Radioactive material in forms other than as specified in and with an activity not exceeding the limitsspecified in column4 of Table, may be classified under UN No. 2910 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, EXCEPTED PACKAGE - LIMITED QUANTITY OF MATERIAL provided that:

(a)The package retains its radioactive contents under routine conditions of carriage; and

(b)The package bears the mark "RADIOACTIVE" on either:

(i)An internal surface in such a manner that a warning of the presence of radioactivematerial is visible on opening the package; or

(ii)The outside of the package, where it is impractical to mark an internal surface.

Uranium hexafluoride not exceeding the limits specified in Column 4 of Table may be classified under UN 3507 URANIUM HEXAFLUORIDE, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, EXCEPTED PACKAGE, less than 0.1 kg per package, non-fissile or fissile-excepted provided that:

(a)The mass of uranium hexafluoride in the package is less than 0.1 kg;

(b)The conditions of (a) and (b) are met.

Articles manufactured of natural uranium, depleted uranium or natural thorium and articles in which the sole radioactive material is unirradiated natural uranium, unirradiated depleted uranium or unirradiated natural thorium may be classified under UN No.2909 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, EXCEPTED PACKAGE - ARTICLES MANUFACTURED FROM NATURAL URANIUM or DEPLETED URANIUM or NATURAL THORIUM, provided thatthe outer surface of the uranium or thorium is enclosed in an inactive sheath made of metal or some other substantial material.

An empty packaging which had previously contained radioactive material may be classified under UN No.2908 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, EXCEPTED PACKAGE - EMPTY PACKAGING, provided that:

(a)It is in a well-maintained condition and securely closed;

(b)Theouter surface of any uranium or thorium in its structure is covered with an inactive sheathmade of metal or some other substantial material;

(c)The level of internal non-fixed contamination, when averaged over any 300cm2, does notexceed:

(i)400 Bq/cm2for beta and gamma emitters and low toxicity alpha emitters; and

(ii)40 Bq/cm2for all other alpha emitters; and

(d)Any labels which may have been displayed on it in conformity with are no longervisible.

Classification as Low specific activity (LSA) material

Radioactive material may only be classified as LSA material if the definition of LSA in and the conditions of, and 7.5.11 CV33 (2) are met.

Classification as Surface contaminated object (SCO)

Radioactive material may be classified as SCO if the definition of SCO in and the conditions of, and 7.5.11 CV33(2) are met.

Classification as Type A package

Packages containing radioactive material maybe classified as Type A packages provided that the following conditions are met:

Type A packages shall not contain activities greater than either of the following:

(a)For special form radioactive material - A1;

(b)For all other radioactive material - A2.

For mixtures of radionuclides whose identities and respective activities are known, the following condition shall apply to the radioactive contents of a Type A package:

where B(i) is the activity of radionuclide i as special form radioactive material;

A1(i) is the A1value for radionuclidei;

C(j) is the activity of radionuclide j as other than special form radioactive material;

A2(j) is the A2value for radionuclide j.

Classification of uranium hexafluoride

Uranium hexafluoride shall only be assigned to:


(b)UN No. 2978, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, URANIUM HEXAFLUORIDE, non-fissile orfissile-excepted; or

(c)UN No. 3507, URANIUM HEXAFLUORIDE, RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, EXCEPTEDPACKAGE less than 0.1 kg per package, non-fissile or fissile-excepted.

The contents of a package containing uranium hexafluoride shall comply with the following requirements:

(a)For UN Nos. 2977 and 2978, the mass of uranium hexafluoride shall not be different from thatallowed for the package design, and for UN No. 3507, the mass of uranium hexafluoride shallbe less than 0.1 kg;

(b)The mass of uranium hexafluoride shall not be greater than a value that would lead to an ullagesmaller than 5% at the maximum temperature of the package as specified for the plant systemswhere the package shall be used; and

(c)The uranium hexafluoride shall be in solid form and the internal pressure shall not be aboveatmospheric pressure when presented for carriage.

Classification as Type B(U), Type B(M) or Type C packages

Packages not otherwise classified in ( to shall be classified in accordance with the competent authority certificateof approvalfor the package issued by the country of origin of design.

The contents of a Type B(U), Type B(M) or Type C package shall be as specified in the certificate of approval.

Special arrangements

Radioactive material shall be classified as transported under special arrangement when it is intended to be carried in accordance with 1.7.4.

Class 8 Corrosive substances

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