Portable lighting apparatus

The portable lighting apparatus used shall not exhibit any metal surface liable to produce sparks.

Prohibition on smoking

Smoking shall be prohibited during handling operations in the vicinity of vehicles and inside the
vehicles. This prohibition of smoking is also applicable to the use of electronic cigarettes and similar

Use of the parking brakes and wheel chocks

No vehicles carrying dangerous goods may be parked without the parking brakes being applied.
Trailers without braking devices shall be restrained from moving by applying at least one wheel chock
as described in

Use of the parking brakes and wheel chocks

No vehicles carrying dangerous goods may be parked without the parking brakes being applied.
Trailers without braking devices shall be restrained from moving by applying at least one wheel chock
as described in

Use of cables

In the case of a transport unit equipped with an anti-lock braking system, consisting of a motor vehicle
and a trailer with a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, the connections referred to in sub-section shall be connecting the towing vehicle and the trailer at all times during carriage.



Vehicles carrying dangerous goods in the quantities shown in special provisions S1 (6) and S14 to
S24 of Chapter 8.5 for a given substance according to Column (19) of Table A of Chapter 3.2 shall be
supervised or alternatively may be parked, unsupervised, in a secure depot or secure factory premises.
If such facilities are not available, the vehicle, after having been properly secured, may be parked in
an isolated position meeting the requirements of (a), (b) or (c) below:
(a) A vehicle park supervised by an attendant who has been notified of the nature of the load and
the whereabouts of the driver;
(b) A public or private vehicle park where the vehicle is not likely to suffer damage from other
vehicles; or
(c) A suitable open space separated from the public highway and from dwellings, where the public
does not normally pass or assemble.
The parking facilities permitted in (b) shall be used only if those described in (a) are not available, and
those described in (c) may be used only if facilities described in (a) and (b) are not available.

Loaded MEMUs shall be supervised or alternatively may be parked, unsupervised, in a secure depot
or secure factory premises. Empty uncleaned MEMUs are exempted from this requirement.



In addition to the requirements of Chapters 8.1 to 8.4, when reference is made to them in Column 
(19) of Table A of Chapter 3.2, the following requirements shall apply to the carriage of the 
substances or articles concerned. In the event of conflict with the requirements of Chapters 8.1 to 
8.4, the requirements of this Chapter shall take precedence.
S1:                      Requirements concerning the carriage of explosive substances and articles 
(Class 1)
(1)      Special training of drivers
If, according to other regulations applicable in the country of a Contracting Party, a driver has 
followed equivalent training under a different regime or for a different purpose, covering the 
subjects defined in, the specialization training course may be totally or partially 
dispensed with.
(2)       Approved official
If the national regulations so provide, the competent authority of a country contracting party to 
ADR may require an approved official to be carried in the vehicle at the carrier's expense.
(3)      Prohibition of smoking, fire and naked flame
Smoking, the use of fire or of naked flames shall be prohibited on vehicles carrying substances and 
articles of Class 1, in their vicinity and during the loading and unloading of these substances and 
articles. This prohibition of smoking is also applicable to the use of electronic cigarettes and 
similar devices.
(4)      Places of loading and unloading
(a)   Loading or unloading of substances and articles of Class 1 shall not take place in a    
public place in a built-up area without special permission from the competent authorities;
(b)  Loading or unloading of substances and articles of Class 1 in a public space elsewhere  than 
in a built-up area without prior notice thereof having been given to the competent authorities 
shall be prohibited, unless operations are urgently necessary for reasons of safety;
(c) If, for any reason, handling operations have to be carried out in a public place, then 
substances and articles of different kinds shall be separated according to the labels;
(d)    When vehicles carrying substances and articles of Class 1 are obliged to stop for loading or 
unloading operations in a public place, a distance of at least 50 m shall be maintained between the 
stationary vehicles. This distance shall not apply to vehicles belonging to the same transport 
(5)      Convoys
(a)   When vehicles carrying substances and articles of Class 1 travel in convoy, a distance of not 
less than 50 m shall be maintained between each transport unit and the next;
(b)      The competent authority may lay down rules for the order or composition of convoys.
(6)      Supervision of vehicles
The requirements of Chapter 8.4 shall be applicable only when substances and articles of Class 1 
having a total net mass of explosive substance above the limits set below are carried in a
Division 1.1:                                                                                       
                                0 kg
Division 1.2:                                                                                       
                                0 kg
Division 1.3, compatibility group C:                                                                
                 0 kg
Division 1.3, other than compatibility group C:                                                     
          50 kg
Division 1.4, other than those listed below:                                                        
             50 kg
Division 1.5:                                                                                       
                                0 kg
Division 1.6:                                                                                       
                               50 kg
Substances  and  articles  of  Division   1.4   belonging   to   UN   numbers   0104, 0237,0255, 
0267, 0289, 0361, 0365, 0366, 0440, 0441, 0455, 0456 and 0500:               0 kg
For mixed loads the lowest limit applicable to any of the substances or articles carried shall be 
used for the load as a whole.
In addition, these substances and articles shall be supervised at all times in order to prevent any 
malicious act and to alert the driver and the competent authorities in the event of loss or fire.
Empty uncleaned packagings are exempted.
(7)       Locking of vehicles
Doors and rigid covers in the load compartments of EX/II vehicles and all openings in the load 
compartments of EX/III vehicles carrying substances and articles of Class 1 shall be locked during 
transport, except for the periods of loading and unloading.
S2:                      Additional requirements concerning the carriage of flammable liquids or 
(1)      Portable lighting apparatus
The load compartment of closed vehicles carrying liquids having a flash-point of not more than 60 
°C or flammable substances or articles of Class 2, shall not be entered by persons carrying 
portable lighting apparatus other than those so designed and constructed that they cannot ignite 
any flammable vapours or gases which may have penetrated into the interior of the vehicle.
(2)      Operation of combustion heaters during loading or unloading
The operation of combustion heaters of vehicles of type FL (see Part 9) is forbidden during loading 
and unloading and at loading sites.
(3)      Precautions against electrostatic charges
In the case of vehicles of type FL (see Part 9), a good electrical connection from the vehicle 
chassis to earth shall be established before tanks are filled or emptied. In addition, the rate of 
filling shall be limited.
S3:                      Special provisions concerning the carriage of infectious substances
The requirements of the table columns (2), (3) and (5) in and 8.3.4 shall not apply.
S4:                      Additional requirements concerning carriage under controlled temperatures
Maintenance of the prescribed temperature is essential for safe carriage. In general, there shall 
-          thorough inspection of the transport unit prior to loading;
- instructions to the carrier about the operation of the refrigeration system, including a list of 
the suppliers of coolant available en route;
-         procedures to be followed in the event of loss of control;
-         regular monitoring of operating temperatures; and
-         availability of a back-up refrigeration system or spare parts.
The temperature of the air space within the transport unit shall be measured by two i dependent
sensors and the output shall be so recorded that temperature changes are readily detectable.
The temperature shall be checked every four to six hours and logged.
If the control temperature is exceeded during carriage, an alert procedure shall be initiated 
involving any necessary repairs to the refrigeration equipment or an increase in the cooling 
capacity (e.g. by adding liquid or solid coolant). There shall also be frequent checking of the 
temperature and preparations for implementation of the emergency procedures. If the emergency 
temperature (see also and to is reached, the emergency 
procedures shall be set in operation.
NOTE: This provision S4 does not apply to substances referred to in when substances are 
stabilized by the addition of chemical inhibitors such that the SADT is greater than 50 °C. In this 
 latter case, temperature control may be required under conditions of carriage where the 
temperature may exceed 55 °C.
S5:        Special  provisions  common  to  the  carriage  of  radioactive  material  of  Class  7  
in  excepted  packages (UN Nos. 2908, 2909, 2910 and 2911) only
The requirements of the instructions in writing of (b) and of 8.2.1, 8.3.1 and 8.3.4 shall 
not apply.
S6:         Special provisions common  to  the carriage of  radioactive  material of  Class 7  
other than in      excepted packages
The provisions of 8.3.1 shall not apply to vehicles carrying only packages, overpacks or containers 
bearing category I-WHITE labels.
The provisions of 8.3.4 shall not apply provided there is no subsidiary risk.
Other additional requirements or special provisions
S7:                      (Deleted)
S8:    When a  transport unit is loaded  with  more than 2  000  kg of  these  substances, stops  
for  service     requirements shall as far as possible not be made near inhabited places or 
frequented places. A longer stop near such places is permissible only with the consent of the 
competent authorities.
S9:               During the carriage of these substances, stops for service requirements shall as 
far as possible not be    made near inhabited places or frequented places. A longer stop near such 
places is permissible only with the consent of the competent authorities.
S10:                  During the period April to October, when a vehicle is stationary, the 
packages shall, if the legislation   of the country in which the vehicle is halted so requires, be 
effectively protected against the action of the sun, e.g. by means of sheets placed not less than 
20 cm above the load.
S11:       If,  according  to  other  regulations  applicable  in  the  country  of  a  Contracting 
 Party,  a  driver  has followed equivalent training under a different regime or for a different 
purpose covering the subjects defined in, the specialization training course may be 
totally or partially dispensed with.
S12:           If the total number of packages containing radioactive material carried in the 
transport unit does not     exceed 10, the sum of the transport indexes does not exceed 3 and there 
are no subsidiary risks, the requirements in 8.2.1 concerning the training of drivers need not be 
applied. However, drivers shall then receive appropriate training in the requirements governing the 
carriage of radioactive material, commensurate with their duties. This training shall provide them 
with an awareness of the radiation hazards involved in the carriage of radioactive material. Such 
awareness training shall be confirmed  by a certificate provided by their employer. See also 8.2.3.
S13:                    (Deleted)
S14:                The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply for vehicles carrying  any amount of these substances.
S15:                The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply for vehicles carrying  any amount of these substances. However, the provisions of Chapter 8.4 
need not be applied when the loaded compartment is locked or the packages carried are otherwise 
protected against any illicit unloading.
S16:                  The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when the total mass   of these substances in the vehicle exceeds 500 kg.
In addition, vehicles carrying more than 500 kg of these substances shall be subject at all times 
to supervision to prevent any malicious act and to alert the driver and competent authorities in 
the event of loss or fire.
S17:                  The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when the total mass   of these substances in the vehicle exceeds 1 000 kg.
S18:                  The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when the total mass   of such substances in the vehicle exceeds 2 000 kg.
S19:                  The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when the total mass   of such substances in the vehicle exceeds 5 000 kg.
S20:                  The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when the total mass   or volume of these substances in the vehicle exceeds 10 000 kg as 
packaged goods or 3 000 litres in tanks.
S21:       The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the  supervision of vehicles shall apply to all 
material, in       whatever mass. In addition, these goods shall be subject at all times to 
supervision to prevent any malicious act and to alert the driver and the competent authorities in 
the event of loss or fire.  However, the provisions of Chapter 8.4 need not be applied where:
(a)    The loaded compartment is locked or the packages carried are otherwise protected against    
illicit unloading; and
(b)   The dose rate does not exceed 5❍Sv/h at any accessible point on the outer surface of the    
S22:                  The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when the total mass   or volume of these substances in the vehicle exceeds 5 000 kg as 
packaged goods or 3 000 litres in tanks.
S23:                   The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when this substance   is carried in bulk or in tanks and when the total mass or volume in the 
vehicle exceeds 3 000 kg or       3 000 litres, as applicable.
S24:                  The provisions of Chapter 8.4 concerning the supervision of vehicles shall 
apply when the total mass   of these substances in the vehicle exceeds 100 kg.




General provisions

The provisions of this Chapter apply when the passage of vehicles through road tunnels is restricted in
accordance with 1.9.5.

Road signs or signals governing the passage of vehicles carrying dangerous goods

The tunnel category, assigned in accordance with by the competent authority to a given road
tunnel for the purpose of restricting the passage of transport units carrying dangerous goods, shall be
indicated as follows by means of road signs and signals:

Sign and signal

Tunnel category

No sign

Tunnel category A

Sign with an additional panel bearing a letter B

Tunnel category B

Sign with an additional panel bearing a letter C

Tunnel category C

Sign with an additional panel bearing a letter D

Tunnel category D

Sign with an additional panel bearing a letter E

Tunnel category E


Tunnel restriction codes

The restrictions for the transport of specific dangerous goods through tunnels are based on the tunnel
restriction code of these goods, indicated in Column (15) of Table A of Chapter 3.2. The tunnel
restriction codes are put between brackets at the bottom of the cell. When ‘(─)’ is indicated instead of
one of the tunnel restriction codes, the dangerous goods are not subject to any tunnel restriction; for
the dangerous goods assigned to UN Nos. 2919 and 3331, restrictions to the passage through tunnels
may, however, be part of the special arrangement approved by the competent authority(ies) on the
basis of

When a transport unit contains dangerous goods to which different tunnel restriction codes have been
assigned, the most restrictive of these tunnel restriction codes shall be assigned to the whole load.
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