Drop test
For all types of large packagings as a design type test.
Preparation of large packaging for testing
The large packaging shall be filled in accordance with
Method of testing
The large packaging shall be dropped onto a non resilient, horizontal, flat, massive and rigid surface in
conformity with the requirements of, in such a manner as to ensure that the point of impact is
that part of the base of the large packaging considered to be the most vulnerable.
Drop height
NOTE: Large packagings for substances and articles of Class 1 shall be tested at the packing group
II performance level.
For inner packagings containing solid or liquid substances or articles, if the test is performed with the
solid, liquid or articles to be carried, or with another substance or article having essentially the same
Packing group I
Packing group II
Packing group III
1.8 m
1.2 m
0.8 m
For inner packagings containing liquids if the test is performed with water:
(a) Where the substances to be carried have a relative density not exceeding 1.2:
Packing group I
Packing group II
Packing group III
1.8 m
1.2 m
0.8 m
(b) Where the substances to be carried have a relative density exceeding 1.2, the drop height shall be calculated on the basis of the relative density (d) of the substance to be carried, rounded up to the first decimal, as follows:
Packing group I
Packing group II
Packing group III
d 1.5 (m)
d 1.0 (m)
d 0.67 (m)
Criteria for passing the test
The large packaging shall not exhibit any damage liable to affect safety during carriage. There shall be
no leakage of the filling substance from inner packaging(s) or article(s).
No rupture is permitted in large packagings for articles of Class 1 which would permit the spillage of
loose explosive substances or articles from the large packaging.
Where a large packaging undergoes a drop test, the sample passes the test if the entire contents are
retained even if the closure is no longer sift-proof.
Certification and test report
In respect of each design type of large packaging a certificate and mark (as in 6.6.3) shall be issued
attesting that the design type including its equipment meets the test requirements.
A test report containing at least the following particulars shall be drawn up and shall be made
available to the users of the large packaging:
1. Name and address of the test facility;
2. Name and address of applicant (where appropriate);
3. A unique test report identification;
4. Date of the test report;
5. Manufacturer of the large packaging;
6. Description of the large packaging design type (e.g. dimensions, materials, closures, thickness,
etc) and/or photograph(s);
7. Maximum capacity/maximum permissible gross mass;
8. Characteristics of test contents, e.g. types and descriptions of inner packagings or articles used;
9. Test descriptions and results;
10. The test report shall be signed with the name and status of the signatory.
The test report shall contain statements that the large packaging prepared as for carriage was tested in
accordance with the appropriate provisions of this Chapter and that the use of other packaging
methods or components may render it invalid. A copy of the test report shall be available to the
competent authority.
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