Alternative requirements for Types IP-2 and IP-3 packages

Packages may be used as Type IP-2 package provided that:
(a) They satisfy the requirements of;
(b) They are designed to satisfy the requirements prescribed for packing group I or II in Chapter
6.1; and
(c) When subjected to the tests required for packing groups I or II in Chapter 6.1, they would
(i) Loss or dispersal of the radioactive contents; and
(ii) More than a 20% increase in the maximum radiation level at any external surface of the

Portable tanks may also be used as Types IP-2 or IP-3 packages, provided that:
(a) They satisfy the requirements of;
(b) They are designed to satisfy the requirements prescribed in Chapter 6.7 and are capable of
withstanding a test pressure of 265 kPa; and
(c) They are designed so that any additional shielding which is provided shall be capable of
withstanding the static and dynamic stresses resulting from handling and routine conditions of
carriage and of preventing more than a 20% increase in the maximum radiation level at any
external surface of the portable tanks.

Tanks, other than portable tanks, may also be used as Types IP-2 or IP-3 packages for carrying LSA-I
and LSA-II liquids and gases as prescribed in Table, provided that:
(a) They satisfy the requirements of;
(b) They are designed to satisfy the requirements prescribed in Chapter 6.8; and
(c) They are designed so that any additional shielding which is provided shall be capable of
withstanding the static and dynamic stresses resulting from handling and routine conditions of
carriage and of preventing more than a 20% increase in the maximum radiation level at any
external surface of the tanks.

Containers with the characteristics of a permanent enclosure may also be used as Types IP-2 or IP-3
packages, provided that:
(a) The radioactive contents are restricted to solid materials;
(b) They satisfy the requirements of; and
(c) They are designed to conform to ISO 1496-1:1990: "Series 1 Containers - Specifications and
Testing - Part 1: General Cargo Containers" and subsequent amendments 1:1993, 2:1998,
3:2005, 4:2006 and 5:2006, excluding dimensions and ratings. They shall be designed such that
if subjected to the tests prescribed in that document and the accelerations occurring during
routine conditions of carriage they would prevent:
(i) loss or dispersal of the radioactive contents; and
(ii) more than a 20% increase in the maximum radiation level at any external surface of the


Metal intermediate bulk containers may also be used as Types IP-2 or IP-3 packages provided that:
(a) They satisfy the requirements of; and
(b) They are designed to satisfy the requirements prescribed in Chapter 6.5 for packing group I or
II, and if they were subjected to the tests prescribed in that Chapter, but with the drop test
conducted in the most damaging orientation, they would prevent:
(i) loss or dispersal of the radioactive contents; and
(ii) more than a 20% increase in the maximum radiation level at any external surface of the
intermediate bulk container.

Requirements for packages containing uranium hexafluoride

Packages designed to contain uranium hexafluoride shall meet the requirements which pertain to the
radioactive and fissile properties of the material prescribed elsewhere in ADR. Except as allowed
in, uranium hexafluoride in quantities of 0.1 kg or more shall also be packaged and carried in
accordance with the provisions of ISO 7195:2005 "Nuclear Energy – Packaging of uranium
hexafluoride (UF6) for transport", and the requirements of and

Each package designed to contain 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride shall be designed so that it
would meet the following requirements:
(a) Withstand without leakage and without unacceptable stress, as specified in ISO 7195:2005, the
structural test as specified in except as allowed in;
(b) Withstand without loss or dispersal of the uranium hexafluoride the free drop test specified
in; and
(c) Withstand without rupture of the containment system the thermal test specified in
except as allowed in

Packages designed to contain 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride shall not be provided with
pressure relief devices.

Subject to multilateral approval, packages designed to contain 0.1 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride
may be carried if the packages are designed:
(a) to international or national standards other than ISO 7195:2005 provided an equivalent level of
safety is maintained; and/or
(b) to withstand without leakage and without unacceptable stress a test pressure of less than 2.76
MPa as specified in; and/or
(c) to contain 9 000 kg or more of uranium hexafluoride and the packages do not meet the
requirement of (c).
In all other respects the requirements specified in to shall be satisfied.

Requirements for Type A packages

Type A packages shall be designed to meet the general requirements of 6.4.2 and of

The smallest overall external dimension of the package shall not be less than 10 cm.

The outside of the package shall incorporate a feature such as a seal, which is not readily breakable
and which, while intact, will be evidence that it has not been opened.
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