Top lift test
For all types of IBC which are designed to be lifted from the top and for flexible IBCs designed to be
lifted from the top or the side, as a design type test.
Preparation of the IBC for test
Metal, rigid plastics and composite IBCs shall be filled. A load shall be added and evenly distributed.
The mass of the filled IBC and the load shall be twice the maximum permissible gross mass. Flexible
IBCs shall be filled with a representative material and then shall be loaded to six times their maximum
permissible gross mass, the load being evenly distributed.
Methods of testing
Metal and flexible IBCs shall be lifted in the manner for which they are designed until clear of the
floor and maintained in that position for a period of five minutes.
Rigid plastics and composite IBCs shall be lifted:
(a) by each pair of diagonally opposite lifting devices, so that the hoisting forces are applied
vertically, for a period of five minutes; and
(b) by each pair of diagonally opposite lifting devices, so that the hoisting forces are applied
toward the centre at 45º to the vertical, for a period of five minutes.
Other methods of top lift testing and preparation at least equally effective may be used for flexible IBCs.
Criteria for passing the test
(a) Metal, rigid plastics and composite IBCs: the IBC remains safe for normal conditions of
carriage, there is no observable permanent deformation of the IBC, including the base pallet, if
any, and no loss of contents;
(b) Flexible IBCs: no damage to the IBC or its lifting devices which renders the IBC unsafe for
carriage or handling and no loss of contents.
Stacking test
For all types of IBC which are designed to be stacked on each other, as a design type test.
Preparation of the IBC for test
The IBC shall be filled to its maximum permissible gross mass. If the specific gravity of the product
being used for testing makes this impracticable, the IBC shall additionally be loaded so that it is tested
at its maximum permissible gross mass the load being evenly distributed.
Method of testing
(a) The IBC shall be placed on its base on level hard ground and subjected to a uniformly
distributed superimposed test load (see For rigid plastics IBCs of type 31H2 and
composite IBCs of types 31HH1 and 31HH2, a stacking test shall be carried out with the
original filling substance or a standard liquid (see 6.1.6) in accordance with or using the second IBC in accordance with after the preliminary storage. IBCs
shall be subjected to the test load for a period of at least:
(i) 5 minutes, for metal IBCs;
(ii) 28 days at 40 ºC, for rigid plastics IBCs of types 11H2, 21H2 and 31H2 and for
composite IBCs with outer casings of plastics material which bear the stacking load
(i.e., types 11HH1, 11HH2, 21HH1, 21HH2, 31HH1 and 31HH2);
(iii) 24 hours, for all other types of IBCs;
(b) The load shall be applied by one of the following methods:
(i) one or more IBCs of the same type filled to the maximum permissible gross mass
stacked on the test IBC;
(ii) appropriate weights loaded on to either a flat plate or a reproduction of the base of the
IBC, which is stacked on the test IBC.
Calculation of superimposed test load
The load to be placed on the IBC shall be 1.8 times the combined maximum permissible gross mass of
the number of similar IBCs that may be stacked on top of the IBC during carriage.
Criteria for passing the test
(a) All types of IBCs other than flexible IBCs: no permanent deformation which renders the IBC
including the base pallet, if any, unsafe for carriage and no loss of contents;
(b) Flexible IBCs: no deterioration of the body which renders the IBC unsafe for carriage and no
loss of contents.
Leakproofness test
For those types of IBC used for liquids or for solids filled or discharged under pressure, as a design
type test and periodic test.
Preparation of the IBC for test
The test shall be carried out before the fitting of any thermal insulation equipment. Vented closures
shall either be replaced by similar non-vented closures or the vent shall be sealed.
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