Prior to filling, the consignor shall ensure that the appropriate portable tank is used and that the portable tank is not filled with substances which in contact with the materials of the shell, gaskets, service equipment and any protective linings, are likely to react dangerously with them to form dangerous products or appreciably weaken these materials. The consignor may need to consult the

manufacturer of the substance in conjunction with the competent authority for guidance on the compatibility of the substance with the portable tank materials.

Portable tanks shall not be filled above the extent provided in to The applicability of, or to individual substances is specified in the applicable portable tank instruction or special provisions in or and Column (10) or (11) of Table A of Chapter 3.2.

The maximum degree of filling (in %) for general use is determined by the formula:

The maximum degree of filling (in %) for liquids of Class 6.1 and Class 8, in packing groups I and II, and liquids with an absolute vapour pressure of more than 175 kPa (1.75 bar) at 65 °C, is determined by the formula:

In these formulae, α is the mean coefficient of cubical expansion of the liquid between the mean temperature of the liquid during filling (tf) and the maximum mean bulk temperature during carriage (tr) (both in °C). For liquids carried under ambient conditions α could be calculated by the formula:

in which d15 and d50 are the densities of the liquid at 15 °C and 50 °C, respectively.

The maximum mean bulk temperature (tr) shall be taken as 50 °C except that, for journeys under temperate or extreme climatic conditions, the competent authorities concerned may agree to a lower or require a higher temperature, as appropriate.

The provisions of to do not apply to portable tanks which contain substances maintained at a temperature above 50 °C during carriage (e.g. by means of a heating device). For portable tanks equipped with a heating device, a temperature regulator shall be used to ensure the maximum degree of filling is not more than 95% full at any time during carriage.

The maximum degree of filling (in %) for solids carried above their melting point and for elevated temperature liquids shall be determined by the following formula:

in which df and dr are the densities of the liquid at the mean temperature of the liquid during filling and the maximum mean bulk temperature during carriage respectively.

Portable tanks shall not be offered for carriage:

(a) With a degree of filling, for liquids having a viscosity less than 2 680 mm2/s at 20 °C or maximum temperature of the substance during carriage in the case of the heated substance, of more than 20% but less than 80% unless the shells of portable tanks are divided, by partitions or surge plates, into sections of not more than 7 500 litres capacity;

(b) With residue of substances previously carried adhering to the outside of the shell or service equipment;

(c) When leaking or damaged to such an extent that the integrity of the portable tank or its lifting or securing arrangements may be affected; and

(d) Unless the service equipment has been examined and found to be in good working order.

Forklift pockets of portable tanks shall be closed off when the tank is filled. This provision does not apply to portable tanks which according to need not be provided with a means of closing off the forklift pockets.

Additional provisions applicable to the carriage of Class 3 substances in portable tanks

All portable tanks intended for the carriage of flammable liquids shall be closed and be fitted with relief devices in accordance with to

For portable tanks intended for use only on land, open venting systems may be used if allowed according to Chapter 4.3.

Additional provisions applicable to the carriage of Classes 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3 substances (other than Class 4.1 self-reactive substances) in portable tanks

NOTE: For Class 4.1 self-reactive substances, see

Additional provisions applicable to the carriage of Class 5.1 substances in portable tanks

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