Initial training programme
The minimum duration of the theoretical element of each initial training course or part of the
comprehensive training course shall be as follows:
Basic training course 18 teaching units
Specialization training course for carriage in tanks 12 teaching units
Specialization training course for carriage of substances and articles
of Class 1
8 teaching units
Specialization training course for carriage of radioactive material
of Class 7
8 teaching units
For the basic training course and the specialization training course for carriage in tanks, additional
teaching units are required for practical exercises referred to in which will vary depending on
the number of drivers under instruction.
The total duration of the comprehensive training course may be determined by the competent
authority, who shall maintain the duration of the basic training course and the specialization training
course for tanks, but may supplement it with shortened specialization training courses for Classes 1
and 7.
Refresher training programme
Refresher training undertaken at regular intervals serves the purpose of bringing the drivers'
knowledge up to date; it shall cover new technical, legal and substance-related developments.
The duration of the refresher training including individual practical exercises shall be of at least two
days for comprehensive training courses, or at least one half the duration allocated to the
corresponding initial basic or initial specialization training courses as specified in for
individual training courses.
A driver may replace a refresher training course and examination with the corresponding initial
training course and examination.
Approval of training
The training courses shall be subject to approval by the competent authority.
Approval shall only be given with regard to applications submitted in writing.
The following documents shall be attached to the application for approval:
(a) A detailed training programme specifying the subjects taught and indicating the time schedule
and planned teaching methods;
(b) Qualifications and fields of activities of the teaching personnel;
(c) Information on the premises where the courses take place and on the teaching materials as well
as on the facilities for the practical exercises;
(d) Conditions of participation in the courses, such as number of participants.
The competent authority shall organize the supervision of training and examinations.
Approval shall be granted in writing by the competent authority subject to the following conditions:
(a) The training shall be given in conformity with the application documents;
(b) The competent authority shall be granted the right to send authorized persons to be present at
the training courses and examinations;
(c) The competent authority shall be advised in time of the dates and the places of the individual
training courses;
(d) The approval may be withdrawn if the conditions of approval are not complied with.
The approval document shall indicate whether the courses concerned are basic or specialization
training courses, initial or refresher training courses, and whether they are limited to specific
dangerous goods or a specific class or classes.
If the training body, after a training course has been given approval, intends to make any alterations
with respect to such details as were relevant to the approval, it shall seek permission in advance from
the competent authority. This applies in particular to changes concerning the training programme.
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