Damaged, defective, leaking or non-conforming packages, or dangerous goods that have spilled or
leaked may be carried in salvage packagings mentioned in and in large salvage packagings
mentioned in This does not prevent the use of a larger size packaging, an IBC of type 11A
or a large packaging of appropriate type and performance level and under the conditions of

Appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent excessive movement of the damaged or leaking
packages within a salvage packaging or large salvage packaging. When the salvage packaging or large
salvage packaging contains liquids, sufficient inert absorbent material shall be added to eliminate the
presence of free liquid.

Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that there is no dangerous build up of pressure.

Use of salvage pressure receptacles

In the case of damaged, defective, leaking or non-conforming pressure receptacles, salvage pressure
receptacles according to may be used.
NOTE: A salvage pressure receptacle may be used as an overpack in accordance with 5.1.2. When
used as an overpack, marks shall be in accordance with instead of

Pressure receptacles shall be placed in salvage pressure receptacles of suitable size. The maximum
size of the placed pressure receptacle is limited to a water capacity of 1 000 litres. More than one
pressure receptacle may be placed in the same salvage pressure receptacle only if the contents are
known and do not react dangerously with each other (see In this case the total sum of water
capacities of the placed pressure receptacles shall not exceed 1 000 litres. Appropriate measures shall
be taken to prevent movement of the pressure receptacles within the salvage pressure receptacle e.g.
by partitioning, securing or cushioning.

A pressure receptacle may only be placed in a salvage pressure receptacle if:
(a) The salvage pressure receptacle is in accordance with and a copy of the approval
certificate is available;
(b) Parts of the salvage pressure receptacle which are, or are likely to be in direct contact with the
dangerous goods will not be affected or weakened by those dangerous goods and will not cause
a dangerous effect (e.g. catalyzing reaction or reacting with the dangerous goods); and
(c) The contents of the contained pressure receptacle(s) are limited in pressure and volume so that
if totally discharged into the salvage pressure receptacle, the pressure in the salvage pressure
receptacle at 65 °C will not exceed the test pressure of the salvage pressure receptacle (for
gases, see packing instruction in P200 (3) in The reduction of the useable water
capacity of the salvage pressure receptacle, e.g. by any contained equipment and cushioning,
shall be taken into account.

The proper shipping name, the UN number preceded by the letters "UN" and label(s) as required for
packages in Chapter 5.2 applicable to the dangerous goods inside the contained pressure receptacle(s)
shall be applied to the salvage pressure receptacle for carriage.

Salvage pressure receptacles shall be cleaned, purged and visually inspected internally and externally
after each use. They shall be periodically inspected and tested in accordance with at least once
every five years.

Verification of the chemical compatibility of plastics packagings, including IBCs, by assimilation of filling substances to standard liquids


For polyethylene packagings as specified in, and for polyethylene IBCs as specified in, the chemical compatibility with filling substances may be verified by assimilation to
standard liquids following the procedures, as set out in to and using the list in
table, provided that the particular design types have been tested with these standard liquids
in accordance with 6.1.5 or 6.5.6, taking into account 6.1.6 and that the conditions in are
met. When assimilation in accordance with this sub-section is not possible, the chemical compatibility
needs to be verified by design type testing in accordance with or by laboratory tests in
accordance with for packagings, and in accordance with or for IBCs,
NOTE: Irrespective of the provisions of this sub-section, the use of packagings, including IBCs,
for a specific filling substance is subject to the limitations of Table A of Chapter 3.2, and the packing
instructions in Chapter 4.1.


The relative densities of the filling substances shall not exceed that used to determine the height for
the drop test performed successfully according to or and the mass for the stacking
test performed successfully according to or where necessary according to with the
assimilated standard liquid(s). The vapour pressures of the filling substances at 50 °C or 55 °C shall
not exceed that used to determine the pressure for the internal pressure (hydraulic) test performed
successfully according to or with the assimilated standard liquid(s). In case that
filling substances are assimilated to a combination of standard liquids, the corresponding values of the
filling substances shall not exceed the minimum values derived from the applied drop heights,
stacking masses and internal test pressures.
Example: UN 1736 Benzoyl chloride is assimilated to the combination of standard liquids "Mixture of
hydrocarbons and wetting solution". It has a vapour pressure of 0.34 kPa at 50 °C and a relative
density of approximately 1.2. Design type tests for plastics drums and jerricans were frequently
performed at minimum required test levels. In practice this means that the stacking test is commonly
performed with stacking loads considering only a relative density of 1.0 for the "Mixture of
hydrocarbons" and a relative density of 1.2 for the "Wetting solution" (see definition of standard
liquids in 6.1.6). As a consequence chemical compatibility of such tested design types would not be
verified for benzoyl chloride by reason of the inadequate test level of the design type with the standard
liquid "mixture of hydrocarbons". (Due to the fact that in the majority of cases the applied internal
hydraulic test pressure is not less than 100 kPa, the vapour pressure of benzoyl chloride would be
covered by such test level according to
All components of a filling substance, which may be a solution, mixture or preparation, such as
wetting agents in detergents and disinfectants, irrespective whether dangerous or non-dangerous, shall
be included in the assimilation procedure.

Assimilation procedure

The following steps shall be taken to assign filling substances to listed substances or groups of
substances in table (see also scheme in Figure
(a) Classify the filling substance in accordance with the procedures and criteria of Part 2
(determination of the UN number and packing group);
(b) If it is included there, go to the UN number in column (1) of table;
(c) Select the line that corresponds in terms of packing group, concentration, flashpoint, the
presence of non-dangerous components etc. by means of the information given in columns
(2a), (2b) and (4), if there is more than one entry for this UN number.
If this is not possible, the chemical compatibility shall be verified in accordance with
or for packagings, and in accordance with or for IBCs (however, in
the case of aqueous solutions, see;
(d) If the UN number and packing group of the filling substance determined in accordance with (a)
is not included in the assimilation list, the chemical compatibility shall be proved in
accordance with or for packagings, and in accordance with or for IBCs;
(e) Apply the "Rule for collective entries", as described in, if this is indicated in column
(5) of the selected line;
(f) The chemical compatibility of the filling substance may be regarded as verified taking into
account and, if a standard liquid or a combination of standard liquids is
assimilated in column (5) and the design type is approved for that/those standard liquid(s).
Figure Scheme for the assimilation of filling substances to standard liquids

Aqueous solutions

Aqueous solutions of substances and groups of substances assimilated to specific standard liquid(s) in
accordance with may also be assimilated to that (those) standard liquid(s) provided the
following conditions are met:
(a) the aqueous solution can be assigned to the same UN number as the listed substance in
accordance with the criteria of, and
(b) the aqueous solution is not specifically mentioned by name otherwise in the assimilation list in, and
(c) no chemical reaction is taking place between the dangerous substance and the solvent water.
Example: Aqueous solutions of UN 1120 tert-Butanol:
- Pure tert-Butanol itself is assigned to the standard liquid "acetic acid" in the assimilation list.
- Aqueous solutions of tert-Butanol can be classified under the entry UN 1120 BUTANOLS in
accordance with, because the aqueous solution of tert-Butanol does not differ from the
entries of the pure substances relating to the class, the packing group(s) and the physical state.
Furthermore, the entry "1120 BUTANOLS" is not explicitly limited to the pure substances, and
aqueous solutions of these substances are not specifically mentioned by name otherwise in
Table A of chapter 3.2 as well as in the assimilation list.
- UN 1120 BUTANOLS do not react with water under normal conditions of carriage.
As a consequence, aqueous solutions of UN 1120 tert-Butanol may be assigned to the standard liquid
"acetic acid".

Rule for collective entries

For the assimilation of filling substances for which "Rule for collective entries" is indicated in column
(5), the following steps shall be taken and conditions be met (see also scheme in Figure
(a) Perform the assimilation procedure for each dangerous component of the solution, mixture or
preparation in accordance with taking into account the conditions in In
the case of generic entries, components may be neglected, that are known to have no
damaging effect on high density polyethylene (e.g. solid pigments in UN 1263 PAINT or
(b) A solution, mixture or preparation cannot be assimilated to a standard liquid, if:
(i) the UN number and packing group of one or more of the dangerous components does
not appear in the assimilation list; or
(ii) "Rule for collective entries" is indicated in column (5) of the assimilation list for one
or more of the components; or
(iii) (with the exception of UN 2059 NITROCELLULOSE SOLUTION, FLAMMABLE)
the classification code of one or more of its dangerous components differs from that
of the solution, mixture or preparation.
(c) If all dangerous components are listed in the assimilation list, and its classification codes are
in accordance with the classification code of the solution, mixture or preparation itself, and
all dangerous components are assimilated to the same standard liquid or combination of
standard liquids in column (5), the chemical compatibility of the solution, mixture or
preparation may be regarded as verified taking into account and;
(d) If all dangerous components are listed in the assimilation list and its classification codes are
in accordance with the classification code of the solution, mixture or preparation itself, but
different standard liquids are indicated in column (5), the chemical compatibility may only
be regarded as verified for the following combinations of standard liquids taking into
account and
(i) water/nitric acid 55%; with the exception of inorganic acids with the classification
code C1, which are assigned to standard liquid "water";
(ii) water/wetting solution;
(iii) water/acetic acid;
(iv) water/mixture of hydrocarbons;
(v) water/n-butyl acetate – n-butyl acetate-saturated wetting solution;
(e) In the scope of this rule, chemical compatibility is not regarded as verified for other
combinations of standard liquids than those specified in (d) and for all cases specified in (b).
In such cases the chemical compatibility shall be verified by other means (see (d)).
Example 1: Mixture of UN 1940 THIOGLYCOLIC ACID (50%) and UN 2531 METHACRYLIC
ACID, STABILIZED (50%); classification of the mixture: UN 3265 CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACIDIC,
- Both the UN numbers of the components and the UN number of the mixture are included in the
assimilation list;
- Both the components and the mixture have the same classification code: C3;
- UN 1940 THIOGLYCOLIC ACID is assimilated to standard liquid "acetic acid", and UN 2531
METHACRYLIC ACID, STABILIZED is assimilated to standard liquid "n-butyl acetate/n-butyl
acetate-saturated wetting solution". According to paragraph (d) this is not an acceptable
combination of standard liquids. The chemical compatibility of the mixture has to be verified
by other means.
Example 2: Mixture of UN 1793 ISOPROPYL ACID PHOSPHATE (50%) and UN 1803
PHENOLSULPHONIC ACID, LIQUID (50%); classification of the mixture: UN 3265 CORROSIVE
- Both the UN numbers of the components and the UN number of the mixture are included in the
assimilation list;
- Both the components and the mixture have the same classification code: C3;
- UN 1793 ISOPROPYL ACID PHOSPHATE is assimilated to standard liquid "wetting
solution", and UN 1803 PHENOLSULPHONIC ACID, LIQUID is assimilated to standard
liquid "water". According to paragraph (d) this is one of the acceptable combinations of
standard liquids. As a consequence the chemical compatibility may be regarded as verified for
this mixture, provided the packaging design type is approved for the standard liquids "wetting
solution" and "water".
Acceptable combinations of standard liquids:
- water/nitric acid (55%), with the exception of inorganic acids of classification code C1 which are assigned to
standard liquid "water";
- water/wetting solution;
- water/acetic acid;
- water/mixture of hydrocarbons;
- water/n-butyl acetate – n-butyl acetate saturated wetting solution
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