Specific requirements for metal IBCs

These requirements apply to metal IBCs intended for the carriage of solids and liquids. There are three
categories of metal IBCs:
(a) Those for solids which are filled or discharged by gravity (11A, 11B, 11N);
(b) Those for solids which are filled or discharged at a gauge pressure greater than 10 kPa (0.1 bar)
(21A, 21B, 21N); and
(c) Those for liquids (31A, 31B, 31N).

Bodies shall be made of suitable ductile metal in which the weldability has been fully demonstrated.
Welds shall be skilfully made and afford complete safety. Low-temperature performance of the
material shall be taken into account when appropriate.

Care shall be taken to avoid damage by galvanic action due to the juxtaposition of dissimilar metals.

Aluminium IBCs intended for the carriage of flammable liquids shall have no movable parts, such as
covers, closures, etc., made of unprotected steel liable to rust, which might cause a dangerous reaction
by coming into frictional or percussive contact with the aluminium.

Minimum wall thickness:

(a) for a reference steel having a product of Rm  A= 10 000, the wall thickness shall not be less than:


Capacity (C) in litres

Wall thickness (T) in mm

Types 11A, 11B, 11N

Types 21A, 21B, 21N, 31A, 31B, 31N










1000 < C  2000

T = C/2000 + 1.5

T = C/2000 + 1.0

T = C/2000 + 2.0

T = C/2000 + 1.5

2000 < C  3000

T = C/2000 + 1.5

T = C/2000 + 1.0

T = C/1000 + 1.0

T = C/2000 + 1.5

where: A= minimum elongation (as a percentage) of the reference steel to be used on fracture under tensile stress (see;


(b) for metals other than the reference steel described in (a), the minimum wall thickness is given by the following equivalence formula:

where: e1 = required equivalent wall thickness of the metal to be used (in mm);
e0 = required minimum wall thickness for the reference steel (in mm);
Rm1 = guaranteed minimum tensile strength of the metal to be used (in N/mm2)
(see (c));
A1 = minimum elongation (as a percentage) of the metal to be used on fracture
under tensile stress (see
However, in no case shall the wall thickness be less than 1.5 mm.
(c) For purposes of the calculation described in (b), the guaranteed minimum tensile strength of
the metal to be used (Rm1) shall be the minimum value according to national or international
material standards. However, for austenitic steels, the specified value for Rm according to the
material standards may be increased by up to 15% when a greater value is attested in the
material inspection certificate. When no material standard exists for the material in question,
the value of Rm shall be the minimum value attested in the material inspection certificate.


Pressure-relief requirements: IBCs for liquids shall be capable of releasing a sufficient amount of
vapour in the event of fire engulfment to ensure that no rupture of the body will occur. This can be
achieved by conventional pressure relief devices or by other constructional means. The start-todischarge
pressure shall not be higher than 65 kPa (0.65 bar) and no lower than the total gauge
pressure experienced in the IBC (i.e. the vapour pressure of the filling substance plus the partial
pressure of the air or other inert gases, minus 100 kPa (1 bar)) at 55 °C, determined on the basis of a
maximum degree of filling as defined in The required relief devices shall be fitted in the
vapour space.

Specific requirements for flexible IBCs

These requirements apply to flexible IBCs of the following types:
13H1 woven plastics without coating or liner
13H2 woven plastics, coated
13H3 woven plastics with liner
13H4 woven plastics, coated and with liner
13H5 plastics film
13L1 textile without coating or liner
13L2 textile, coated
13L3 textile with liner
13L4 textile, coated and with liner
13M1 paper, multiwall
13M2 paper, multiwall, water resistant
Flexible IBCs are intended for the carriage of solids only.

Bodies shall be manufactured from suitable materials. The strength of the material and the
construction of the flexible IBC shall be appropriate to its capacity and its intended use.

All materials used in the construction of flexible IBCs of types 13M1 and 13M2 shall, after complete
immersion in water for not less than 24 hours, retain at least 85% of the tensile strength as measured
originally on the material conditioned to equilibrium at 67% relative humidity or less.

Seams shall be formed by stitching, heat sealing, gluing or any equivalent method. All stitched seamends
shall be secured.

Flexible IBCs shall provide adequate resistance to ageing and to degradation caused by ultraviolet
radiation or the climatic conditions, or by the substance contained, thereby rendering them appropriate
to their intended use.

For flexible plastics IBCs where protection against ultraviolet radiation is required, it shall be
provided by the addition of carbon black or other suitable pigments or inhibitors. These additives shall
be compatible with the contents and remain effective throughout the life of the body. Where use is
made of carbon black, pigments or inhibitors other than those used in the manufacture of the tested
design type, re-testing may be waived if changes in the carbon black content, the pigment content or
the inhibitor content do not adversely affect the physical properties of the material of construction.
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