Code for designating types of large packagings

The code used for large packagings consist of:
(a) Two Arabic numerals:
50 for rigid large packagings; or
51 for flexible large packagings; and
(b) A capital letter in Latin character indicating the nature of the material, e.g. wood, steel etc. The
capital letters used shall be those shown in

The letters "T" or "W" may follow the Large Packaging code. The letter "T" signifies a large salvage
packaging conforming to the requirements of The letter "W" signifies that the large
packaging, although of the same type indicated by the code, is manufactured to a specification
different from those in 6.6.4 and is considered equivalent in accordance with the requirements


Primary marking

Each large packaging manufactured and intended for use in accordance with the provisions of ADR
shall bear marks which are durable, legible and placed in a location so as to be readily visible. 
Letters, numerals and symbols shall be at least 12 mm high and shall show:
(a)        The United Nations packaging symbol                                              ;
This symbol shall not be used for any purpose other than certifying that a packaging, a flexible 
bulk container, a portable tank or a MEGC complies with the relevant  requirements  in  Chapter 
6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 or 6.11. For metal large packagings on which the marks are stamped or 
embossed, the capital letters "UN" may be applied instead of the symbol;
(b) The number "50" designating a large rigid packaging or "51" for flexible large packagings, 
followed by the material type in accordance with (b);
(c)      A capital letter designating the packing group(s) for which the design type has been 
X for packing groups I, II and III Y for packing groups II and III  Z for packing group III only;
(d)      The month and year (last two digits) of manufacture;
(e) The State authorizing the allocation of the mark; indicated by the distinguishing sign used on 
vehicles in international road traffic1;
(f) The name or symbol of the manufacturer and other identification of the large packagings as 
specified by the competent authority;
(g)    The stacking test load in kg. For large packagings not designed for stacking the figure "0" 
shall be shown;
(h)      The maximum permissible gross mass in kilograms.
The primary mark required above shall be applied in the sequence of the sub-paragraphs.
Each mark applied in accordance with (a) to (h) shall be clearly separated, e.g. by a slash or 
space, so as to be easily identifiable.
1                 Distinguishing sign of the State of registration used on motor vehicles and 
trailers in international road traffic, in accordance with the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic of 
1949 or the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of

Examples of marking

The maximum permitted stacking load applicable when the large packaging is in use shall be
displayed on a symbol as shown in Figure or Figure The symbol shall be durable
and clearly visible.
The minimum dimensions shall be 100 mm x 100 mm. The letters and numbers indicating the mass
shall be at least 12 mm high. The area within the printer’s marks indicated by the dimensional arrows
shall be square. Where dimensions are not specified, all features shall be in approximate proportion to
those shown. The mass marked above the symbol shall not exceed the load imposed during the design
type test (see divided by 1.8.


Specific requirements for large packagings

Specific requirements for metal large packagings

50A steel
50B aluminium
50N metal (other than steel or aluminium)

The large packaging shall be made of suitable ductile metal in which the weldability has been fully
demonstrated. Welds shall be skilfully made and afford complete safety. Low-temperature
performance shall be taken into account when appropriate.

Care shall be taken to avoid damage by galvanic action due to the juxtaposition of dissimilar metals.

Specific requirements for flexible material large packagings

51H flexible plastics
51M flexible paper

The large packaging shall be manufactured from suitable materials. The strength of the material and
the construction of the flexible large packagings shall be appropriate to its capacity and its intended

All materials used in the construction of flexible large packagings of types 51M shall, after complete
immersion in water for not less than 24 hours, retain at least 85% of the tensile strength as measured
originally on the material conditioned to equilibrium at 67% relative humidity or less.

Seams shall be formed by stitching, heat sealing, glueing or any equivalent method. All stitched
seam-ends shall be secured.
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