For certain substances, tanks, battery-vehicles or MEGCs are subject to additional provisions which are included as special provisions in Column (13) of Table A in Chapter 3.2.
Tanks, battery-vehicles and MEGCs shall not be loaded with any dangerous substances other than those for the carriage of which they have been approved according to and which, in contact with the materials of the shell, gaskets, equipment and protective linings, are not liable to react dangerously with them (see "dangerous reaction" in 1.2.1), to form dangerous products or appreciably to weaken these materials2.
Foodstuffs shall not be carried in tanks used for dangerous substances unless the necessary steps have been taken to prevent any harm to public health.
The tank record shall be retained by the owner or the operator who shall be able to provide this documentation at the request of the competent authority. The tank record shall be maintained throughout the life of the tank and retained for 15 months after the tank is taken out of service.
Should a change of owner or operator occur during the life of the tank the tank record shall be transferred without delay to the new owner or operator.
Copies of the tank record or all necessary documents shall be made available to the expert for tests, inspections and checks on tanks in accordance with or, on the occasion of periodic inspections or exceptional checks.
The following degrees of filling shall not be exceeded in tanks intended for the carriage of liquids at ambient temperatures:
(a) for flammable substances, environmentally hazardous substances and flammable environmentally hazardous substances, without additional hazards (e.g. toxicity or corrosivity), in tanks with a breather device or with safety valves (even where preceded by a bursting disc):
(b) for toxic or corrosive substances (whether flammable or environmentally hazardous or not) in tanks with a breather device or with safety valves (even where preceded by a bursting disc):
(c) for flammable substances, environmentally hazardous substances and slightly toxic or corrosive substances (whether flammable or environmentally hazardous or not) in hermetically closed tanks without a safety device:
(d) for highly toxic, toxic, highly corrosive or corrosive substances (whether flammable or environmentally hazardous or not) in hermetically closed tanks without a safety device:
In these formulae, α is the mean coefficient of cubical expansion of the liquid between 15 °C and 50 °C, i.e. for a maximum variation in temperature of 35 °C.
α is calculated by the formula:
where d15 and d50 are the relative densities of the liquid at 15 °C and 50 °C respectively.
tF is the mean temperature of the liquid during filling.
2 It may be necessary to consult the manufacturer of the substance and the competent authority for guidance on the compatibility of the substance with the materials of the tank, battery-vehicle or MEGC.
The provisions of (a) to (d) above shall not apply to tanks whose contents are, by means of a heating device, maintained at a temperature above 50 °C during carriage. In this case the degree of filling at the outset shall be such, and the temperature so regulated, that the tank is not full to more than 95% of its capacity and that the filling temperature is not exceeded, at any time during carriage.
Shells intended for the carriage of substances in the liquid state or liquefied gases or refrigerated liquefied gases, which are not divided by partitions or surge plates into sections of not more than 7 500 litres capacity, shall be filled to not less than 80% or not more than 20% of their capacity.
This provision is not applicable to:
- liquids with a kinematic viscosity at 20 °C of at least 2 680 mm2/s;
- molten substances with a kinematic viscosity at the temperature of filling of at least 2 680 mm2/s;
The thickness of the walls of the shell shall not, throughout its use, fall below the minimum figure prescribed in: to | to
During carriage tank-containers/MEGCs shall be loaded on the carrying vehicle in such a way as to be adequately protected by the fittings of the carrying vehicle or of the tank-container/MEGC itself against lateral and longitudinal impact and against overturning3. If the tank- containers/MEGCs, including the service equipment, are so constructed as to withstand impact or overturning they need not be protected in this way. |
During filling and discharge of tanks, battery-vehicles and MEGCs, appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent the release of dangerous quantities of gases and vapours. Tanks, battery-vehicles and MEGCs shall be closed so that the contents cannot spill out uncontrolled. The openings of bottom- discharge tanks shall be closed by means of screw-threaded plugs, blank flanges or other equally effective devices. After filling, the filler shall ensure that all the closures of the tanks, battery-vehicles and MEGCs are in the closed position and there is no leakage. This also applies to the upper part of the dip tube.
3 Examples of protection of shells:
- protection against lateral impact may, for example, consist of longitudinal bars protecting the shell on both sides at the level of the median line;
- protection against overturning may, for example, consist of reinforcing rings or bars fixed transversally in relation to the frame;
- protection against rear impact, may, for example, consist of a bumper or frame.
Where several closure systems are fitted in series, that nearest to the substance being carried shall be closed first.
No dangerous residue of the filling substance shall adhere to the outside of the tank during carriage.