Approval of shipments and notificat
In addition to the approval of package designs described in Chapter 6.4, multilateral shipment
approval is also required in certain circumstances ( and In some circumstances it is
also necessary to notify competent authorities of a shipment (
Shipment approvals
Multilateral approval shall be required for:
(a) the shipment of Type B(M) packages not conforming with the requirements of or
designed to allow controlled intermittent venting;
(b) the shipment of Type B(M) packages containing radioactive material with an activity greater
than 3 000 A1 or 3 000 A2, as appropriate, or 1 000 TBq, whichever is the lower; and
(c) The shipment of packages containing fissile materials if the sum of the criticality safety
indexes of the packages in a single vehicle or container exceeds 50;
except that a competent authority may authorize carriage into or through its country without shipment
approval, by a specific provision in its design approval (see
Shipment approval by special arrangement
Provisions may be approved by a competent authority under which a consignment, which does not
satisfy all of the applicable requirements of ADR may be carried under special arrangement
(see 1.7.4).
Notification to competent authorities is required as follows:
(a) Before the first shipment of any package requiring competent authority approval, the consignor
shall ensure that copies of each applicable competent authority certificate applying to that
package design have been submitted to the competent authority of the country of origin of the
shipment and to the competent authority of each country through or into which the
consignment is to be carried. The consignor is not required to await an acknowledgement from
the competent authority, nor is the competent authority required to make such
acknowledgement of receipt of the certificate;
(b) For each of the following types of shipments:
(i) Type C packages containing radioactive material with an activity greater than 3 000 A1
or 3 000 A2, as appropriate, or 1 000 TBq, whichever is the lower;
(ii) Type B(U) packages containing radioactive material with an activity greater than 3 000
A1 or 3 000 A2, as appropriate, or 1 000 TBq, whichever is the lower;
(iii) Type B(M) packages;
(iv) Shipment under special arrangement;
The consignor shall notify the competent authority of the country of origin of the shipment and
the competent authority of each country through or into which the consignment is to be carried.
This notification shall be in the hands of each competent authority prior to the commencement
of the shipment, and preferably at least 7 days in advance;
(c) The consignor is not required to send a separate notification if the required information has
been included in the application for approval of shipment (see;
(d) The consignment notification shall include:
(i) sufficient information to enable the identification of the package or packages including
all applicable certificate numbers and identification marks;
(ii) information on the date of shipment, the expected date of arrival and proposed routeing;
(iii) the name(s) of the radioactive material(s) or nuclide(s);
(iv) descriptions of the physical and chemical forms of the radioactive material, or whether
it is special form radioactive material or low dispersible radioactive material; and
(v) the maximum activity of the radioactive contents during carriage expressed in
becquerels (Bq) with an appropriate SI prefix symbol (see For fissile material,
the mass of fissile material (or of each fissile nuclide for mixtures when appropriate) in
grams (g), or multiples thereof, may be used in place of activity.
Certificates issued by the competent authority
Certificates issued by the competent authority are required for the following:
(a) Designs for:
(i) special form radioactive material;
(ii) low dispersible radioactive material;
(iii) fissile material excepted under (f);
(iv) packages containing 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride;
(v) packages containing fissile material unless excepted by, or;
(vi) Type B(U) packages and Type B(M) packages;
(vii) Type C packages;
(b) Special arrangements;
(c) Certain shipments (see;
(d) Determination of the basic radionuclide values referred to in for individual
radionuclides which are not listed in Table (see (a));
(e) Alternative activity limits for an exempt consignment of instruments or articles (see (b)).
The certificates shall confirm that the applicable requirements are met, and for design approvals shall
attribute to the design an identification mark.
The certificates of approval for the package design and the shipment may be combined into a single
Certificates and applications for these certificates shall be in accordance with the requirements
in 6.4.23.
The consignor shall be in possession of a copy of each applicable certificate.
For package designs where it is not required that a competent authority issue a certificate of approval,
the consignor shall, on request, make available for inspection by the competent authority,
documentary evidence of the compliance of the package design with all the applicable requirements.
Determination of transport index (TI) and criticality safety index (CSI)
The transport index (TI) for a package, overpack or container, or for unpackaged LSA-I or SCO-I,
shall be the number derived in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) Determine the maximum radiation level in units of millisieverts per hour (mSv/h) at a distance of 1 m from the external surfaces of the package, overpack, container, or unpackaged LSA-I and SCO-I. The value determined shall be multiplied by 100 and the resulting number is the transport index. For uranium and thorium ores and their concentrates, the maximum radiation level at any point 1 m from the external surface of the load may be taken as:
0.4 mSv/h for ores and physical concentrates of uranium and thorium;
0.3 mSv/h for chemical concentrates of thorium;
0.02 mSv/h for chemical concentrates of uranium, other than uranium hexafluoride;
For tanks, containers and unpackaged LSA-I and SCO-I, the value determined in step (a) above shall be multiplied by the appropriate factor from Table;
The value obtained in steps (a) and (b) above shall be rounded up to the first decimal place (e.g. 1.13 becomes 1.2), except that a value of 0.05 or less may be considered as zero.
Table Multiplication factors for tanks, containers and unpackaged LSA-I and SCO-I
Size of load a
Multiplication factor
size of load 1 m2
1 m2 < size of load 5 m2
5 m2 < size of load 20 m2
20 m2 < size of load
a Largest cross-sectional area of the load being measured.
The transport index for each overpack, container or vehicle shall be determined as either the sum of
the TIs of all the packages contained, or by direct measurement of radiation level, except in the case of
non-rigid overpacks for which the transport index shall be determined only as the sum of the TIs of all
the packages.
The criticality safety index for each overpack or container shall be determined as the sum of the CSIs
of all the packages contained. The same procedure shall be followed for determining the total sum of
the CSIs in a consignment or aboard a vehicle.
Packages, overpacks and containers shall be assigned to either category I-WHITE, II-YELLOW or
III-YELLOW in accordance with the conditions specified in Table and with the following
(a) For a package, overpack or container, both the transport index and the surface radiation level
conditions shall be taken into account in determining which is the appropriate category. Where
the transport index satisfies the condition for one category but the surface radiation level
satisfies the condition for a different category, the package, overpack or container shall be
assigned to the higher category. For this purpose, category I-WHITE shall be regarded as the
lowest category;
(b) The transport index shall be determined following the procedures specified in and;
(c) If the surface radiation level is greater than 2 mSv/h, the package or overpack shall be carried
under exclusive use and under the provisions of 7.5.11, CV33 (1.3) and (3.5) (a);
(d) A package carried under a special arrangement shall be assigned to category III-YELLOW
except under the provisions of;
(e) An overpack or container which contains packages carried under special arrangement shall be
assigned to category III-YELLOW except under the provisions of
Transport index
Maximum radiation level at any point on external surface
Not more than 0.005 mSv/h
More than 0 but not more than 1a
More than 0.005 mSv/h but not more than 0.5 mSv/h
More than 1 but not more than 10
More than 0.5 mSv/h but not more than 2 mSv/h
More than 10
More than 2 mSv/h but not more than 10 mSv/h
a If the measured TI is not greater than 0.05, the value quoted may be zero in accordance wit
b ntainers (see Table D in 7.5.11 CV33 (3.3)).
In all cases of international carriage of packages requiring competent authority approval of design or
shipment, for which different approval types apply in the different countries concerned by the
shipment, the categorization shall be in accordance with the certificate of the country of origin of
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