Code for designating types of packagings

The codes for designating types of packagings are set out in

The letters "U" or "W" may follow the packaging code. The letter "U" signifies a special packaging
conforming to the requirements of The letter "W" signifies that the packaging, although, of
the same type indicated by the code is manufactured to a specification different from that in 6.1.4 and
is considered equivalent under the requirements of


NOTE 1: The marks indicate that the packaging which bears them corresponds to a successfully
tested design type and that it complies with the requirements of this Chapter which are related to the
manufacture, but not to the use, of the packaging.
NOTE 2: The marks are intended to be of assistance to packaging manufacturers, reconditioners,
packaging users, carriers and regulatory authorities.
NOTE 3: The marks do not always provide full details of the test levels, etc., and these may need to
be taken further into account, e.g. by reference to a test certificate, to test reports or to a register of
successfully tested packagings.

Each packaging intended for use according to ADR shall bear marks which are durable, legible and
placed in a location and of such a size relative to the packaging as to be readily visible. For packages
with a gross mass of more than 30 kg, the marks or a duplicate thereof shall appear on the top or on a
side of the packaging. Letters, numerals and symbols shall be at least 12 mm high, except for
packagings of 30 litres or 30 kg capacity or less, when they shall be at least 6 mm in height and for
packagings of 5 litres or 5 kg or less when they shall be of an appropriate size.


A packaging that meets the requirements of this section and of 6.3.5 shall be marked with:
(a) The United Nations packaging symbol 
This symbol shall not be used for any purpose other than certifying that a packaging, a flexible
bulk container, a portable tank or a MEGC complies with the relevant requirements in
Chapter 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 or 6.11;
(b) The code designating the type of packaging according to the requirements of 6.1.2;
(c) The text "CLASS 6.2";
(d) The last two digits of the year of manufacture of the packaging;
(e) The state authorizing the allocation of the mark, indicated by the distinguishing sign used on
vehicles in international road traffic1;
(f) The name of the manufacturer or other identification of the packaging specified by the
competent authority;
(g) For packagings meeting the requirements of, the letter "U", inserted immediately
following the mark required in (b) above.

Marks shall be applied in the sequence shown in (a) to (g); each mark required in these subparagraphs
shall be clearly separated, e.g. by a slash or space, so as to be easily identifiable. For
examples, see
Any additional marks authorized by a competent authority shall still enable the marks required in to be correctly identified.

Example of marking

Test requirements for packagings

Performance and frequency of tests

The design type of each packaging shall be tested as provided in this section in accordance with
procedures established by the competent authority allowing the allocation of the mark and shall be
approved by this competent authority.

Each packaging design type shall successfully pass the tests prescribed in this Chapter before being
used. A packaging design type is defined by the design, size, material and thickness, manner of
construction and packing, but may include various surface treatments. It also includes packagings
which differ from the design type only in their lesser design height.

Tests shall be repeated on production samples at intervals established by the competent authority.
1 Distinguishing sign of the State of registration used on motor vehicles and trailers in international road traffic,
e.g. in accordance with the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic of 1949 or the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of

Tests shall also be repeated after each modification which alters the design, material or manner of
construction of a packaging.

The competent authority may permit the selective testing of packagings that differ only in minor
respects from a tested type, e.g. smaller sizes or lower net mass of primary receptacles; and
packagings such as drums and boxes which are produced with small reductions in external
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