Approval process for periodic inspection and test bodies

Initial approval

A body desiring to perform periodic inspection and test of pressure receptacles in accordance with a
pressure receptacle standard and ADR shall apply for, obtain, and retain an approval certificate issued
by the competent authority.
This written approval shall, on request, be submitted to the competent authority of a country of use.

An application shall be made for each periodic inspection and test body and shall include:
(a) The name and address of the periodic inspection and test body and, if the application is
submitted by an authorised representative, its name and address;
(b) The address of each facility performing periodic inspection and test;
(c) The name and title of the person(s) responsible for the quality system;
(d) The designation of the pressure receptacles, the periodic inspection and test methods, and the
relevant pressure receptacle standards met by the quality system;
(e) Documentation on each facility, the equipment, and the quality system as specified
(f) The qualifications and training records of the periodic inspection and test personnel; and
(g) Details of any refusal of approval of a similar application by any other competent authority.

The competent authority shall:
(a) Examine the documentation to verify that the procedures are in accordance with the
requirements of the relevant pressure receptacle standards and ADR; and
(b) Conduct an audit in accordance with to verify that the inspections and tests are
carried out as required by the relevant pressure receptacle standards and ADR, to the
satisfaction of the competent authority.

After the audit has been carried out with satisfactory results and all applicable requirements
of have been satisfied, an approval certificate shall be issued. It shall include the name of the
periodic inspection and test body, the registered mark, the address of each facility, and the necessary
data for identification of its approved activities (e.g. designation of pressure receptacles, periodic
inspection and test method and pressure receptacle standards).

If the periodic inspection and test body is denied approval, the competent authority shall provide
written detailed reasons for such denial.

Modifications to periodic inspection and test body approvals

Following approval, the periodic inspection and test body shall notify the issuing competent authority
of any modifications to the information submitted under relating to the initial approval.
The modifications shall be evaluated in order to determine whether the requirements of the relevant
pressure receptacle standards and ADR will be satisfied. An audit in accordance with may
be required. The competent authority shall accept or reject these modifications in writing, and an
amended approval certificate shall be issued as necessary.


Upon request, the competent authority shall communicate to any other competent authority,
information concerning initial approvals, modifications of approvals, and withdrawn approvals.

Periodic inspection and test and certification

The application of the periodic inspection and test marks to a pressure receptacle shall be considered a
declaration that the pressure receptacle complies with the applicable pressure receptacle standards and
the requirements of ADR. The periodic inspection and test body shall affix the periodic inspection and
test marks, including its registered mark, to each approved pressure receptacle (see
A record certifying that a pressure receptacle has passed the periodic inspection and test shall be
issued by the periodic inspection and test body, before the pressure receptacle is filled.


The periodic inspection and test body shall retain records of pressure receptacle periodic inspection
and tests (both passed and failed) including the location of the test facility, for not less than 15 years.
The owner of the pressure receptacle shall retain an identical record until the next periodic inspection
and test unless the pressure receptacle is permanently removed from service.

Marking of refillable UN pressure receptacles

NOTE: Marking requirements for UN metal hydride storage systems are given in and
marking requirements for UN bundles of cylinders are given in

Refillable UN pressure receptacles shall be marked clearly and legibly with certification, operational
and manufacturing marks. These marks shall be permanently affixed (e.g. stamped, engraved, or
etched) on the pressure receptacle. The marks shall be on the shoulder, top end or neck of the pressure
receptacle or on a permanently affixed component of the pressure receptacle (e.g. welded collar or
corrosion resistant plate welded on the outer jacket of a closed cryogenic receptacle). Except for the
UN packaging symbol, the minimum size of the marks shall be 5 mm for pressure receptacles with a
diameter greater than or equal to 140 mm and 2.5 mm for pressure receptacles with a diameter less
than 140 mm. The minimum size of the UN packaging symbol shall be 10 mm for pressure
receptacles with a diameter greater than or equal to 140 mm and 5 mm for pressure receptacles with a
diameter less than 140 mm.

The following certification marks shall be applied:
(a) The United Nations packaging symbol   
This symbol shall not be used for any purpose other than certifying that a packaging, a flexible
bulk container, a portable tank or a MEGC complies with the relevant requirements in
Chapter 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 or 6.11;
(b) The technical standard (e.g. ISO 9809-1) used for design, manufacture and testing; 
(c) The character(s) identifying the country of approval as indicated by the distinguishing sign
used on vehicles in international road traffic2;
2 Distinguishing sign of the State of registration used on motor vehicles and trailers in international road traffic,
e.g. in accordance with the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic of 1949 or the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of
NOTE: The country of approval shall be understood to be the country that approved the
body which inspected the individual receptacle at time of manufacture.
(d) The identity mark or stamp of the inspection body that is registered with the competent
authority of the country authorizing the marking;
(e) The date of the initial inspection, the year (four digits) followed by the month (two digits)
separated by a slash (i.e. "/");


The following operational marks shall be applied:
(f)       The test pressure in bar, preceded by the letters "PH" and followed by the letters "BAR";
(g) The  mass of the  empty pressure  receptacle  including all permanently attached  integral  
parts (e.g. neck ring, foot ring, etc.) in kilograms, followed by the letters "KG". This mass shall 
not include the mass of valve, valve cap or valve guard, any coating or porous material for 
acetylene. The mass shall be expressed to three significant figures rounded up to the last digit. 
For cylinders of less than 1 kg, the mass shall be expressed to two significant figures rounded up 
to the last digit. In the case of pressure receptacles for UN No. 1001 acetylene, dissolved  and UN 
No. 3374 acetylene, solvent free, at least one decimal shall be shown after the decimal point and 
two digits for pressure receptacles of less than 1 kg;
(h)   The minimum guaranteed wall thickness of the pressure receptacle in millimetres followed by   
the letters "MM". This mark is not required for pressure receptacles with a water capacity less 
than or equal to 1 litre or for composite cylinders or for closed cryogenic receptacles;
(i)    In the case of pressure receptacles for compressed gases, UN No. 1001 acetylene, dissolved,  
   and UN No. 3374 acetylene, solvent free, the working pressure in bar, preceded by the letters 
"PW". In the case of closed cryogenic receptacles, the maximum allowable working pressure preceded 
by the letters "MAWP";
(j)     In the case of pressure receptacles for liquefied gases and refrigerated liquefied gases, 
the     water capacity in litres expressed to three significant figures rounded down to the last 
digit, followed by the letter "L". If the value of the minimum or nominal water capacity is an 
integer, the figures after the decimal point may be neglected;
(k)    In the case of pressure receptacles for UN No. 1001 acetylene, dissolved, the total of the 
mass   of the empty receptacle, the fittings and accessories not removed during filling, any 
coating,  the porous material, the solvent and the saturation gas expressed to three significant 
figures rounded down to the last digit followed by the letters "KG". At least one decimal shall be 
shown after the decimal point. For pressure receptacles of less than 1 kg, the mass shall be 
expressed to two significant figures rounded down to the last digit;
(l)    In the case of pressure receptacles for UN No. 3374 acetylene, solvent free, the total of 
the     mass of the empty receptacle, the fittings and accessories not removed during filling, any 
coating and the porous material expressed to three significant figures rounded down to the last 
digit followed by the letters "KG". At least one decimal shall be shown after the decimal point. 
For pressure receptacles of less than 1 kg, the mass shall be expressed to two significant figures 
rounded down to the last digit;

The following manufacturing marks shall be applied:
(m) Identification of the cylinder thread (e.g. 25E). This mark is not required for closed cryogenic
(n) The manufacturer's mark registered by the competent authority. When the country of
manufacture is not the same as the country of approval, then the manufacturer's mark shall be
preceded by the character(s) identifying the country of manufacture as indicated by the
distinguishing sign used on vehicles in international road traffic2. The country mark and the
manufacturer’s mark shall be separated by a space or slash;
(o) The serial number assigned by the manufacturer;
(p) In the case of steel pressure receptacles and composite pressure receptacles with steel liner
intended for the carriage of gases with a risk of hydrogen embrittlement, the letter "H" showing
compatibility of the steel (see ISO 11114-1:2012);
(q) For composite cylinders and tubes having a limited design life, the letters "FINAL" followed
by the design life shown as the year (four digits) followed by the month (two digits) separated
by a slash (i.e. "/");
(r) For composite cylinders and tubes having a limited design life greater than 15 years and for
composite cylinders and tubes having non-limited design life, the letters "SERVICE" followed
by the date 15 years from the date of manufacture (initial inspection) shown as the year (four
digits) followed by the month (two digits) separated by a slash (i.e. "/").
NOTE: Once the initial design type has passed the service life test programme requirements
in accordance with NOTE 2 or NOTE 2, future production no longer
requires this initial service life mark. The initial service life mark shall be made unreadable on
cylinders and tubes of a design type that has met the service life test programme requirements.


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