Design type examination
The applicant shall establish a technical documentation for each type of gas cartridges including the
technical standard(s) applied. If he chooses to apply a standard not referenced in 6.2.6, he shall add
the standard applied to the documentation.
The applicant shall retain the technical documentation together with samples of that type at the
disposal of the Xa body during production and afterwards for a period of minimum five years starting
from the last date of production of gas cartridges according to that type examination certificate.
The applicant shall after careful examination issue a design type certificate which shall be valid for a
maximum period of ten years; he shall add this certificate to the documentation. This certificate
authorises him to produce gas cartridges of that type for that period.
If within that period the relevant technical requirements of ADR (including referenced standards) have
changed so that the design type is no longer in conformity with them, the applicant shall withdraw his
type examination certificate and inform the Xa body.
The applicant may after careful and complete review reissue the certificate for another period of
maximum ten years.
Supervision of manufacture
The procedure of design type examination as well as the manufacturing process shall be subject to a
survey by the Xa body to ensure the type certified by the applicant and the product as produced are in
conformity with the provisions of the design type certificate and the applicable provisions of ADR. If (e) applies, the assembling and filling enterprises shall be included in that procedure.
The applicant shall take all the necessary measures to ensure that the manufacturing process complies
with the applicable provisions of ADR and of his design type certificate and its annexes. If (e) applies, the assembling and filling enterprises shall be included in that procedure.
The Xa body shall:
(a) Verify the conformity of the design type examination of the applicant and conformity of the
type of gas cartridges with the technical documentation specified in;
(b) Verify that the manufacturing process produces products in conformity with the requirements
and the documentation which apply to it; if the gas cartridge is finally assembled from parts
manufactured by the applicant by one or more enterprise(s), the Xa body shall also verify that
the gas cartridges are in full conformity with all applicable provisions after final assembly and
filling and that the instructions of the applicant are correctly applied;
(c) Verify that the personnel undertaking the permanent joining of parts and the tests are qualified
or approved;
(d) Record the results of its surveys.
If the findings of the Xa body show non-conformity of the design type certificate of the applicant or
the manufacturing process, he shall require appropriate corrective measures or withdrawal of the
certificate from the applicant.
Leakproofness test
The applicant and enterprises finally assembling and filling gas cartridges according to the
instructions of the applicant shall:
(a) Carry out the tests required in 6.2.6;
(b) Record the test results;
(c) Issue a certificate of conformity only for gas cartridges, which are in full compliance with the
provisions of his design type examination and the applicable provisions of ADR and have
successfully passed the tests as required in 6.2.6;
(d) Retain the documentation as specified in during production and afterwards for a period
of minimum five years from the last date of production of gas cartridges belonging to one type
approval for inspection by the Xa body at random intervals;
(e) Affix a durable and legible mark identifying the type of gas cartridge, the applicant and the
date of production or batch number; where due to limited available space the mark cannot be
fully applied to the body of the gas cartridge, he shall affix a durable tag with this information
to the gas cartridge or place it together with a gas cartridge in an inner packaging.
The Xa body shall:
(a) Perform the necessary examinations and tests at random intervals, but at least shortly after
starting of manufacture of a type of gas cartridges and thereafter at least once every three years,
in order to verify that the procedure for design type examination of the applicant as well as that
the manufacture and testing of the product are carried out in accordance with the design type
certificate and the relevant provisions;
(b) Check the certificates supplied by the applicant;
(c) Carry out the tests as required in 6.2.6 or approve the program of testing and the in-house
inspection service to carry out the tests.
The certificate shall contain as a minimum:
(a) The name and address of the applicant and, when the final assembly is not carried out by the
applicant but by an enterprise or enterprises in accordance with the written instructions of the
applicant, the name(s) and address(es) of these enterprises;
(b) A reference to the version of ADR and the standard(s) used for manufacture and tests;
(c) The result of inspections and tests;
(d) The data for marking as required in (e).
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