
For normal conditions of carriage a number "N" shall be derived, such that five times "N" packages 
shall be subcritical for the arrangement and package conditions that provide the maximum neutron 
multiplication consistent with the following:
(a) There shall not be anything between the packages, and the  package  arrangement  shall  be 
reflected on all sides by at least 20 cm of water; and
(b) The state of the packages shall be their assessed or demonstrated condition if they had been 
subjected to the tests specified in 6.4.15.

For accident conditions of carriage a number "N" shall be derived, such that two times "N" packages
shall be subcritical for the arrangement and package conditions that provide the maximum neutron
multiplication consistent with the following:
(a) Hydrogenous moderation between packages, and the package arrangement reflected on all
sides by at least 20 cm of water; and
(b) The tests specified in 6.4.15 followed by whichever of the following is the more limiting:
(i) the tests specified in (b) and, either (c) for packages having a mass not
greater than 500 kg and an overall density not greater than 1 000 kg/m3 based on the
external dimensions, or (a) for all other packages; followed by the test specified
in and completed by the tests specified in to; or
(ii) the test specified in; and
(c) Where any part of the fissile material escapes from the containment system following the tests
specified in (b), it shall be assumed that fissile material escapes from each package in
the array and all of the fissile material shall be arranged in the configuration and moderation
that results in the maximum neutron multiplication with close reflection by at least 20 cm of


The criticality safety index (CSI) for packages containing fissile material shall be obtained by dividing
the number 50 by the smaller of the two values of N derived in and (i.e. CSI =
50/N). The value of the criticality safety index may be zero, provided that an unlimited number of
packages is subcritical (i.e. N is effectively equal to infinity in both cases).

Test procedures and demonstration of compliance

Demonstration of compliance with the performance standards required in,,,,,, and 6.4.2 to 6.4.11 must be accomplished by
any of the methods listed below or by a combination thereof:
(a) Performance of tests with specimens representing LSA-III material, or special form
radioactive material, or low dispersible radioactive material or with prototypes or samples of
the packaging, where the contents of the specimen or the packaging for the tests shall
simulate as closely as practicable the expected range of radioactive contents and the
specimen or packaging to be tested shall be prepared as presented for carriage;
(b) Reference to previous satisfactory demonstrations of a sufficiently similar nature;
(c) Performance of tests with models of appropriate scale incorporating those features which are
significant with respect to the item under investigation when engineering experience has
shown results of such tests to be suitable for design purposes. When a scale model is used,
the need for adjusting certain test parameters, such as penetrator diameter or compressive
load, shall be taken into account;
(d) Calculation, or reasoned argument, when the calculation procedures and parameters are
generally agreed to be reliable or conservative.


After the specimen, prototype or sample has been subjected to the tests, appropriate methods of
assessment shall be used to assure that the requirements for the test procedures have been fulfilled in
compliance with the performance and acceptance standards prescribed in,,,,,, and 6.4.2 to 6.4.11.

All specimens shall be inspected before testing in order to identify and record faults or damage
including the following:
(a)       Divergence from the design;
(b)      Defects in manufacture;
(c)       Corrosion or other deterioration; and
(d)      Distortion of features.
The containment system of the package shall be clearly specified. The external features of the 
specimen shall be clearly identified so that reference may be made simply and clearly to any part 
such specimen.

Testing the integrity of the containment system and shielding and evaluating criticality safety

After each of the applicable tests specified in 6.4.15 to 6.4.21:
(a) Faults and damage shall be identified and recorded;
(b) It shall be determined whether the integrity of the containment system and shielding has been
retained to the extent required in 6.4.2 to 6.4.11 for the package under test; and
(c) For packages containing fissile material, it shall be determined whether the assumptions and
conditions used in the assessments required by to for one or more packages
are valid.


Target for drop tests

The target for the drop tests specified in (a),, 6.4.16 (a), and
shall be a flat, horizontal surface of such a character that any increase in its resistance to displacement
or deformation upon impact by the specimen would not significantly increase the damage to the

Tests for demonstrating ability to withstand normal conditions of carriage

The tests are: the water spray test, the free drop test, the stacking test and the penetration test.
Specimens of the package shall be subjected to the free drop test, the stacking test and the penetration
test, preceded in each case by the water spray test. One specimen may be used for all the tests,
provided that the requirements of are fulfilled.

The time interval between the conclusion of the water spray test and the succeeding test shall be such
that the water has soaked in to the maximum extent, without appreciable drying of the exterior of the
specimen. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, this interval shall be taken to be two hours if
the water spray is applied from four directions simultaneously. No time interval shall elapse, however,
if the water spray is applied from each of the four directions consecutively.

Water spray test: The specimen shall be subjected to a water spray test that simulates exposure to
rainfall of approximately 5 cm per hour for at least one hour.

Free drop test: The specimen shall drop onto the target so as to suffer maximum damage in respect  
the safety features to be tested.
(a) The height of drop measured from the lowest point of the specimen to the upper surface of the 
target shall be not less than the distance specified in Table for the applicable mass.  
The target shall be as defined in 6.4.14;
(b) For rectangular fibreboard or wood packages not exceeding a mass  of  50 kg,  a  separate 
specimen shall be subjected to a free drop onto each corner from a height of 0.3 m;
(c)     For cylindrical fibreboard packages not exceeding a mass of 100 kg, a separate specimen 
shall  be subjected to a free drop onto each of the quarters of each rim from a height of 0.3 m.
Table     Free drop distance for testing packages to normal conditions of carriage

Package mass (kg)

Free drop distance (m)

Package mass < 5 000


5 000  Package mass < 10 000


10 000  Package mass < 15 000


15 000  Package mass



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