The consignor and the carrier shall retain a copy of the dangerous goods transport document and
additional information and documentation as specified in ADR, for a minimum period of three

When the documents are kept electronically or in a computer system, the consignor and the carrier
shall be able to reproduce them in a printed form.

Example of a multimodal dangerous goods form

Example of a form which may be used as a combined dangerous goods declaration and container
packing certificate for multimodal carriage of dangerous goods.




Special provisions applicable to fumigated cargo transport units (UN 3359)


Fumigated cargo transport units (UN 3359) containing no other dangerous goods are not subject to
any provisions of ADR other than those of this section.

When the fumigated cargo transport unit is loaded with dangerous goods in addition to the fumigant,
any provision of ADR relevant to these goods (including placarding, marking and documentation)
applies in addition to the provisions of this section.

Only cargo transport units that can be closed in such a way that the escape of gas is reduced to a
minimum shall be used for the carriage of cargo under fumigation.


Persons engaged in the handling of fumigated cargo transport units shall be trained commensurate
with their responsibilities.

Marking and placarding

affixed at each access point in a location where it will be easily seen by persons opening or entering
the cargo transport unit. This mark shall remain on the cargo transport unit until the following
provisions are met:
(a) The fumigated cargo transport unit has been ventilated to remove harmful concentrations of
fumigant gas; and
(b) The fumigated goods or materials have been unloaded.

The fumigation warning mark shall be as shown in Figure
The mark shall be a rectangle. The minimum dimensions shall be 400 mm wide x 300 mm high and
the minimum width of the outer line shall be 2 mm. The mark shall be in black print on a white
background with lettering not less than 25 mm high. Where dimensions are not specified, all features
shall be in approximate proportion to those shown.


If the fumigated cargo transport unit has been completely ventilated either by opening the doors of the
unit or by mechanical ventilation after fumigation, the date of ventilation shall be marked on the
fumigation warning mark.
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