The duration of service (from the date of initial inspection) shall not exceed 25 years.
653 The carriage of this gas in cylinders having a test pressure capacity product of maximum 15.2
MPa.litre (152 bar.litre) is not subject to the other provisions of ADR if the following
conditions are met:
- The provisions for construction and testing of cylinders are observed;
- The cylinders are contained in outer packagings which at least meet the requirements of
Part 4 for combination packagings. The general provisions of packing of, and to shall be observed;
- The cylinders are not packed together with other dangerous goods;
- The total gross mass of a package does not exceed 30 kg; and
- Each package is clearly and durably marked with "UN 1006" for argon compressed,
"UN 1013" for carbon dioxide, "UN 1046" for helium compressed or "UN 1066" for
nitrogen compressed. This mark is displayed within a diamond-shaped area surrounded
by a line that measures at least 100 mm by 100 mm.
654 Waste lighters collected separately and consigned in accordance with may be carried
under this entry for the purposes of disposal. They need not be protected against inadvertent
discharge provided that measures are taken to prevent the dangerous build up of pressure and
dangerous atmospheres.
Waste lighters, other than those leaking or severely deformed, shall be packed in accordance
with packing instruction P003. In addition the following provisions shall apply:
- Only rigid packagings of a maximum capacity of 60 litres shall be used;
- The packagings shall be filled with water or any other appropriate protection material to
avoid any ignition;
- Under normal conditions of carriage all ignition devices of the lighters shall fully be
covered by the protection material;
- The packagings shall be adequately vented to prevent the creation of flammable
atmosphere and the build up of pressure;
- The packages shall only be carried in ventilated or open vehicles or containers.
Leaking or severely deformed lighters shall be carried in salvage packagings, provided
appropriate measures are taken to ensure there is no dangerous build up of pressure.
NOTE: Special provision 201 and special packing provisions PP84 and RR5 of packing
instruction P002 in do not apply to waste lighters.
655 Cylinders and their closures designed, constructed, approved and marked in accordance with
Directive 97/23/EC4 or Directive 2014/68 EU5 and used for breathing apparatus may be carried
without conforming to Chapter 6.2, provided that they are subject to inspections and tests
specified in and the interval between tests specified in packing instruction P200 in is not exceeded. The pressure used for the hydraulic pressure test is the pressure
marked on the cylinder in accordance with Directive 97/23/EC4 or Directive 2014/68 EU5.
656 (Deleted)
657 This entry shall be used for the technically pure substance only; for mixtures of LPG
components, see UN No. 1965 or see UN No. 1075 in conjunction with NOTE 2 in
658 UN No. 1057 LIGHTERS complying with standard EN ISO 9994:2006 + A1:2008 "Lighters –
Safety Specification" and UN No. 1057 LIGHTER REFILLS, may be carried subject only to
the provisions of 3.4.1 (a) to (h), 3.4.2 (except for the total gross mass of 30 kg), 3.4.3 (except
for the total gross mass of 20 kg), 3.4.11 and 3.4.12, provided the following conditions are met:
(a) The total gross mass of each package is not more than 10 kg;
(b) Not more than 100 kg gross mass of such packages is carried in a vehicle or large
container; and
(c) Each outer packaging is clearly and durably marked with "UN 1057 LIGHTERS" or
"UN 1057 LIGHTER REFILLS", as appropriate.
659 Substances to which PP86 or TP7 are assigned in Column (9a) and Column (11) of Table A in
Chapter 3.2 and therefore require air to be eliminated from the vapour space, shall not be used
for carriage under this UN number but shall be carried under their respective UN numbers as
listed in Table A of Chapter 3.2.
NOTE: See also
660 For the carriage of fuel gas containment systems designed to be fitted in motor vehicles
containing this gas the provisions of sub-section, Chapter 5.2, Chapter 5.4 and Chapter
6.2 of ADR need not be applied, provided the following conditions are met:
4 Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the
laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment (PED) (Official Journal of the European Communities No. L
181 of 9 July 1997, p. 1 - 55).
5 Directive 2014/68/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the harmonisation of
the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of pressure equipment (PED) (Official
Journal of the European Union No. L 189 of 27 June 2014, p. 164 - 259).
(a) The fuel gas containment systems shall meet the requirements of ECE Regulation No.
67 Revision 26, ECE Regulation No. 110 Revision 17 or ECE Regulation No. 1158 or
Regulation (EC) No. 79/20099 in combination with Regulation (EU) No. 406/201010, as
(b) The fuel gas containment systems shall be leakproof and shall not exhibit any signs of
external damage which may affect their safety.
NOTE 1: Criteria may be found in standard ISO 11623:2002 Transportable gas cylinders –
Periodic inspection and testing of composite gas cylinders (or ISO DIS 19078 Gas cylinders –
Inspection of the cylinder installation, and requalification of high pressure cylinders for the
on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles).
NOTE 2: If the fuel gas containment systems are not leakproof or overfilled or if they exhibit
damage that could affect their safety, they shall only be carried in salvage pressure receptacles
in conformity with ADR.
(c) If the fuel gas containment system is equipped with two valves or more integrated in
line, two valves shall be so closed as to be gastight under normal conditions of carriage.
If only one valve exists or only one valve works properly all openings with the
exception of the opening of the pressure relief device shall be so closed as to be gastight
under normal conditions of carriage.
(d) Fuel gas containment systems shall be carried in such a way as to prevent obstruction of
the pressure relief device or any damage to the valves and any other pressurised part of
the fuel gas containment systems and unintentional release of the gas under normal
conditions of carriage. The fuel gas containment system shall be secured so as to
prevent slipping, rolling or vertical movement.
(e) Fuel gas containment systems shall satisfy the provisions of (a), (b), (c), (d)
or (e).
(f) The marking and labelling provisions of Chapter 5.2 shall be met, unless fuel gas
containment systems are consigned in a handling device. If so, the marks and danger
labels shall be affixed to the handling device.
(g) Documentation
Every consignment that is carried in accordance with this special provision shall be
accompanied by a transport document, containing at least the following information:
(i) The UN number of the gas contained in the fuel gas containment systems,
preceded by the letters "UN";
(ii) The proper shipping name of the gas;
6 ECE Regulation No. 67 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Approval of specific equipment of
vehicles of category M and N using liquefied petroleum gases in their propulsion system. II. Approval of vehicles of
category M and N fitted with specific equipment for the use of liquefied petroleum gases in their propulsion system with
regard to the installation of such equipment.).
7 ECE Regulation No. 110 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Specific components of motor
vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG) and/or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system; II.
Vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components of an approved type for the use of compressed natural
gas (CNG) and/or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system.)
8 ECE Regulation No. 115 (Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Specific LPG (liquefied petroleum
gases) retrofit systems to be installed in motor vehicles for the use of LPG in their propulsion system; II. Specific CNG
(compressed natural gas) retrofit systems to be installed in motor vehicles for the use of CNG in their propulsion
9 Regulation (EC) No 79/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 January 2009 on typeapproval
of hydrogen-powered motor vehicles, and amending Directive 2007/46/EC.
10 Commission Regulation (EU) No 406/2010 of 26 April 2010 implementing Regulation (EC) No 79/2009 of the
European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of hydrogen-powered motor vehicles.
(iii) The label model number;
(iv) The number of fuel gas containment systems;
(v) In the case of liquefied gases the net mass in kg of the gas of each fuel gas
containment system and in the case of compressed gases the water capacity in
litres of each fuel gas containment system followed by the nominal working
(vi) The names and the addresses of the consignor and the consignee.
(i) to (v) shall appear according to one of the following examples:
Example 1: UN 1971 natural gas, compressed, 2.1, 1 fuel gas containment system of 50 l in
total, 200 bar.
Example 2: UN 1965 hydrocarbon gas mixture, liquefied, n.o.s., 2.1, 3 fuel gas containment
systems, each of 15 kg net mass of gas.
NOTE: All other provisions of ADR shall be applied.
661 (Deleted)
662 Cylinders not conforming to the provisions of Chapter 6.2 which are used exclusively on board
a ship or aircraft, may be carried for the purpose of filling or inspection and subsequent return,
provided the cylinders are designed and constructed in accordance with a standard recognized
by the competent authority of the country of approval and all the other relevant requirements of
ADR are met including:
(a) The cylinders shall be carried with valve protection in conformity with;
(b) The cylinders shall be marked and labelled in conformity with 5.2.1 and 5.2.2; and
(c) All the relevant filling requirements of packing instruction P200 of shall be
complied with.
The transport document shall include the following statement: "Carriage in accordance with
special provision 662".
663 This entry may only be used for packagings, large packagings or IBCs, or parts thereof, which
have contained dangerous goods which are carried for disposal, recycling or recovery of their
material, other than reconditioning, repair, routine maintenance, remanufacturing or reuse, and
which have been emptied to the extent that only residues of dangerous goods adhering to the
packaging parts are present when they are handed over for carriage.
Residues present in the packagings, discarded, empty, uncleaned shall only be of dangerous
goods of classes 3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 8 or 9. In addition, they shall not be:
- Substances assigned to packing group I or that have "0" assigned in Column (7a) of
Table A of Chapter 3.2; nor
- Substances classified as desensitized explosive substances of Class 3 or Class 4.1; nor
- Substances classified as self-reactive substances of Class 4.1; nor
- Radioactive material; nor
- Asbestos (UN 2212 and UN 2590), polychlorinated biphenyls (UN 2315 and UN 3432)
and polyhalogenated biphenyls, halogenated monomethyldiphenylmethanes or
polyhalogenated terphenyls (UN 3151 and UN 3152).
General provisions:
Packagings, discarded, empty, uncleaned with residues presenting a risk or a subsidiary risk of
Class 5.1 shall not be packed together with other packagings, discarded, empty, uncleaned, or
loaded together with other packagings, discarded, empty, uncleaned in the same container,
vehicle or bulk container.
Documented sorting procedures shall be implemented on the loading site to ensure compliance
with the provisions applicable to this entry.
NOTE: All the other provisions of ADR apply.
664 When substances under this entry are carried in fixed tanks (tank-vehicles) or demountable
tanks, these tanks may be equipped with additive devices.
Additive devices:
- are part of the service equipment for dispensing additives of UN 1202, UN 1993
packing group III, UN 3082 or non-dangerous substances during discharge of the tank;
- consist of elements such as connecting pipes and hoses, closing devices, pumps and
dosing devices which are permanently connected to the discharge device of the tank’s
service equipment;
- include means of containment which are an integral part of the shell, or permanently
fixed to the exterior of the tank or tank-vehicle.
Alternatively, additive devices may have connectors for connecting packagings. In this latter
case, the packaging itself is not considered part of the additive device.
The following requirements shall apply depending on the configuration:
(a) Construction of the means of containment:
(i) As an integral part of the shell (e.g. a tank compartment), they shall meet the
relevant provisions of Chapter 6.8.
(ii) When permanently fixed to the exterior of the tank or to the tank-vehicle, they
are not subject to the construction provisions of ADR provided they comply with
the following provisions:
They shall be made of a metallic material and comply with the following
minimum wall thickness requirements:


Minimum wall thickness a

Austenitic stainless steels

2.5 mm

Other steels

3 mm

Aluminium alloys

4 mm

Pure aluminium of 99.80%

6 mm

a For means of containment made with double walls, the aggregate
thickness of the outer metal wall and the inner metal wall shall correspond
to the wall thickness prescribed.
Welding shall be carried out in accordance with the first paragraph of,
except that other suitable methods may be applied to confirm the quality of the
(iii) Packagings which are connectable to the additive device shall be metal
packagings and meet the relevant construction requirements of Chapter 6.1, as
applicable for the additive concerned.
(b) Tank approval
For tanks equipped or intended to be equipped with additive devices, where the additive
device is not included in the original type approval of the tank, the provisions of shall apply.
(c) Use of means of containment and additive devices
(i) In case of (a) (i) above, no additional requirements.
(ii) In case of (a) (ii) above, the total capacity of the means of containment shall not
exceed 400 litres per vehicle.
(iii) In case of (a) (iii) above, and 8.3.3 shall not apply. The packagings may
only be connected to the additive device during discharge of the tank. During
carriage, the closures and connectors shall be closed so as to be leaktight.
(d) Testing for additive devices
The provisions of shall apply to the additive device. However, in case of (a) (ii)
above, at the time of the initial, intermediate or periodic inspection of the tank, the
means of containment of the additive device shall only be subject to an external visual
inspection and a leakproofness test. The leakproofness test shall be carried out at a test
pressure of at least 0.2 bar.
NOTE: For the packagings described in (a) (iii) above, the relevant provisions of ADR
shall apply.
(e) Transport document
Only the information required in accordance with (a) to (d) needs to be added
to the transport document for the additive concerned. In this case, the remark "additive
device" shall be added to the transport document.
(f) Training of drivers
Drivers who have been trained in accordance with 8.2.1 for carriage of this substance in
tanks need no additional training for the carriage of the additives.
(g) Placarding or marking
Placarding or marking of the fixed tank (tank-vehicle) or demountable tank for the
carriage of substances under this entry in accordance with Chapter 5.3 is not affected by
the presence of an additive device or the additives contained therein.
665 Unground hard coal, coke and anthracite, meeting the classification criteria of Class 4.2,
packing group III, are not subject to the requirements of ADR.
666 Vehicles assigned to UN No. 3166 or UN No. 3171 and battery powered equipment assigned
to UN 3171 in conformity with special provisions 240, 312 and 385, as well as any dangerous
goods they contain that are necessary for their operation or the operation of their equipment,
when carried as a load, are not subject to any other provisions of ADR, provided the following
conditions are met:
(a) For liquid fuels, any valves between the engine or equipment and the fuel tank shall be
closed during carriage unless it is essential for the equipment to remain operational.
Where appropriate, the vehicles shall be loaded upright and secured against falling;
(b) For gaseous fuels, the valve between the gas tank and engine shall be closed and the
electric contact open unless it is essential for the equipment to remain operational;
(c) Metal hydride storage systems shall be approved by the competent authority of the
country of manufacture. If the country of manufacture is not a contracting party to ADR
the approval shall be recognized by the competent authority of a contracting party to
(d) The provisions of (a) and (b) do not apply to vehicles which are empty of liquid or
gaseous fuels,
NOTE 1: A vehicle is considered to be empty of liquid fuel when the liquid fuel tank
has been drained and the vehicle cannot be operated due to a lack of fuel. Vehicle
components such as fuel lines, fuel filters and injectors do not need to be cleaned,
drained or purged to be considered empty of liquid fuels. In addition, the liquid fuel
tank does not need to be cleaned or purged.
NOTE 2: A vehicle is considered to be empty of gaseous fuels when the gaseous fuel
tanks are empty of liquid (for liquefied gases), the pressure in the tanks does not exceed
2 bar and the fuel shut-off or isolation valve is closed and secured.
667 (a) The requirements of (a) do not apply when pre-production prototype lithium
cells or batteries or lithium cells or batteries of a small production run, consisting of not
more than 100 cells or batteries, are installed in the vehicle, engine or machinery;
(b) The requirements of do not apply to lithium cells or batteries in damaged or
defective vehicles, engine or machinery. In such cases the following conditions shall be
(i) If the damage or defect has no significant impact on the safety of the cell or
battery, damaged and defective vehicles, engines or machinery, may be carried
under the conditions defined in special provisions 363 or 666, as appropriate;
(ii) If the damage or defect has a significant impact on the safety of the cell or
battery, the lithium cell or battery shall be removed and carried according to
special provision 376.
However if it is not possible to safely remove the cell or battery or it is not possible to
verify the status of the cell or battery, the vehicle, engine or machinery may be towed or
carried as specified in (i).
668 Elevated temperature substances for the purpose of applying road markings are not subject to
the requirements of ADR, provided that the following conditions are met:
(a) They do not fulfil the criteria of any class other than Class 9;
(b) The temperature of the outer surface of the boiler does not exceed 70 °C;
(c) The boiler is closed in such a way that any loss of product is prevented during carriage;
(d) The maximum capacity of the boiler is limited to 3 000 l.
669 A trailer fitted with equipment, powered by a liquid or gaseous fuel or an electric energy
storage and production system, that is intended for use during carriage operated by this trailer
as a part of a transport unit, shall be assigned to UN numbers 3166 or 3171 and be subject to
the same conditions as specified for these UN numbers, when carried as a load on a vehicle,
provided that the total capacity of the tanks containing liquid fuel does not exceed 500 litres.



This Chapter provides the provisions applicable to the carriage of dangerous goods of certain classes
packed in limited quantities. The applicable quantity limit for the inner packaging or article is
specified for each substance in Column (7a) of Table A of Chapter 3.2. In addition, the quantity "0"
has been indicated in this column for each entry not permitted to be carried in accordance with this
Limited quantities of dangerous goods packed in such limited quantities, meeting the provisions of
this Chapter are not subject to any other provisions of ADR except the relevant provisions of:
(a) Part 1, Chapters 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9;
(b) Part 2;
(c) Part 3, Chapters 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 (except special provisions 61, 178, 181, 220, 274, 625, 633
and 650 (e));
(d) Part 4, paragraphs,, to;
(e) Part 5, (i) and (b),,,, 5.4.2;
(f) Part 6, construction requirements of 6.1.4 and paragraphs and to;
(g) Part 7, Chapter 7.1 and 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.5.1 (except,, 7.5.7, 7.5.8 and 7.5.9;
(h) and 8.6.4.

Dangerous goods shall be packed only in inner packagings placed in suitable outer packagings.
Intermediate packagings may be used. In addition, for articles of Division 1.4, Compatibility Group S,
the provisions of section 4.1.5 shall be fully complied with. The use of inner packagings is not
necessary for the carriage of articles such as aerosols or "receptacles, small, containing gas". The total
gross mass of the package shall not exceed 30 kg.

Except for articles of Division 1.4, Compatibility Group S, shrink-wrapped or stretch-wrapped trays
meeting the conditions of, and to are acceptable as outer packagings for
articles or inner packagings containing dangerous goods carried in accordance with this Chapter. Inner
packagings that are liable to break or be easily punctured, such as those made of glass, porcelain,
stoneware or certain plastics, shall be placed in suitable intermediate packagings meeting the
provisions of, and to, and be so designed that they meet the construction
requirements of 6.1.4. The total gross mass of the package shall not exceed 20 kg.

Liquid goods of Class 8, packing group II in glass, porcelain or stoneware inner packagings shall be
enclosed in a compatible and rigid intermediate packaging.



Marking of packages containing limited quantities

Except for air transport, packages containing dangerous goods in limited quantities shall bear the
mark shown in Figure
Mark for packages containing limited quantities
The mark shall be readily visible, legible and able to withstand open weather exposure without a
substantial reduction in effectiveness.
The mark shall be in the form of a square set at an angle of 45° (diamond-shaped). The top and
bottom portions and the surrounding line shall be black. The centre area shall be white or a suitable
contrasting background. The minimum dimensions shall be 100 mm x 100 mm and the minimum
width of the line forming the diamond shall be 2 mm. Where dimensions are not specified, all features
shall be in approximate proportion to those shown.


If the size of the package so requires, the minimum outer dimensions shown in Figure may be
reduced to be not less than 50 mm x 50 mm provided the mark remains clearly visible. The minimum
width of the line forming the diamond may be reduced to a minimum of 1 mm.

Marking of packages containing limited quantities conforming to Part 3, Chapter 4 of the ICAO Technical Instructions

Packages containing dangerous goods packed in conformity with the provisions of Part 3, Chapter 4

of the ICAO Technical Instructions may bear the mark shown in Figure to certify conformity
with these provisions:
Mark for packages containing limited quantities conforming to Part 3, Chapter 4
of the ICAO Technical Instructions
The mark shall be readily visible, legible and able to withstand open weather exposure without a
substantial reduction in effectiveness.
The mark shall be in the form of a square set at an angle of 45° (diamond-shaped). The top and
bottom portions and the surrounding line shall be black. The centre area shall be white or a suitable
contrasting background. The minimum dimensions shall be 100 mm x 100 mm and the minimum
width of the line forming the diamond shall be 2 mm. The symbol "Y" shall be placed in the centre of
the mark and shall be clearly visible. Where dimensions are not specified, all features shall be in
approximate proportion to those shown.

If the size of the package so requires, the minimum outer dimensions shown in Figure may be
reduced to be not less than 50 mm x 50 mm provided the mark remains clearly visible. The minimum
width of the line forming the diamond may be reduced to a minimum of 1 mm. The symbol "Y" shall
remain in approximate proportion to that shown in Figure

Packages containing dangerous goods bearing the mark shown in 3.4.8 with or without the additional
labels and marks for air transport shall be deemed to meet the provisions of section 3.4.1 as
appropriate and of sections 3.4.2 to 3.4.4 and need not bear the mark shown in 3.4.7.
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