
For those types of IBCs used for liquids or for solids filled or discharged under pressure, as a design
type test.

Preparation of the IBC for test

The test shall be carried out before the fitting of any thermal insulation equipment. Pressure-relief
devices shall be removed and their apertures plugged, or shall be rendered inoperative.

Method of testing

The test shall be carried out for a period of at least 10 minutes applying a hydraulic pressure not less
than that indicated in The IBCs shall not be mechanically restrained during the test.

Pressures to be applied

Metal IBCs:
(a) For IBCs of types 21A, 21B and 21N, for packing group I solids, a 250 kPa (2.5 bar) gauge
(b) For IBCs of types 21A, 21B, 21N, 31A, 31B and 31N, for packing groups II or III substances,
a 200 kPa (2 bar) gauge pressure;
(c) In addition, for IBCs of types 31A, 31B and 31N, a 65kPa (0.65 bar) gauge pressure. This test
shall be performed before the 200 kPa (2 bar) test.

Rigid plastics and composite IBCs:
(a) For IBCs of types 21H1, 2lH2, 21HZ1 and 21HZ2: 75 kPa (0.75 bar) (gauge);
(b) For IBCs of types 31H1, 31H2, 31HZ1 and 31HZ2: whichever is the greater of two values, the
first as determined by one of the following methods:
(i) the total gauge pressure measured in the IBC (i.e. the vapour pressure of the filling
substance and the partial pressure of the air or other inert gases, minus 100 kPa) at
55 °C multiplied by a safety factor of 1.5; this total gauge pressure shall be determined
on the basis of a maximum degree of filling in accordance with and a filling
temperature of 15 °C;
(ii) 1.75 times the vapour pressure at 50 °C of the substance to be carried minus 100 kPa,
but with a minimum test pressure of 100 kPa;
(iii) 1.5 times the vapour pressure at 55 °C of the substance to be carried minus 100 kPa, but
with a minimum test pressure of 100 kPa;
and the second as determined by the following method:
(iv) twice the static pressure of the substance to be carried, with a minimum of twice the
static pressure of water;

Criteria for passing the test(s):
(a) For IBCs of types 21A, 21B, 21N, 31A, 31B and 31N, when subjected to the test pressure
specified in (a) or (b): no leakage;
(b) For IBCs of types 31A, 31B and 31N, when subjected to the test pressure specified
in (c): no permanent deformation which renders the IBC unsafe for carriage and no
(c) For rigid plastics and composite IBCs: no permanent deformation which would render the IBC
unsafe for carriage and no leakage.


Drop test


For all types of IBCs, as a design type test.

Preparation of the IBC for test

(a) Metal IBCs: the IBC shall be filled to not less than 95% of its maximum capacity for solids or
98% of its maximum capacity for liquids. Pressure-relief devices shall be removed and their
apertures plugged, or shall be rendered inoperative;
(b) Flexible IBCs: the IBC shall be filled to the maximum permissible gross mass, the contents
being evenly distributed;
(c) Rigid plastics and composite IBCs: the IBC shall be filled to not less than 95% of its maximum
capacity for solids or 98% of its maximum capacity for liquids. Arrangements provided for
pressure relief may be removed and plugged or rendered inoperative. Testing of IBCs shall be
carried out when the temperature of the test sample and its contents has been reduced to
minus 18 °C or lower. Where test samples of composite IBCs are prepared in this way the
conditioning specified in may be waived. Test liquids shall be kept in the liquid state,
if necessary by the addition of anti-freeze. This conditioning may be disregarded if the
materials in question are of sufficient ductility and tensile strength at low temperatures;
(d) Fibreboard and wooden IBCs: The IBC shall be filled to not less than 95% of its maximum

Method of testing

The IBC shall be dropped on its base onto a non-resilient, horizontal, flat, massive and rigid surface in
conformity with the requirements of, in such a manner as to ensure that the point of impact is
that part of the base of the IBC considered to be the most vulnerable. IBCs of 0.45 m3 or less capacity
shall also be dropped:
(a) Metal IBCs: on the most vulnerable part other than the part of the base tested in the first drop;
(b) Flexible IBCs: on the most vulnerable side;
(c) Rigid plastics, composite, fibreboard and wooden IBCs: flat on a side, flat on the top and on a
The same or different IBCs may be used for each drop.

Drop height

For solids and liquids, if the test is performed with the solid or liquid to be carried or with another

Packing group I

Packing group II

Packing group III

1.8 m

1.2 m

0.8 m


substance having essentially the same physical characteristics:


For liquids if the test is performed with water:


(a) Where the substances to be carried have a relative density not exceeding 1.2:


Packing group II

Packing group III

1.2 m

0.8 m



(b) Where the substances to be carried have a relative density exceeding 1.2, the drop heights shall be calculated on the basis of the relative density (d) of the substance to be carried rounded up to the first decimal as follows:


Packing group II

Packing group III

d × 1.0 m

d × 0.67 m



Criteria for passing the test(s):
(a) Metal IBCs: no loss of contents;
(b) Flexible IBCs: no loss of contents. A slight discharge, e.g. from closures or stitch holes, upon
impact shall not be considered to be a failure of the IBC provided that no further leakage
occurs after the IBC has been raised clear of the ground;
(c) Rigid plastics, composite, fibreboard and wooden IBCs: no loss of contents. A slight discharge
from a closure upon impact shall not be considered to be a failure of the IBC provided that no
further leakage occurs;
(d) All IBCs: no damage which renders the IBC unsafe to be carried for salvage or for disposal,
and no loss of contents. In addition, the IBC shall be capable of being lifted by an appropriate
means until clear of the floor for five minutes.
NOTE: The criteria in (d) apply to design types for IBCs manufactured as from
1 January 2011.

Tear test


For all types of flexible IBCs, as a design type test.

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